Ask me anything! i will be as honest as possible as to my experiences as a cabbie in las vegas since 2007. if you want a day to day on some of the happenings in the job you can also follow me on twitter, vegascab @vagascab
it is a known problem and it is a black eye to our business. people ask me all the time what is a good tip and i generally respond to them how much is it worth to you that i got you here without killing you. you have to remember that driving a cab in las vegas is a different animal than in any other city. in las vegas the laws do not allow us to buy or lease our own cab and have to work for a company on straight commission. a lot of our income is in tips. the passenger is by no means obligated to tip a driver and dont feel bad if you dont unless you are provided good service. the best of both worlds to me is for good service $3+. a driver will never complain and will almost always be happy with $5 and i generally say never pay with less than a 10 dollar bill think of that $4.50 cent ride from venetian to mirage (it happens a lot) the driver is getting AT MOST 50% of as his/her commission and may have had to wait quite a while for that ride.
the law does allow this to happen, the driver is supposed to tell you it is longer however. depends on traffic it could cost as little as 12-13 to the mgm to 20 ish to the stratosphere.
The legal answer to this question is no ;) however I do work on tips and what I don't know won't hurt me
Cabbies get pulled over all the time, and not only do we have to deal with the metro police we also have to deal with the taxicab authority or the "TA." Everyone is out to write us a ticket. The state of nevada actually holds us drivers, as well as shuttle bus limo truck drivers, to a higher standard as a "professional" driver. If and when we get pulled over for whatever reason you get a secondary ticket tacked on to any ticket you are given in the first place its called standards of conduct on duty, and is $200 additional tacked on to any fine given. I've gotten this ticket twice...not fun
Flight Attendant
Obstetrician Gynecologist
Las Vegas Cab Driver
every now and then i will go out and play a bit. i havent really lost interest i love to go out and gamble but i have a family to support and if you gamble on a regular basis its hard to keep the lights on.
That is one of the rudest thingsto me you can do back there is either that or loudly burp. No I don't open the windows I open the doors and put them out immediatly
lol this is a kinda funny question. the literal answer to your question is, with celebrities no nothing really crazy/unexpected with them for the most part. most of them just sit back and hold a conversation and for the most part tip pretty well. now to a vegas cabbie, at least between drivers in my company, a "celebrity" is a hooker. that way 1 we can talk about them over the radio without them knowing and 2 passengers/anyone listening into the radio don't know either. now the weirdest thing ive ever seen in that situation, sad actually, is a guy paid a girl $1700 just to walk into a club with him.
I would be inclined to say its the drivers responsibility to tell you that it is out of order before you try and use it. I tell all the people that get into my cab up front that I am cash only. As I said before it is illegal to get into a cab in las vegas without enough cash to pay the fare so there is that. Its my personal opinion that credit cards in a las vegas cab is a HUGE rip off in the first place there is a $3 surcharge on every transaction if you take 10 cabs in the time you are here you just waisted a decent meal. Or mcdonalds of 4-5 depending on how you look at it. It is hard for me to believe the amount of people that don't have cash in this city the machines and tables don't take cards if you have been gambling you should have cash.
depends on which cab company you are riding in the simple answer is depending on seniority the driver gets anywhere from 39-50% of the meter plus tips minus trip charges which vary from .60-1.50 per ride
The driver has the ability to call the company and have it done manually over the phone
some are yes and im actually a shop steward for the union that represents my company
The job is straight commission plus tips so there is no set take home, my checks vary from as much as $200 back to back. its going to be a bad summer i would say this year may be 25k paycheck plus tips
there are actually laws in place for this however how would you police it? the honest and right thing to do is you take it back to your company and fill out a receipt for it. if the money or whatever the lost and found item may be minus credit cards and such gets returned to the driver after 90 days. there is a rumor that a driver has recently turned in 60k. i have yet to verify this though. the largest sum i have personally seen or been a part of a buddy of mine found a 25k chip from the wynn in his back seat. he ended up getting it back to the guy and the scumbag didnt give him a dime to say thanks.
