Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

Best Rated

From the perspective of a police officer, does it worry you or calm you to know that some citizens can legally carry firearms? Sure, they can help stop a shooting before the police show up, but should ordinary citizens have the power to end a life?

Asked by Hello about 11 years ago

Yes - Every citizen is entitled to self-defense, including the use of deadly force when they are in reasonable fear for their life or the life of another person.  What difference does it make if they use a firearm, knife, baseball bat or their own hands/feet?  The difference is that the weak can defend themselves from stronger, younger predators.  No law abiding citizen should be disbarred the use of arms for the defense of themselves and their family.

hi look up angela benjamin

Asked by jayzia over 10 years ago


can you join the police academy in year 11 and 12 or is that to young?

Asked by lozza over 11 years ago

I believe all states require a police officer to be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED as an absolute minimum.  Most departments have more requirements than that (21+, college or military) to be employed.

I would suggest getting involved in the Explorers program at your local department.  It is perfect for someone who is still in high school.

I understand that a detective cannot search or seize anything unless he has a warrant or exigent circumstances. Does that also apply to a burn down house? Does an officer need a warrant to search a house that is burnt to the ground?

Asked by Petal almost 11 years ago

I would assume so, but there may be statutory or case law that says otherwise.  I'd suggest contacting a lawyer if this is more than a theoretical query.

When a police officer is not on patrol, what are they doing at the police station?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

Any number of things including:  processing evidence, contacting witnesses, writing reports, picking up supplies, talking to a seargent, filling out school requests, showering after being exposed to blood or other bodily fluids, returning a phone call, sending out a subpoena, printing off reports for court, conducting a suspect interview, using the restroom, eating lunch, swapping radio batteries, entering stolen articles into NCIC, completing online or inservice training, submitting to a drug test, being inspected, picking up an item for delivery to another agency or court, etc, etc, etc.

If a cop tells me to stop speaking spanish do I have to listen? Can he arrest me for not obeying his order?

Asked by Wondering almost 11 years ago

It depends on the situation.

If minor auto accident & both parties agree payment resolution w/o insurance. Exchange bus cards..Later call police to report it. Must the fault party days later report also to police? No proof of accident occurred

Asked by BurnedBentley over 11 years ago

Depends on state law.  Different states have different laws, so contact a local law enforcement agency.