Call Center Representative

Call Center Representative


Albany, NY

Female, 31

I have spent the last 5 years as a call center representative for a health insurance company Ask me anything about my experiences -- like how we are monitored on every move we make and every word we utter, how we have to document and summarize calls while we're talking to you, etc. How nice a caller you are affects the lengths we'll go to try and help you, or the loopholes we're willing to share. p.s. There is usually a way around everything.

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13 Questions


Last Answer on May 06, 2014

Is it really a rule that you can’t be the first to hang up on a a caller?!

Asked by Nsnsnsn almost 4 years ago


Should you always end a call with is there anything else I can help you with

Asked by TEd about 8 years ago


Does it bother you when callers hang up as you're giving them the final "Thanks for calling and have a wonderful day" sign-off? I always do that, but then I feel bad that it makes the CSR feel kind of crappy, or is that a non-issue?

Asked by Juaren almost 10 years ago


Do you get hoarse from talking on the phone all day?

Asked by Shawna about 10 years ago

Sometimes, but usually I am OK.. I'll tell you though, the last thing I want to do is talk when I first get home..I definitely need a little break. Also I don't enjoy personal calls as much as I used to, I find myself avoiding the phone.

Does your company ever have supervisors or "insiders" call up and pose as a customer to secretly evaluate your performance and if so does that keep you on your toes, or do you find it more sneaky and offensive than anything else?

Asked by Polipza555 about 10 years ago

Yes, we got test calls. You could usually tell because they asked outlandish questions. It didn't bother me really because I could recognize the calls and they were very infrequent. So I just made sure I did everything by the book on those calls and I always did fine :-) 

Did your company ever consider outsourcing their call center to Asia? Do you have a sense of how much companies would save on labor costs if they did that?

Asked by RAPS about 10 years ago

No they never considered it, they don't want to frustrate customers even more.. I'd imagine it would probably save money though. I know my company prides itself on being local.

What is the meanest thing a caller has ever said to you? Does that kind of stuff get under your skin?

Asked by Jason about 10 years ago

I had people tell me to die, that I'm an idiot, that I should get cancer.. Etc.. I can't remember them all. Stuff like that honestly didn't bug me because I knew they were just mad at the situation and had to take it out on the person that broke the news.

What really got on my nerves were the liars.. The "I never got that letter" people after we sent it 5 times.. The "I didn't know" people when it's clearly documented that the last rep already told them no, the "you told me it was covered" when we all know its not covered.. Stuff like that.

I especially thought it was funny when they try and pull that and I'm the last one they talked to.. I'd let them go on and on then advised it was me they spoke to last, then they'd usually hang up lol