Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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Why is it illegal for a defense lineman to put hands in the face of an offensive lineman, but a ball runner can stiff arm a tackler in the face?

Asked by Gary over 4 years ago


At the end of the Giants game today... There was an interception in the endzone by the Browns on the final play of the game. The Browns player ran out of the back of the end zone after the time has expired. Why were the NYG not given these two points

Asked by Popas13 over 3 years ago


are clear mirror visors legal in college football. ( Clear Mirror SHOC Zero G Football Visor) to be more specific

Asked by Wes about 4 years ago


In reference to the TCU vs Baylor ending. In the final seconds of a game, how long does the defense have to substitute players when the field goal team runs on the field. If Baylor trotted off the field, time would have expired.

Asked by kevin kennedy over 2 years ago


On Friday night, a 60 yard run ended in front of me with a TD as the back pulled away the last 10 yards. A minute after a call was made that removed the score and the ball was placed at the 11 yard line with no signal given. what was the infraction?

Asked by Brent Childress over 4 years ago


At what point does forward progress end a play. In this Seattle and Carolina game, forward progress was stopped prior to the goal line and he was being carried backwards before he extended his arm to break the plain. Why wasn't it dead ball prior to?

Asked by Adam about 2 years ago


A pass was intercepted in the end zone but the defensive player catching the ball was coming down out of bounds so he flipped a lateral to a teamate who was still in bounds but it was a forward lateral. After review, they allowed it. How can they?

Asked by Dave DeWilfond about 2 years ago