Las Vegas Cab Driver

Las Vegas Cab Driver


Las Vegas, NV

Male, 31

Ask me anything! i will be as honest as possible as to my experiences as a cabbie in las vegas since 2007. if you want a day to day on some of the happenings in the job you can also follow me on twitter, vegascab @vagascab

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232 Questions


Last Answer on June 19, 2020

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Do you need to take a test before you get a job like a taxi driver in Vegas? Or what are the requirements ?

Asked by Sammy almost 12 years ago

There is a test you have to take, its fairly simple and most companies run a prep class...they used to require you lived in the valley for a minimum of a year however that gas been lifted recently.  The only other qualification really is no dui and a heartbeat lol

If I were to drive 10 hrs/day 5 days per week what can I expect to earn total including tips for the week.

Asked by Andrew patz over 10 years ago

it variew greatly by the company you work for and the hours you work just answered this question a few up and like 5 times already

I need 700 per wk take home. Is that realistic for a new driver working full time? Thanks for all the info.

Asked by Michael almost 11 years ago

for a new driver you will probably be coming in slightly less than this

When credit card machines were installed in cabs, did you see your tips increase, decrease, or stay about the same as before?

Asked by Cole-train almost 12 years ago

They have gone slightly down just because of the "voucher" fee.  There is a $3 service charge to use a credit card in a cab that is refered to as a voucher which most people think we share in.  One more reason is that we used to frequently get a $20 bill for a ride that was say $15.50 now we get like 20-30% which is still not bad but not $4.50. 

would you please repost this link to help out a fellow cab driver from las vegas.

Asked by cheeseburger over 10 years ago

posted thank you someone even put it up at the airport for a few days

I've noticed WAY more female cab drivers in the past few years. Why is that? (or is it just an illusion)

Asked by Seth over 11 years ago

i have been noticing that myself lately i have no idea to tell you the truth I will have to look into it

The requirements for obtaining a taxi cab driver permit state "Must be a resident of Nevada for thirty (30) days before applying for a permit."

Asked by Chuck over 11 years ago