LOL its funny that you ask this and make the observation at the end yes I have come up with some doozies over the years to avoid accidents. Non taxi?? really lol most of these guys that are behind the wheel of cabs have just received their licenses from the state of Nevada and some probably have never even seen a car before. Its always amazing to me how many people in this city have no clue how to drive especially around the "strip." A lot of these guys are just sight seeing from their drivers seat which make driving on the strip rather dangerous. Ive actually had passengers ask me from time to time "how did you know that guy was going to do that" just years of observing.
I have seen the show and the blonde girl from ny that was on the vegas edition still works for yellow and I speak to her on a semi-regular basis. The show was real however,she spent lots of time at "hotspots" I spoke of this earlier...she spent al lot of time picking up hard rock stripclubs and swingers clubs with hours and hours of useless footage...also she had a producer in her ear coaching her on how to ask questions
The absolute most common is the practice of long hauling however there are many more that could end up costing you a lot more. It you are planning to go to a stripclub or massage parlor please research them for 5 minutes at least a lot of guys will take you to a "clip joint" with many promises so they can pad their own pockets. 1 thing to remember is that in las vegas prostitution is ILLEGAL don't ever let a cabbie tell you otherwise. Now there are some places for the right price you can get whatever you want but iit will cost. General rule of thumb if the driver won't give you their # so you can call them for a return ride something is fishey more than likely.
Although I know a hell of a lot of drivers it is only because of my envolvement in the union and PDA, I seriously doubt that many drivers are as recognizable as I or some of the other shop stewards or PDA board members are. That being said there is still thousands of drivers that I would venture to say if I saw them out of their cab I would not know they are a driver. So I guess its just a comraderie thing.
On any given day you can pretty much expect it NOT to happen. if you get off of the strip and pick up at the strip clubs or swingers clubs it does tend to happen. and actually in any given week you could expect it not to happen that being said it has happend a bit and no it doesnt faze me anymore at all. most of the time i tell them to cut it out cuz its more annoying than anything else.
I've actually had quite a few celebrities in my cab, the most famous probably would have been shaq he was really cool actually even though he barely fit in the back seat. more famous now would probably be labron james however back then he was just a rookie that hasnt been proven yet. mrs france was in the backseat one day pamela anderson clive owen...depends on what you like i guess the one that i loved the most was, im a chiefs fan btw, was christian okoye the nigerian nightmare
Kindof a trick question here, I think by far a las vegas cab driver brings in the most money yearly on the meter however since we are paid only up to 50% of the meter I am inclined to believe the drivers make more in other cities. I've heard they make more money in other cities, but that just be the grass is greener on the other side.
the number of medallions is regulated by the TA (taxicab authority) and every year they have an annual review of medallions to decide weather or not there is a need for more in the city. you can not just come into the city and buy a car and get a medallion and get to work. long story short there are 17 companies and if the TA says we need more cabs every company gets an equal amount. there is rumors that some of the company owners have "family" ties but you know how rumors go
Look for their wallet duh! Sorry that was to easy. For the most part they wake up when the car stops moving, I would say that happens aboit 98% of the time. If they don't or just a hand on the shoulder wakes them up pretty swiftly, however if it doesn't we have to call an ambulance, Taxicab Authority, or police to remove them and extract our payment. I'm sure this was put in place years ago to avoid the first thing i said here from even being an issue!
Don't hear too many crazy gambling stories most of them are "i got a system" and "i took them for X amount". mostly bs however i did have to escort a guy to his room after i dropped him at palazzo. when we got to the room he showed me why. envelope with 160k in it. he peeled off 2 100 dollar bills thanked me and shut the door.
It varies from club to club and isnt nearly the amount that most people think it is. i maybe get 2 a week. the doorman and such give them all to limos, the numbers have varied from 20-100 a head in my five years.
Depends on the situation, I'm an never allowed by law to shut off the meter when there are people in the cab. But we will turn the time off so that the meter isn't counting time. If I were to get a ticket for being an ass then yes I would apologize and m9ore than likely eat the fare. Now if I were to get a ticket for say a "california stop" or a couple miles an hour over the speed limit then I would expect full payment, however I would be freaking shocked if there was any tip at all.
