I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.
Strobe lights on top of the buses are clear. It looks like its white when it flashes but thats just the cover over the light.
Cross country as in the sport yes. Cross country as in longer than 5 to 7 hours... generally that depends on the trip coordinator whether they get charter or lowball pay us.
Short answer, no. Don't cuss. Long answer maybe write an apology to him and step to the bus this afternoon with it. Explain that it isn't your normal way of acting and offer to sit in the front for a few days in lieu of getting kicked off. If he holds firm then say thank you anyways and gracefully walk away and find a ride.
If the shoe fits....
Beauty Queen
Hospice Nurse
Casino Marketer
State will refer you back down to local as its simply political. How they choose to spend their money is up to them.
That's a complicated question because there is a driver that is good for every route. Kids respond to different ways of handling them and not all kids respond in the same way. Recently, I had to merge my route with another route and took on an additional 40 to 50 kids. It took about two weeks but I'm finally seeing progress in how these kids are responding to me mainly because of the example set by my original kids.
Yes it is, bus drivers have schedules they need to keep. The driver may be waiting to start his or her next route. As long as the bus is off the main part of any road and not impeding traffic a bus driver can stop and "take a break" as you put it.
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