Correctional Officer

Correctional Officer

Bob Walsh

Stockton, CA

Male, 60

I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.

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454 Questions


Last Answer on February 10, 2022

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Do you get a ticket when a cop pulls you over? Do cops consider correctional officers as one of their own?

Asked by CO2015 almost 10 years ago

Depends.  In CA there is, at least in some areas, a lot of friction between the CHP and CDCR and the chippies cut CDCR officers no slack.  In most areas (as far as I know) the locals cut CDCR some slack, as long as the officer in question isn't acting like an idiot.  My way of dealing with it is simpler, obey the traffic laws and avoid being stopped. 

In the show jail, I am appalled by the way excessive force is used on the prisoners for no reason. The women are the worst! How the hell do these officers get away with this sick misconduct!?

Asked by Infantry blue over 10 years ago

I do not agree with your basic premise, so it is difficult for me to make a meaningful response to your question.

what Experience, education, and training required, the
Desirable personality traits, and
General working conditions.

Asked by ashlee over 9 years ago

Only a high school diploma or GED is required for entrance.  There is significant training at the academy, currently 12 weeks, and regular required In-Service Training.  Work conditions can be difficult.  There is shift work involved, especially when you have little seniority.  Most areas of the prisons are not air conditioned and during the summer they can be unpleasant.  Sometimes people try to kill  you, though that does not happen often.  You have to be willing to listen, willing to learn, willing to take orders and be willing to interact tactfully with people who don't particularly want to listen to you.  It is an entry level position so there is no actual EXPERIENCE required beyond a satisfactory history as a law-abiding citizen, though a stable work or school history before application is highly desirable and looks good.

So i have an interview. And its for a correctional officer position tomorrow. What questions should be expected that they might ask me. And what are some good answers to tell them?

Asked by Jeorge about 10 years ago

Assuming it is an entry level position (it is in CA where I worked) they will not expect you to know much about the actual job.  That is what they have training academies for.  They will be interested in your general notions about the prison system, use of force and that sort of thing.  They may want some basic info about your writing skills (way back when a short written presentation was part of the oral exam.  I don't know if it still is or not).  They may wonder about how you feel about shift work.  The truth is always a good response in such things.  Thoughtful responses but not off-the-cuff are also good.  Flippant is bad.  They will want to know about any potential blips in your history, like drug use, recent minor criminal activity, even a history of minor traffic infractions is often a red flag as it can indicate a lack of respect for authority or "the system."  DUI, especially moderately recent, is also a bad thing.  It is good if you have an honest and sincere interest in a CAREER as opposed to just a job.  Flexibility is good.  If you go in telling them you can't work nights or weekend because of this or that or the other thing they are likely to think you are not truly interested in the gig, or you will be as problem child if you get the gig. 

Is it legal to carry a Fixed blade knife in California as long as it is visible and in a sheath ?

Asked by Chris about 10 years ago

Not exactly my field of expertise, I have never been a street cop.  My guess is that within the city limits it is a no-no and would be considered a weapon. 

In 89 Dad retired from Soledad as a Lieutenant. (20 years service). The stress finally broke him. Dad had nightmares. He only discussed his memories with a therapist. Please, share some of your difficult memories? I'd feel less isolated from Dad. Tkx

Asked by Lieutenant's daughter over 10 years ago

It is hard to say what stresses one person and not another.  I never had a staff member murdered on the job in all the time I was there.  I did have staff members die.  I had to tell staff that family members had died.  I had to tell inmates that family members died, and tell family members that inmates died, often violently.  I had inmates I got along wel with murdered, at least once by mistaken identity of having gotten in the way of something that was going on. 

For some people the on-going stress, not immediate situation stress, is what gets to them.  When the alarm goes off you don't know if it is a false alarm or someone has just gotten murdered.  At the end of shift and you really want to go home you can't, because some butthead called in sick so he could watch the game.  (That happened to me on Y2K when a couple of guys that had been prescheduled to come it simply didn't show.)

Sometimes the stressors are from above, from management.  I had one boss who I truly beleive was deliberately trying to get me hurt to force me out of the job.  I had one or two others who were lazy and/or incompetent.  One or two that were just plain nasty for no reason.  I was screwed with repeatedly on promotional opportunities, little things like mailing my interview notice to a "mistaken" zip code in Saskatchewan so I got it after my interview date.  Once I showed up for a promotion interview 12 minutes early and I was ordered to leave as I was "too early" or I would be arrested for trespassing.  Really.  You get used to the inmates trying to screw you over. Its expected.  You don't get used to staff trying to screw you over. 

Soledad was a very violent place at that time.  People trying to kill you just because you are there can mess with your head.


My friend is serving a 10 yr sentence, felony 1 and 2. He will be up for release in a few months half way through the sentence....what do you think the chances would be for him to get out on parol? He did programs and has stayed out of trouble.

Asked by retta almost 9 years ago

it depends a huge amount of the jurisdiction.  in California now parole is virtually automatic.  they are trying to reduce sentences.  in some states they are very snotty about it, especially depending on the offense and record of priors.