There is a bunch of things that go on behind the wheel and everyone is out here trying to make a buck. I actually do know quite a few that do questionable activities. However the bookie thing wouldn't be profitable its too easy to go to any casino and place bets. The only "side-hustle" I do is when people ask me, "is this cash cab?" I say nope but we can play if you want $5 for every right answer $5 for every wrong answer on top of the fare...I have never lost!
Yes you are required to have a nevada license...this is enforced by the nevada taxicab authority. There are no special endorsements needed however
lmao im glad that someone other than cabbies think is difficult to say how much they make it is however a ton for what they do. my friend is a doorman at the wynn owns 2 houses and buys a new car every year. as much as i hate to admit it i would say they arent completely useless i cant imagine how crazy it would be at a hotel after a show let out
most clubs try their best to not let the working girls in, however they are everywhere. Another unfortunate thing is that almost every club in town is catering to the rich 21-25 kids that will never work a day in their life. There is a couple spots around town I would suggest though stoneys which is located on south las vegas boulevard a couple miles south of the strip or even going to the blue martini which is located pretty close to stoneys. These places are more local friendly but quite a few people from the strip make their way down there especially the blue martini. Not as many working girls go here because its more layed back.
I havent had a "run-out" or stiff on a ride in quite some time, most of these happen on longer rides away from the strip and it depends on the situation if i call the TA (taxicab authority) or the police or not. it is actually against the law and you can be arrested for getting into a cab in las vegas for without cash. i usually break the ice with my passengers on these rides away from the strip by getting a deposit from the customer before leaving the cab stand. i will generally give an excuse such as my company requires a x deposit for a ride passed y street and they usually comply, if they dont sorry buddy the bus stop is right down the street.
Happens quite a bit actually, you got to remember they are here to have a good time and pretty drunk lol
People leave all kinds of things in the back seat, you name it I've probably had it in the backseat, thank god if its bio I am actually prohibited by law to touch it the company has a whole unit for this. 1 of the nastiest things though wasn't in my cab it was in a friend of mines. He dropped at harrahs to find out the passenger had popped a squat and urinated on the floorboard!
even though las vegas is statistically the safest city in the world to drive a cab in, yes it has happened. it was about 2 years ago i picked up at a bar and took the guy to an apartment complex a couple blocks away he hit me in the head with something to try and rob me. luckly for me he didnt hit me that hard and i got away.
I believe that yellow checker star is the best company to work for but that is just my opinion rhat is something that would have to be researched and decided for yourself
Yes, it happens all the time however if we get caught "high flagging" a fare you could be immediately terminated. Not to mention a pretty healthy fine from the taxicab authority so its just not worth it to me for a couple more bucks.
no i dont hate it at all i do find it a little odd and at first a little unsettling, but for the most part i work for tips whatever makes you happy
because for the most part they do. i'm proud to say that i am an honest driver. point of advice to anyone ever getting into a cab from the airport to ANY hotel on the "strip". the freeway is ALWAYS the longer way and more expensive. there are sometimes you should go freeway but not many. if you feel that you have been long hauled call the taxicab authority. the number is posted on the ratecard in the front seat just to the right of the drivers license.
im not sure if its the "best" way to do it, it is the best way that ives seen around the world however. i hear this all the time from my passengers as well. i mean loading 28 cabs at a time is pretty effecient. the only way that i would try to make it better is make the pedestrians cross on a different level so that the cabs wouldnt have to wait for them
Happens actually all the time, everything from sexual favors to free games at 1 of the local bowling alleys. I am a happily married man so I havent accepted the sexual favors but 1 of the best things i have taken for payment for fare is ringside seats to a ufc fight courtesy of chuck liddell.
I hate answering this truthfully but no! Nevada has a law that states a driver cannot carry a weapon of any kind. That being said plenty of us do.
I wish!! In las vegas you must work for a company and they are all different but pay their drivers based on commission. A driver depending on which company a driver works for they receive 39-50% of what they put on the meter plus tips.
Almost everyday actually, sometimes multiple times a day. I just ssy i dont know what you are talking about and carry on with the ride.
