Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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What does regristation required current cycle (life supv) mean my husband is in prison and I want to know what this means. Thank you

Asked by Daisy almost 9 years ago

I am unfamiliar with the terminology.  My educated guess means that he will be on parole supervision for the rest of his life when/if he is ever paroled.  I could easily be wrong. 

How would cognitive therapy help in counseling inmates?

Asked by Neal Bracken almost 9 years ago

My opinion, for what that may be worth is, generally speaking, no.

Suppose a prisoner is getting agitated because of personal family issues at home. S/he would like to get out to deal with these issues, however unrealistic, how can a Corrections Counselor help that prisoner cope?

Asked by 1nbracken over 8 years ago

Correctional counselors are not, generally speaking, counselors in the mental health usage of the word.  At least in CA there is a mechanism for letting some prisoners out temporarily under certain circumstances.  It is called TCL, Temporary Community Leave.  The counselor is an important part of the paperwork chain in this process.  Normally a prison shrink would be the one to help the prisoner "cope" with the stress of the situation.

Sorry, I meant to ask how long it takes to reach the max pay range for a CO.

Asked by Patrick over 9 years ago

When I was there it was five years.  Now there is a separate step for the academy as well, which is 14 weeks.

What are the laws for a person on probation to live with a correctional officer??

Asked by Catalinaa over 8 years ago

It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  It would almost certainly have to be reported both to the probation officer and to the employing agency.  Generally speaking it would be considered to be inappropriate and even illegal due to the fact that there is a power imbalance between the two.  The law would consider that the officer was in some fashion coercing behavior from the probationer even if it were not actually true.  IF there was a documented relationship between the two prior to incarceration and if both the employer and probation officer approved you could get by with it.  If not you could easily end up with the officer being fired and even prosecuted.  I have seen it happen.  

Follow-up question. What specific body language or other clues would you look for?

Asked by Neal Bracken over 8 years ago

If the "victim" looks scared to death and shys away whenever the "aggressor" is in his immediate error would be one good clue.  If you go by the cell or other enclosed semi-private area and see the "victim" performing an act of fellatio on the "aggressor" with a knife to his throat would be another pretty good clue.

What's academy like? I'm a 32 year old military veteran. Is it going to be anything like BMT (bootcamp)? Because I feel like I'm a bit too old to have some chinstrap screaming/spitting in my face trying to break me down to 'mold' me.

Asked by StalwartHero over 8 years ago

It depends where.  Some jurisdictions use a very bootcamp-like training operation.  Some a very classroom oriented with a minimal physical component and necessary chemical agents and firearms training.