


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I have a friend that is considering being a firefighter. He is 25 years old, going on 26. He has a record for carrying from when he was 18, and this has been following him around for years. Is there anyway he can become a firefighter?

Asked by Red almost 9 years ago

Depends on the scenario. Just being in possession of weapon not neccessarily. Is it a felony in a violent encounter. You have given me not enough info

should i choose ladder company or engine company ? ( which one and why ?)

Asked by alias over 9 years ago

Engine first so you can get the knowledge of how the environment in a structure fire really is which is no where close to what you go through the academy.

When I was first joining the fire department, we learned about all the gases. There is a gas but I can't remember the name. What gas burns that is impossible to put out? They say if it is buried it goes out, but once it is uncovered, it still burns.

Asked by Shari Wasco about 9 years ago

Several types of gases, racing fuel is one that you can not see as it is being burned. It depends on the flash point generally a flammable liquid has a flash point of under 100 deg. I am not sure which one you are referring to specifically.

Followup: No, I do not plan to be working while in PM school. I would like to reserve 1 shift/month which is normal in SoCal. But after PM school, what else should I be doing? Any other certs I should get?

Asked by SoCal over 8 years ago

Not that I can think off, just keep nationwide potential in mind.

If I baked some pie would yall actually eat it or would yall perfer store bought?

Asked by Kilah over 8 years ago

Were pretty flexible as long as it is good. I am not going to lie but there has been a time or 2 that we accepted it but later go rid of it.

how many calls does the average small town volunteer fire dept. go on a year based on your knowledge and experience ?

Asked by joe over 9 years ago

Depends on what is in their jurisdiction. But you should be able to google the answer.

refrying to the question i just asked about school its high school and ages 17 - 18

Asked by alias over 9 years ago

this also depends on availbility of others. Some communities have no choice but to use them.