There is no cost to join...our dues are >$10 a paycheck
They are all about the same...the pay structures differ slightly but so does how you pay for gas, it is extremely easy to find a job as a driver
Actually the more of a sarcastic asshole that I am to people thebetter tips I get. I actually have found that i make the most money by just picking up wherever I drop, there is way to much time waisted looking for something that is working.
The biggest single tip i got was from a couple of kids that were not allowed to fly for bringing cocaine on a plane so i took them round trip from vegas to huntington beach california for a tournament. it was $1600 and they doubled the fare.
A taxi to boulder city would be rather expensive probably looking in the neighborhood of abour 50-70 depending on where she is going, howevee that said it is all freeway. I would love this ride personally but my personal suggestion is to set up sedan service, will end up being cheaper since they charge by the hour, and should only take about a half hour to get there.
Well mostly at hotels however, we pick up all over the city not just at hotels. the law just states that a cab can not impede traffic to load or unload passengers, so i'm sure in the spirit of the question that you are asking yes just at hotels.
Love it! Its pretty uncomfortable to ride in silence! However that being said I will not hold a conversation that makes 0 sense I give them 1 chance then I tell them they are broken and have lost their talking privileges for the remainder of the trip.
Thank you!! And good luck when you cirst start out its tough, especially during the summer but it does get better
Yes we do...most companies offer a benefits package, however doesnt obama care take effect soon?
Friday and saturday nights, saturday and sunday days are the best tuesday and wedbesday or any religous holiday either shift are slow
that company is hard to work for, for some they put a lot of pressure on you to book high...YCS i believe does now but for a newbie its pretty tough you work midnight to noon or like 2a-2p which are tough shifts to make money on
the only reason I would think that a las vegas cabbie would prefer cash is that it is a faster transaction! Personally I could care less which one.
This could get a little tricky...depends how freaky etc...i would live to help I've done similar things in the past...i will send an email when i return home
Not really, im 6'3" 285 Im not easily intimidated
Depends on how they chose to work...I average more rides than most drivers because i tend to load wherever I drop off as opposed to having a favorite spot to go to say like the airport and spending a lot of time driving around without someone in the backseat. Some drivers this is all they do is go to the airport from the time they start until the time they finish so they not only spend upwards of an hour to load there but they take 10-15 minutes to drive back there. It also depends on when they work during the day...the driver that drives my cab opposite me averages probably 10-15 less rides a day
Maybe...probably going to be more like sunday-thursday
I am not sure what the answer to this question is, however I do know that there is a biohazard crew that has to clean them with whatever it is they use that is mandated by OSHA for the health and safety of the public. Im sure if you check out osha they might have the answer. The taxicab aurthority checks out the cabs on a monthly basis so at least every month
I try to not let it get to that point but if it does you get out of line and go...multiple cab stands airport included have restrooms set up for drivers
Cab companies pay in between 40-50% of what you make on the meter the company I work for starts you off at 40% and works it way up to 43.5% depending on your seniority however because we do not get paid 50% of the meter we do not have to pay of gas like the companies that do so if its busy its about the same on a slow night however my company is much better in my opinion. Limo drivers make most of their money on the "side" which means strip clubs and massage parlors and sugh. A good night for a cabbie is 24+ rides or a little more than 2 rides per hour.
If you hustle and work hard this is before tips 4-5 days a week...i made 44k last year before tips
i had a guy 1 time have a heart attack, we were close to a hospital so i swung in real quick. there has never od'd though
I have seen a couple of drivers doin this and it made absolutely 0 sense to me just more work. As to what your friend says about making the meter run up faster, at least in vegas, it is absolutely not true. Meters in a Las Vegas cab run by time if the cab is going less than 8mph and it is set by time it goes up 20 cents like every 30 seconds or so whatever equalls up to $30/hr. I myself dont do this and don't know why anyone would.
yes it is they will write you multiple tickets for it actually one for impeding traffic and another for loading passengers outside the rotation of a cab stand its pretty rediculous
Both actually...but that is in my cab because i have seniority most drivers have to chose one or the other
The TA does have a list of all drivers however i would imagine they would have trouble giving drivers bames with nothing more than initials, at least I hope the would. If you would like me as a driver you can contact me through twitter @vagascab or through email at, I would prefer not to give out my number on tbis site but would through eitherof those 2 channels
Depends on what your definition of "comfortably" is...but I would say that at least 30k I would venture to say 35k would be almost average salary here. However that is just a guess...i made almost 40k driving last year before tips.
