Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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Why are cops rarely held criminally responsible for police brutality?

Asked by Shannon R almost 11 years ago

An interesting, but loaded, question.

The term "police brutality" is a subjective one that is likely to inflame the conversation.  I'll presume that you are referring to the unlawful use of force, which is any time a police officer uses force - regardless of the perceived brutality - when it is not legally permissible.

Police officers are permitted to use that force which is reasonable during the performance of their duties.  Many people do not understand what is reasonable because they do not have the training in, or understanding of, the dynamics of a violent encounter.  I'd suggest looking at credible sources such as the Force Science Institute ( http://www.forcescience.org/ ) for a better understanding of the application of force.  Anything you've seen in the movies is likely crap, by the way.

For a better understanding of when officers may use force, a review of the case law is an excellent starting point.  Graham v. Connor [490 U.S. 386 (1989)] is typically cited as being the defining case regarding police use of force.  Although the case clarified a number of issues, the court essentially said that things were pretty clearly stated in their earlier decision in Tennessee v. Garner [471 U.S. 1 (1985)].  Both cases offer remarkably insightful opinions, and they should be read in full.  Summaries of the cases in Wikipedia and elsewhere fail to give the true scope and color of the opinions.

An additional problem with your question is the unstated assumption that there are frequent incidents of police officers unlawfully using force.  I believe the premise is false, and every credible study on police use of force I have seen shows that officers are very hesitant to use force.  In fact studies have shown that even when clearly justified, officers still are slow to use force.

Are there times when an officer unlawfully uses force and are not criminally prosecuted?  Sure.  There are a variety of reasons this may be true.  For example, the unlawful use of force may be charged at the federal level if the officer was acting under "color of law," or at the state level for the charge of battery (or similar).  Just like any other case, the prosecution must be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused officer committed the crime and that he or she intended to commit the crime (mens rea).  Lacking the ability to prove those things, the prosecution will not proceed.

Hi! I'm Vanessa and I was wondering if it is hard being a police officer

Asked by Vanessa over 10 years ago

It can be.  Time away from the family, physical danger and dealing with other people's problems are just some of the downsides to the job.

Can I got to the police station and find out if I can legally buy/own a firearm instead of going to a firearm store?

Asked by Ralph about 11 years ago


Commercial firearms transactions go through a special FBI database.  The database used is not one that is available to other law enforcement agencies.  Some of the information in the database is available to outside agencies through other files, but not all of it.  For example, if a police officer was to run a "normal" criminal history on a person, it would show prior felony convictions but not other things like if you had been adjudicated mentally ill, renounced your citizenship, etc.

Chances are you are the best person to know if you are no longer allowed to own a firearm.  If you have a specific question about a possible prohibition, feel free to ask.

Is it unfair that NYPD cops make as little as $30,000 per year, whereas in my town there is a small PD where they each make more than $100,000 and the chief makes more than Ray Kelly? (Never violent crimes in my town. And its not because of them.)...

Asked by Student about 11 years ago

Fair is a BS concept typically used by people who covet what other people have.  Life isn't fair.  Life is about choices.  

If a person wants to work for NYPD, they know what the job pays going into it.  If a potential applicant wants better pay, they will go elsewhere.  If the citizens of New York want the best possible people applying to be police officers then they will offer more competitive salaries.  

Can I get into trouble or arrested for saying "fuck you" or "go fuck yourself" to a cop over the phone?

Asked by Neis over 10 years ago

It depends on the circumstances.

For how many days a Dog can sniff the smell left in the air. Eg a dead body is dragged through mud on a rainy day and its a rainy season. For how many days sniffer dogs can search

Asked by Jinu18 over 10 years ago

I don't know.  I did a lot of things as a cop, but I was never a K9 handler.

i have multiple questions for a school project to ask?

Asked by Alicea over 11 years ago
