Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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When a police officer pulls over someone, what are they doing in the police car with the computer after they get the license and registration? What specifically are they doing on the computer? Why does it take 10-20+ minutes if they are using a CPU?

Asked by ABC about 11 years ago

A "CPU" is only part of the computer system, and typically not the slow part.  If the officer is using some type of computer, it is networked via cell data service.  The network is likely 3G or slower, so sending a request (such as a check on the validity of your license) is not as fast as you might hope.  Also, since many of the computers are running some type of Windows OS, crashes are common.  Frequently, I have sat on the side of the road while waiting for the system to reboot.  Also, if there is someone that has a warrant who has a similar name, the officer will do additional research to make sure he or she shouldn't arrest you.  10-20 minutes isn't a long time for you to be stopped.

My daughter's friend has been staying with us. She says her mom and brother are abusive and hate her. Her mom tells her she doesn't want to talk to her. Now her mom is coming to get her. I love her being here with us. She is safe and loved. Can I ssn

Asked by mandy over 10 years ago

You want to be extremely careful when getting involved in other people's affairs.  You are only getting one side of things, and she is probably not giving you the entire story.  

If you honestly believe that her mother is abusive, then call the police.  If, on the other hand, you think that it is just a case of a teen who doesn't want to follow house rules, then do not call the police.

You certainly cannot keep her from her mother.

Hello. I live in an area policed by a county department. But my village has its own small police department of 6 or 5 men. Apparently, it's staffed 24/7. How could shifts possibly be organized to make that possible? (They answer their own calls.)

Asked by Name over 11 years ago

I don't know.  You should pop in to the local department, introduce yourself and ask.  They might even have a citizens academy where they go over all of the department's functions.

That's very interesting that the study showed that about having a partner or not. Do you know why that is? Or is it just a statistic? Thanks again. (By the way, I'm 16 and thinking of going into law enforcement and this Q&A is great.)

Asked by Jet over 10 years ago

I'm afraid I cannot explain the why, just take a few guesses.  I believe the first study was conducted in San Diego during the 1970's.  There may have been additional studies since then.  Put Google to work - I imagine that you should be able to find the study published online.  Also, there may be newer studies that support or contradict the original.

Would getting a degree in forensic science be useful for policing? I hear that everything you need to know will be taught during the academy? THX for your time.

Asked by Jimmy over 10 years ago

A forensic science degree may be useful for certain specialized duties.  The academy teaches the absolute basics needed to begin a policing career.  It does not teach you everything you need to know.  It is a starting point only.

if me and my man break up do i haved to give him the phone he gave me as a gift back????

Asked by britster about 11 years ago


Hello, I was wondering if over a year ago while being broken up with I told my girlfriend I was gona stab myself and she called 911 and I willingly went to hospitol slept off my drunkines and went home if that would disqualify me from becoming a cop?

Asked by TCA over 10 years ago