Not at YCS where i work, however one of the others might i am not sure
the town is really simple espedially since 90% of your rides start of end either on the strip or airport anything else its a grid just like nyc but I would suggest a gps
I would have no idea where even to start, there are 9000 drivers in las vegas spread out over 17 companies...i wish i could be more help
I dont know how it works with othet companirs but with tbe one I work for I do what I want when I want
Depends on which company...with YCS you go to the union before you start but are not obligated to join
the average turnover for a cab driver is 60% so yea its pretty high. if you want to be a cab driver they used to require you to have lived in the las vegas area for a year however i think all you need now is residency. the summer months and the major religous holidays are pretty slow ie christmas easter and such, thanksgiving is not good either but other than that it's pretty good the first quarter of the year is by far the busiest
I agree the attitude is WAY out of line, like I said before you are in no way obligated to tip a driver! The tip here is a little over 10% I myself would like to have more but I understand when it doesnt happen. You were definatly not to cheap if this happens again and it offends you call the taxi authority and report the driver!!
If you are 25 no you just vo and get a license, im not sure if the temporary license is good enough
I'm not sure how long until you can reapply and you will never get assigned a geo cab once you have gotten a shift, and that is completely up to you how long that takes
In las vegas you can not buy or lease a cab you must work for a company that runs the cab for 24 hours
As a new driver it is near impossible to get a shift like this however yes...i am off sunday monday and thursday and work 12 hr i said before 40+k before tips
Pre-test at most companirs
there is but i'm not sure where or who to contact
It really isnt that hard really i dobt have much of a problem everkeeping up but i generally do 10 more rides than these guys because im not waisting time running back to the airport, so not only do i keep up but i make more in tips since i have nore rides
im sure they will if they can get away with it i mean hell most of the population would do the same most of these companies are ran by a bunch of lawyers so....well im sure you can get it
depends on the cab company but there is a lot of pressure to keep up with the average however I work for YCS and do not longhaul and I have no problem keeping up with the average as long as you get out there and work you will be fine
Bi-weekly plus whatever i bring home in tips everyday
Absolutely true! A lot of different people drive taxi in vegas you never know who you will be riding with...I absolutely love when educated people get in the cab and we debate
every six months my company holds a shift bid, there is a 66% turnover rate for cab drivers so every day there are shifts available. today is my 7th anniversary at YCS my seniority when i started was 715 and I am right about 200 now over 500 people just in my 7 years gone and that was just people with more seniority than I had think about all the new guys that don't hack it. now because of this every six months they hold a shift bid every cab and every shift is available by seniority. It took me about a year and a half to get a good shift and only about 8 months to have something that I could work with
there is no overtime in a commission based job
After you get a little bit of time in yes, i can pretty much take off anytime i want now but april 22nd was my 6 year anniversary
you should not have a problem at long as you can pass the physical i think there would be some legal issues if they did not hire you!
There is a test you have to take, its fairly simple and most companies run a prep class...they used to require you lived in the valley for a minimum of a year however that gas been lifted recently. The only other qualification really is no dui and a heartbeat lol
it variew greatly by the company you work for and the hours you work just answered this question a few up and like 5 times already
for a new driver you will probably be coming in slightly less than this
They have gone slightly down just because of the "voucher" fee. There is a $3 service charge to use a credit card in a cab that is refered to as a voucher which most people think we share in. One more reason is that we used to frequently get a $20 bill for a ride that was say $15.50 now we get like 20-30% which is still not bad but not $4.50.
i have been noticing that myself lately i have no idea to tell you the truth I will have to look into it
posted thank you someone even put it up at the airport for a few days
The first time you bid you can get a four day twelve hour shift as long as one is available...i try not to be in the yard for nore than ten minutes at a time the longest wait is fetting gas
Wish i could help man...
