School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

Is it true that some bus drivers pull in to a school and wait 30 minutes even a hour just to be the first ones there? If you where a supervisor would you allow buses to wait as long as some do?

Asked by Rodney over 5 years ago

Yes it's true at least for my district. Personally that is on individual bus drivers call but as for me I am not a babysitter therefore i refuse to wait any longer than i have to.

What are the most common complaints parents give you?

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

My kid is getting bullied but they called such and so a name first..... or can you come later we don't get up that early. Or can you take my kid on my overcrowded first run because I'm too lazy to make other arrangements.

Hey yo wht do the thingamigigger do in the dash that has the little red blinking light?

Asked by Donnie the man bro over 5 years ago

The thingamajigger is likely the digital camera system. The blinking light says its running. There may be a red button on it that the driver can push for automatic student ejection (just kidding) though really if they push that button it marks the tape and allows the driver to return to that moment in order to view what happened on video. Other flashy items on the dash may be the student lights or the left or right indicators.

What happens if you break down on a one lane road with no shoulder?

Asked by Chicken Little almost 6 years ago

You call a tow truck and the mechanics. Then put out the hazard triangles to show motorists of the hazard of your vehicle in the road.

For real try and write me up for a dirty bus when I clean my bus every day. Other weird stuff they pull. The director of transportation is a good guy. They do it to other drivers too. Advice? I have chilled a bit. Then they talk about misbehavior

Asked by Carlene over 5 years ago

Take photos of your bus that's been clean and document document document. If you're writing kids up for little things then maybe its time you found another job?

Do very many buses have air horns? What is the loudest on you have even heard on a bus? Do you think the ones that the locomotives have would help with drivers running stop signs?

Asked by Jack Black (not really, lol) almost 6 years ago

Not that I've seen but it would be awesome if we did have air horns. People are gonna run our stop signs regardless.

Is It dangerous to leave late students behind? I know it sucks when there is this one kid who dawdles his or her ass to the bus. Is it unsafe. What if they can’t get back in their house or call someone? Would the driver be liable if he or she sawthem

Asked by Jarred over 5 years ago

No. If the kid is dawdling and has been told multiple times not to, the driver has every right to leave the stop. That being said some drivers build in a little extra time for that stop that dawdles coming out of the house because they care and sometimes kids have bad mornings too.