Fashion Model

Fashion Model


5 Years Experience

Manhattan, NY

Female, 20

I currently work as a model and Promo Girl.. The two usually go hand in hand in this industry. So that means I spend half my time at castings and photoshoots and the other half promoting a whole bunch of things at either night clubs, exhibition shows, or even working at Formula 1 events. I split my time between New York and London, and have been lucky enough to have been given the experience of being able to travel worldwide for different jobs..

Any further questions!? XOXO

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23 Questions


Last Answer on June 01, 2015

Do you need any specific education for being a model? What's your favorite and most frustrating thing about being a model?

Asked by Kay almost 9 years ago


What does your diet consist of in a typical day? Do you anything and everything...or are you very strict?

Asked by Bill W. over 9 years ago

Hi Bill, well i'm actually vegetarian so I eat alot of vegetarian food! For lunch, I usually have grilled pita bread with hummus and for dinner, I eat alot of pasta too which isn't really great carb wise - So I try to coincide it with grilled vegetable dishes and qourn chicken pieces atleast a couple of day a week! I try to drink lots of water too. My biggest problem is I do sometimes snack between meals, and I love chocolate!! So I make sure to bust my arse at the gym several times a week just to keep extra fit & healthy!

Is there some brand that gets touted as high-end that you actually think is pretty bad quality?

Asked by lolHM over 9 years ago

Hmm, that's a difficult one! I think alot of high-end garments are actually pretty poorly made and not really made for long term wear, i've seen girls wear a piece of clothing for a couple of hours on a shoot and it ended up with a small tear or not in great condition. I guess it depends on how well you take care of it

Would you ever turn down a gig because you disagreed with a designer's personal beliefs? Like if he were homophobic, or had a shady past?

Asked by Liu over 9 years ago

If I knew about it! But most of the time you don't.. It's difficult to tell, as there are always alot of rumors flying around. I'd have to be sure

How do you deal with client erections, or how would you?

Asked by Nash almost 10 years ago

Pervert alert

What are the major differences you notice between modeling in NY and London?

Asked by HT123 almost 10 years ago

Personally not very many atall, apart from the fact I get lost alot more in New York!! Ha ha. I was actually born in London, so I have alot of friends there. When i'm in New York, I usually end up staying in a model apartment (Accomadation which is provided by agency) So I don't get much pick of who I am going to be spending my time with - That's the only downside! But work wise, there isn't really much difference 

Have you found it true that the camera adds weight?

Asked by Orly almost 10 years ago

Yes, I think that's pretty accurate! Especially if it's taken from a bad angle