i do know the guy that found it he is actually a friend of mine we call "pety" really good guy...i probably would have done the same however it would have been really hard lol
yes i know for sure bell trans does as well as lucky not sure if there are more
Noon to midnight weekdays and like 5p-5a friday anf saturday
There is a new lease option coming in the future nobody knows details as of yet, however now it depends on the company you work for. Drivers are full time employees with varying benefits depending on which company you work at. Drivers at some pay for fuel some do not depending on seniority booking incentives etc. The company I work for takes 65 cents for "trip charge" 0 fuel cost for driver, and up to 44%
As long as you were not convicted you are fine, the driving record does not have more than five points you should be fine the total income is hard to say since tips vary widely from day to day
absolutely love living here however it does get a little boring down the strip especially when all your friends and family want to come down and party all the timeI live about 5 minutes away from the strip and I still make it down every now and then and still have a pretty good time but like I said it doesn't lose its glamour after a little while
I have honestly never had this happen so therefore not afraid to pick up women. However women are worse tippers than nen so i dont like it lol
I guess it depends on the driver however I would not just for the simple fact I would lose over an hour of work, unless in was worth my time money wise. That being said there is no danger in walking down freemont by yourself, not anymore than walking down the strip by yourself there is security everywhere and is very well lit. Downtown is one of my favorite places to go when I have family and friends in town you dont have anything to worry about
Depends on the week varies wildly anywhere from probably 2-5 a week in tips then same on wages i generally book about 2200 every two weeks
We do have a tip allocation set by the irs that we always do better than...and desert cab pays cash daily
The company i work for YCS does a class to prepare people for the test as well as study guides to help with the test that would be your best bet
I personally would say you're better off taking a taxi by the time we figure out where to park scare your bags all this way it's a lot more frustration than what its worth rent a car I believe the average price of gasoline in town is about 360
there are a lot of patrol jobs for about 10 per but the armed guards at casinos start i believe at 18 per and there is a lot of private security positions available out here
Not sure...i know ycs only did urine
They used to make you have residence in town for at least a year however therules are pretty fluid the best infor would be on the Nevada Taxicab Authority website.
when you first start you will be on the extra board and will receive a check from 2 of the three companies bi weekly and 1 the off week for those... once you get a shift you will be paid by whatever company you work for bi weekly with a company check
look up the nevada taxicab authority website...they make minor changes all the time that would be your best way to find out up to date and accurate information
I do very well and average sbout 50% but it definatly depends on the personality of the driver
It will be quite some time before you get four ten hour shifts they are quite limited, however five ten hour shifts should not take long at all. I work four twelve hour days have for a couple years now i love it!
It is a major process that has to be done through the transportation authority and taxicab authority. Im not sure however about cost
Bi-weekly, and you take your tips home daily desert however gets laid daily
If you wait more than 90 minutes you can go home without question the general wait when i was extra was 30 minutes at most...and no i dont subscribe to any sights i hear they have pretty good info though
You have to have kess than five points and i dont think anything but dui transfers
they only do part time for senior citizens that have been with the company for more than ten years
yes, depends on the company that you chose to work for, some companies have different wage scales
It depends on what shift you are working...kind of sounds like you are early days so that is what I will base the answer on. You need to know what hotels have clubs that are working the night before for example on a Thursday morning you should head to the mandalay bay by the convention side because Wednesday nights the light club becomes "elipse" and is really popular. The hotels with clubs on nights like this will have a lot of cabs because they are the only ones moving. You have to remember that a lot of cabs is not always a bad sign also I found after about 10 is when the airport actually started to work kind of pointless to work there earlier unless there is a convention coming in that day or the next. I hope I helped my twitter is connected to hear I will always try to help as much as i can if you want to contact me through that channel
you will be working like one in the morning until about one in the afternoon your tips depends on how quick you learn how to read people, salary is about the same its tough to begin with for sure
Yes there really is not an age limit you just have to be ready to work long hours as long as the state will give you a drivers license and you can pass a physical they will hire you
My best guess would be, from a drug dealer
