Basketball Referee

Basketball Referee


20 Years Experience

Chicago, IL

Male, 60

For twenty years I officiated high school, AAU and park district basketball games, retiring recently. For a few officiating is the focus of their occupation, while for most working as an umpire or basketball referee is an avocation. I started ref'ing to earn beer money during college, but it became a great way to stay connected to the best sports game in the universe. As a spinoff, I wrote a sports-thriller novel loosely based on my referee experiences titled, Advantage Disadvantage

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651 Questions


Last Answer on September 20, 2019

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Drammond Green is on the list as not playing in today's game . Can the coach change his mind during the game and play him ?

Asked by Debbie about 8 years ago

In NFHS rules a coach must submit a roster of players for that game 10 minutes before the start of the game. It is s technical foulnto insert a player who is not on that list, but it is allowed.

Hello I was wondering about centrifugal force. If you apply this to baskwtball, is it illegal. Technically, your in act of dribbling and your not palming the ball or having your hand be underneath the ball. So I using centrifugal force legal?

Asked by Joe over 7 years ago

If you use centrifical force to move and control the ball you are carrying the ball in violation of the dribbling rules if you have given up your pivot foot.

Can a defender put up one arm close his chest to protect him from an offense player drive-in? basically trying to protect the chest from a strong shoulder contact, does it consider a foul?

Asked by Alan over 8 years ago

Yes, he can if the arm is within his vertical space. However, once the defender pushes the arm forward and moves the offensive player (arm bar) then it is a foul,

Sorry, does that mean I can't go up on the balls of my feet ? I was just wanting to get a little extra fake like I am going to jump and shoot but don't.

Asked by Doug almost 8 years ago

Yes you can go on the ball of your pivot foot without traveling. Most of the time players would use the ball of their pivot foot to well, um pivot!

5. My Question: Is the pivot foot the 1st step or 2nd step
I read somewhere that player who lands with one foot first may only pivot using that foot.
Is it the 1st foot or 2nd foot that becomes the pivot foot when you land.

Asked by Doug almost 8 years ago

If you catch the ball in the air, land on one foot and hop to both feet, then neither os the pivot foot. However, generally, yes. Your first foot down is your pivot foot.

Kevin Durant basketball dribbling move was not carrying. my understanding your hand would have to be underneath the ball.

Asked by Doug almost 8 years ago

If the ball comes to a rest, the dribble has ended, and then subsequent dribbles would be double dribble (commonly known as carrying the ball). If your hand is on top of the ball clearly no carrying. If your hand is under the ball, clearly a violation. The side represents a tougher call. What I looked for is if the hand is on the side, does the dribbler change ball direction in the direction of the hand before dribbling - in other words is the hand pulling the ball backwards? If so double dribble or carrying the ball. In the Kevin Durant video, based on high school rules it is clear to me that he is carrying the ball.

Is there a time frame that a Coach has to sit down after getting an unsportsmanlike technical foul? This is in a Varsity Boys Basketball game.
Coach gets a 'T' the official walks away and his partner tries to get him to sit down. How long do we wait

Asked by Mole the Ref over 7 years ago

It should never get to this but, after a minute or two the coach should be advised that he is risking a second direct technical foul and if he refuses to sit down, he will be ejected from the gym along with that foul.

There is no time specified, but give him a moment to calm down and comply, and if necessary then t him up.