School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

Do you get to pick stops times? Do you draft your route and have it approved? Or is it picked by the company/district and it is what it is? What about if you wanted it changed.

Asked by San over 5 years ago

That depends on the district. Some districts choose for drivers other districts let drivers choose the stops and times. If you want something changed, talk politely to your driver about the policy on how to go about doing that.

What is the difference between a sequential flashing system and a non-Sequential sequential flashing system?

Asked by Dimmue over 5 years ago

One is sequential and the other is non sequential sequential? My guess is that you may be referring to the student lights. When they alternate thats non sequential but they still all work sequentially together. Whereas the hazard lights are flashing all together at once.

Have you ever spotted Big Foot?

Asked by Yetti over 5 years ago

Nope but many of my highschoolers could compare.

So that being said a guy would have to be seated next to a girl and vice versa. She has other weird rules. Asking for someone else.

Asked by Confused over 5 years ago

What other weird rules are you talking about?

I am a veratrin driver for around 50 years now. My new district has threatened to fire me if I do not get my act together. Never had those problems in other districts or company's. The director is understanding but people in school board are assholes

Asked by Carlene over 5 years ago

What brought about them threatening you in the first place?

Has anyone ever gave you a tip before?

Asked by Brandy over 5 years ago

Yes. It's few and far between but gifts and tips do happen. This one time, I was specially selected to provide transportation for a group of people coming in from out of town and they provided tips which were a welcome bonus.

What are bus driver stereotypes that are/ aren’t true

Asked by Sally over 5 years ago

Identify the stereotypes and I'll confirm or deny.