In las Vegas you do not pay to drive you show up to work just like any other job, I show up at a certain time on certain days and just get in the cab and drive
they are all over the place this is a pretty nice town there aren't to many places that you have to watch for except north las vegas and east las vegas in parts every where else is at least decent
Legally no, but it does happen
It will be very easy to get a cab on christmas nobody gets to take off unless it is their scheduled day should be between $12-15 to the mgm DO NOT LET YOUR DRIVER TAKE THE FREEWAY swenson to tropicana is your route
On that shift you need to learn which clubs are open the night before and dont work the airport until about 10. Mgm is never a bad bet after like 6 lots of checkouts. Also a good idea to be aware of convention schedule the last day and after last day will have multiple check outs. That shift is bad do your best to get a later shift. That is the worse shift to be in, and the worse time of year...hang in there it gets better
For a new driver it is tough to make money because it is difficult to get into a groove as to what works on certain nights and where and when to go to places like the airport. When you start you will be on an early morning shift and be on what is known as the "extra board" but you will get to work as much as you want
"good girlfriend" lol nice. Ive seen and heard a lot worse than this if you're not comfortable with it don't do it, if you are 99 percent of cabbies won't mind. If you want email me and I'll give you my number text or call next time you're in town. I'll pick you guys up
taxi drivers have a 60% turnover rate, the biggest reason for the high turnover is mostly the money though when you start you are on a bad shift it takes some time to make any kind of money
Feel free to e-mail me
i love working for YCS but have never worked for another company so I couldnt tell you, the best place to find info is on the nevada taxicab aurthority website there is a link to every company
when you first start its tough to make money but it is not bad, depends on what the felony is for and it is completely up to the taxicab authority to say if he could get a job or not
every driver is different depends on how quickly you pick it up and what shift you are on. you are guaranteed minnimum wage but there is literally no limit to what you can make. go to the las vegas taxi authority website posted on here early and it will tell you every step you have to take
I think that YCS is the best company to work for however that needs to be something that you research and decide for yourself pay scale where the cabs are restricted to etc and im not sure they only did urine when I started here
Depends on which company you work for
facial hair is accepted, however it has to be clean and "well kept" the costs for every thing is about $100 to start for licensing and testing
Sounds like a fun project, feel free to e-mail me any questions at
it's a stressful job because of the long hours a lot of people can't handle it, the hardest part for me is the kids that will never work a day in their lift it makes me sick how blind to the world they are
No problem
thats a mouth full lol no that does not change my answer most drivers have heard and seen it all and are comfortable in most situations, I'm not sure what would be a good figure to tell you the truth but like I said before you will be fine doing it yourself, hell might even meet someone while down there. No I do not make any money doing these, and as long as the driver doesnt mind you smoking in the cab then it's fine however its actually illegal for me to tell you that you cannot smoke in my cab....its weird
It's personal preference, I personally like YCS western I hear is a good company but normally have older cabs. Deluxe is always a good option
I'm not sure what it is now when I took in seven years ago it was multiple choice 40 questions on is now on a computer and I have no idea what is on it sorry
It's just like any other accident really but you have a supervisor show up and taxi authority to take pictures and access who was at fault but the fault is almost never in question with the safety cameras. The insurance is totally provided by the company
yes it will that is the one thing that is an absolute no for driving
There's a great sweet shop in town square mall
I am not sure....i dont think so
this may pose a problem, but it is something you would have to take up with the taxicab authority. they handle things on a case by case basis
it is only bad for about 45 days or so for the most part go from air conditioner to air conditioner
Unless they recently changed the laws yes this is true
i have a gps of google can normally help
Not sure I didn't take one actually I believe it was urine....however THC I believe is a deal breaker
set bonuses set pay guaranteed seniority benifits and a lot more protection in a right to work state just to name a few
The camera won't necessarily just come on but the answer is no nobody is allowed in your cab without the meter being engaged
Pete Rose actually has a bar and grill here now on the strip, across from aria. I would say that would be your best shot
You can do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. One of my favorite part of the job
I would answer in not a drug dealer
Shouldn't people do it all the time
I accepted uber, competition makes you better. Just the fact at uber refused to follow state regulations as they are written in the transportation industry is what was their demise.
