Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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I am white, 26, very well-educated, upper-class, not athletic, socially awkward. What could I expect in prison? Would I probably be left alone if I kept to myself, or would I be a target for violence, harassment, or extortion? Just curious!

Asked by Alex over 9 years ago

A white guy has a much easier time of it in prison, generally speaking, than would a black or a Hispanic, at least in the CA system.  There is a lot of pressure for blacks to choose sides, and even more than that on Hispanics.  As long as you hang out with white guys the others will leave you alone (mostly-probably) and the whites will not apply undue pressure to join gang activity (mostly-probably).  If they believe you have money they might target you for "rent payment." 

When a belly chain is used are the prisoners arms wrapped under the chain?

Asked by jlindner600@gmail over 8 years ago

No.  Generally speaking belly chains have 1/2 handcuffs, one on each side, welded to the belly chains.  Then the handcuffs are used to secure the prisoners wrists.  I have also seen them with a full set of handcuffs attached more or less dead center front, securing both of the prisoners hands in front of him. 

Hello my name is Luis. I'm a criminal justice student and I'm currently writing a research paper about the duties and daily task of a CO in Ca. Can a get a brief description about your job, the daily routine of the job and what programs are available

Asked by Luis A. Gonzalez about 9 years ago

I have been retired for nearly 11 years but I suspect the job has changed very little.  You can get a lot of this info from the CDCR web site from the job application for Correctional Officer and from Title 15 of the California Code of Regulation, which is also available on line.  That is the rule book of the director of the Dept. of Corrections. 

Available programs for inmates differ widely based on a persons custody classification, educational background and length of commitment.

Correctional Officers provide much of the security oversight, custody, control and delivery of basic services to prisoners.  They do the count, hand out mail and housing supplies, provide custody coverage for inmate movement (like to the yard or meals), search cells, search common areas, respond to emergencies.  Pretty much like what you would expect.

What to expect from inmates on your first day??

Asked by acegirl07 over 9 years ago

You can expect a certain amount of "hazing" and resistance.  The inmates will normally want to see if they can push or fake you out.  Normally on a first day you will be in the company of an experienced officer who will (hopefully) give you a feel for what is going on.  You will, however, obviously be a newbie.  Your uniform will be new, you will not know the language and you will probably seem a little unsure or hesitant.  You will not even know where a lot of things are.  Its not a big deal, and it is not generally speaking personal. 

If you work by yourself an every prisoners shouted at you they want something who will you do first

Asked by Paul about 9 years ago

You have to prioritize obviously.  Someone who is bleeding from a cut arm will get quicker service than someone who wants you to pick up a cell change request. 

How long does it usually take to reach range K? Thank you.

Asked by Patrick over 9 years ago

Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the term. 

what would you do if someone tried to escape? and what would you do if someone escaped?

Asked by dylan about 9 years ago

If someone tries to escape we shoot at them.  If they do actually escape we pursue them, go to places they are likely to be (mothers house, girlfriends house, etc) and otherwise try to catch them.