School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Is it okay to run across the street before the lights turn red??? He said cars can still pass but the cars should be smart enough to see that kids may be crossing.

Asked by Dennie over 5 years ago

Would you walk out in traffic when there is a stoplight without the crosswalk sign? Or how about without looking both ways. Stay off the road, wait for the bus and driver to tell you when it's safe to cross and you won't be roadkill.

Why are some bus drivers show up as early as possible so we can sit in the bus lot for thirty minutes and do nothing. Others show up at the last possible minute? What’s up with that? My bus comes at 6:45 this year a few years ago it was 7:15.

Asked by Dann over 5 years ago

Are other kids getting on your bus while you wait at.the bus lot? There may have been some changes to where other drivers are forced to hold other kids while the now empty drivers go out and pick up more kids. Personally I time my route so that I don't have to wait in line.

Okay so our bus driver is really mean and finally they got enough complaints that they decided to give us this bus monitor. They told us how the driver should not have to get involved as much. THE MONITER IS MEANER THEN THE DRIVER AND THEY GANG UP!

Asked by The man almost 6 years ago

Maybe stop acting out on the bus. Or don't ride if you don't like it. You always have other options including your own two feet and the wheels of a bicycle.

One more sorry for blowing your email up. Or kindly tell them it is BS and their own personal problem. What do I do if something is or has been done but the parent insists it hasn't or is not good enough.

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

If the parent is being unreasonable, let them know they can continue the issue with your supervisor and shut the door in their face. Bus riding is a privilege not a right.

Can you see the E-mail and username of people asking questions or does it just show the screen name at the top like Raven?

Asked by Raven over 5 years ago

It just shows me the name of the person who asked the question. It sends me an email notification saying someone asked a question. I don't see anymore than the question itself and the name you chose like in this case its Raven

For me or the bus driver? I know that it is illegal and am not planning on bringing tobacco products on the bus. I am just legitimately curious because someone said they are suing the school pressing charges on his driver.

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

They can still attempt to sue the school and driver but then they'd have to explain why they had tobacco products on school property. According to the federal law it is illegal to bring drugs on school property. Tobacco is considered a drug. They'll be laughed out of the court.

Should I report this bus driver? So I guess our bus was running late and the bus that is 20min before our bus was late. We thought it was our bus so we crossed the road and she ALMOST HIT US! Never said sorry or anything

Asked by Karmen over 5 years ago

Well first off, never cross the road without signal from the driver. You are safer in your own yard than crossing the road before they get there especially in the first few days of school. The driver probably didn't see you because they obviously were not expecting you to come out of the yard or home. Especially if you are not a listed stop on their route. Remember you are still dealing with vehicles. You wouldn't just walk in front of a taxi in NYC just because it's yellow and going in your general direction. Don't be stupid and get killed.