Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

Best Rated

A1 drops back to pass and throws a screen pass behind the LOS to A20. Just before the ball arrives (1) A20 is contacted by B50, or (2) B50 grabs and pulls A20 by the jersey. In either case, the contact causes the ball to fall incomplete. Ruling?

Asked by duck over 5 years ago


I want you to look at how an association works to get children to start playing football?

Why do you start playing football and are there any differences in causes between the sexes?

Do you think that football is fair from a gender equality perspective, explain and analyze what it looks like at club team level but also from an international perspective?

Does everyone get an equal education and do all children get an equal chance / opportunity to start playing football?

In an association / club have you during your time as a football player talked and discussed various ethical issues? What could be the ethical dilemmas one faces in a football team?

Is there a special body ideal as a football player? Are manufacturers trying to influence our view of this? Is there something that has been discussed and how do you work in your clubs to counteract body ailments?

Asked by qaiss over 4 years ago


A's ball on B's 30 yd line, 3rd and 20. A10's pass is intercepted on B's 8 yd line and returned to B's 15 where A25 piles on. During the pass we had DPI against B. Ruling?

Asked by duck over 5 years ago


Can't ask my question in 250 words. Can I send you an email with a picture?

Asked by DougMH over 5 years ago


KC punts. KC touches ball at 1 to keep from being a touchback. Cleveland player knows that he can try & pick up ball w/ no risk so he simply taps the ball off KC player so that it now enters the end zone. Is this now a touchback instead of down at 1?

Asked by Markcif over 3 years ago


In the NFL, if a team lines up for a 2 point conversion, is it legal to snap the ball to the kicker and have him drop kick it for 1 point?

Asked by Special K over 5 years ago


If time in the fourth quarter expires during a play, does the game end if the offense incurs a penalty while the defense is in possession of the ball? Example - Ball is intercepted and a face mask penalty is called on the tackle.

Asked by Jon W. about 2 years ago