


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I have a small metal rack that fits right behind the steam pipe in my bathroom. My bathroom small and not a lot of wall space & want the rack hold nailpolish. Is this safe. Will steam pipe & nail polish pose a fire risk?

Asked by ANGELA almost 10 years ago

Not the smartest idea. Fingernail polish can be flammable. I would keep it in another location if you are hurting for the room.

when you join a vol. fire department do they give you a pager or do you have to buy one

Asked by ... about 9 years ago

Kevlar will breakdown, also it is probably not OSHA compliant in that the uniform is 26 yrs old.

I just became a firefighter and I they told me that I may never have to climb the aerial ladder because at that they station that I am at they don't have an aerial ladder truck. Is this true? I have no problem with the aerial ladder.

Asked by Tom almost 9 years ago

If they don't have one I guess you are in a good position then

Can a clean up take place right after a fire is put out, and is this ever done if arson might be the cause

Asked by kim over 9 years ago

Clean up or salvage begins immediately so that more items can be rescued. As for arson fires that would be no due to it being an active crime scene.

I am in the process of debating the location and type of light I will carry on my ppe, wondering if I should have just a right angle light or a helmet mounted light. Or should I have both ? LMK...

Asked by joe almost 9 years ago

I keep my mounted on my chest where there is a holder for it. I also carry one on my helmet but when you are taking care of pts you dont usually use it since I would be shinning it in their eyes.

How has American dependence on synthetic materials changed the way those employed in fire protection fields do their jobs?

Asked by greeneyes about 10 years ago

Burns faster increases collapse time in structures is the simpliest way to answer that one.

im a couple months away from be able to become a fireman my chief wants me to start haing out around the fire house with the rest of the guys so i could learn , do think they will be ok with me there or annoyed?

Asked by ... over 9 years ago

Thats how you learn and they get to know you.