I know plenty of girls that drive and they do pretty well....its not any more dangerous than a guy I don't think
I have been here for 15 years and been driving a taxi for 8 of them still use my gps
Ever since uber/lyft started it has been tough without regulars and or long hauling people it will be hard
I work for yellow cab, been driving for them since April 07
In las vegas especially on the strip 90% of the passengers you pick up in the evening have been drinking
I thought so
In a taxi or any public transportation it is not required to use one actually. If you bring one the driver will help you put it in
I've never really been scared to pick anyone up, I however will not go to north las Vegas deep east vegas or Sandy valley
They make you wait 6 months before you can even apply and must have proof you have been in town that long. My advice is to look into lyft or uber for the time being after that if you choose to drive cab I would look into western
I am not however you can email me at and i can get you in touch with some trustworthy glad i got to provide you with some humor
Not as much as people think but more than i care to count
Most are, ycs is not
Yes they do, and no I dont unless its weed which is 100% legal in Nevada now
Entitled drunk females
Im sorry i dont know how to help with that
Just under 1k
Probably from a drug dealer...i am not 1
I did yes....unless asked to do so by the passenger. "The customer is always right"
Happens from time to time just depends on the tine of year always worse around the holidays
Only takes about a week or so now
I enjoyed working for yellow amd still believe that wpuld be the best. All of the cab drivers get kind of screwed in vegas as to the potential money that can be made.
Tremendously....last month companies claimed millions in losses just over last year
All of them
I stopped driving because i had a major hralth scare
If you have a heartbeat you jave a job
Depends on your definition of interesting....ive had everything from ceo's of companies to inventors to wait staff to tweekers to a couple that flew in for 3 hours and wanted a tour after they had sex in the cab.
I havent bit that would be hilarious
Depends on if they lifted the requirement to live there 6 months or not. The background check takes a few days
Im not sure if a driver falls under "special victim" or not however drivers are "protected servants" same as an officer
It does take a while and this would be cutting it close
I had a guy try and rob me once hit me in the head with a wooden object of some kind. I guess that would be about the worst.
It happens quite often daily, however you learn how to just drive on by when you see the next fare looking a certain way. Sometimes they hide it well though. I didnt have it happen to often personally but, some had it almost at least 2-3 times a week they wouldnt learn
Depends on your def of famous multiple athletes mostly nba and nfl had mrs france and to many more to name i kicked kim k out once
Swenson to tropicana take a left on tropicana....first light coming out of the airport then take a left into the tropicana extremely short ride
Yes i am and thank you. Its hard to say but there is a good possibility it was an extremely fun job
They used to require that you lived there for 6 months however thay may have lifted. The fbi background takes a few days but other than that it doesnt take long at all
I mean it depends on the severity obviously. Assess if their is any injuries if so call 911 if able. If not we have to call dispatch and get a backup cab for pax if applicable. Then an investigation etc download of camera make sure cab is safe to drive etc etc etc
I found a small bag of pot before couple small baggies of coke not sure i would call that a "stash" though
I had 1 lady refuse to get out one time so i exited the car removed the luggage and got back in.....she wad in shock still refused to get out i said "ok ill still take you but your luggage is staying here" she got the picture and exited
It depends im pretty patient most of the time as long as you are respectful we are good
I think each have their positives and negatives but they are about the same imo when you weigh out the positive and negatives together. And hell no would i ever drive for 1 of those. Strange people, likely drunk, in my personal car? Ni thanks
Can i? Probably.... Have i? No
I was told we did.....i have never been tested
Depends on what is bartered......certain things yes for sure....other things i am more than glad to take
Had plenty of people try to barter a ride and i have taken a few. Shorthand and no money happens on occasion depending on the situation mostly just take what they have and move on its not worth the hastle
Just general rudeness gets me. The tipping thing a bad tip is worse than no tip at all almost an insult. Throwing up definetly sucks but happens.
You have to get permits and things like that. Had a production company contact me for this exact thing there was a whole lot of hoops to jump through
Might habe been on a long vacation
You have to prove residence for at least 90 days
Probably from a drug dealer
The worst I think that I jad was when I had a lady that was just flat out rude telling me she was late for her meeting and I needed to hurry up. I warned her twice and she kept at it so I tossed her out in the middle of the road
Not in Las vegas
Most companies basically closed up shop there were a few cars on the road
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