


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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I just joined my fire department , I was thinking of also join'n my local ambulance department to get a more medical background and knowdlge do you think that would be wise as of right now since they are both voulnteer ? or should I just foucus on FD

Asked by ... about 9 years ago

You can do both since they are connected. Fire Depts are no running more EMS calls these days. So take advantage of both.

I just joined my vol fire department as an auxiliary . When i am at the fire house should I stay more quiet and just listen or should I be very out going and talkative with the other firemen ?

Asked by ... over 9 years ago

Be out going but not a know it all.

What does shift night mean in relation to vol. firefighters

Asked by ... over 9 years ago

Usually volunteers have to pull some duty to ensure that there are people to respond. A neighboring volunteer fire dept has their volunteers pull a night shift from 8 pm to 6 am at least once a month. So this is probably what you are refering to.

Hello! Ok, so on my birthday I got my gear and number. My parent is a veteran and because of that I am set at very high standards with the team but right now I can't tell a rake from a pike poll! Do you have any advice?

Asked by H.r. almost 10 years ago

Get with a veteran let him show you the ropes. He is a veteran because he does it safely. For the first few months Watch, Listen but don't put your input until you are confident that you know what you are doing. Otherwise hang on for the ride.....

how does it feel to be a firefighter

Asked by dana lopez over 10 years ago

I love my job, there are times when it is boring but it comes with the territory. You never what your going to be doing in 3 min let alone and hour. There is a certain time when you reflect in the thought that when people need help they call you when they do not know what do to and know we will be there with the answers or help. It can emotional from heartbreaking when dealing with the death of the innocent to the rush of the danger. I enjoy the unknowing and the helping of others.

I am very interested in everything to do with fire, except I am in collage to be a Psychologist. Can someone please explain in detail how each of these has had an impact on fire science.
• Infrared imaging
• Water mist
• Compressed air foam

Asked by Paula over 10 years ago

# 1- infrared imaging has been a tremendous tool for us in that in the past when we would enter a structure you had to search manually search by hand. Now I can walkin looking for the the body heat that is emitted from our bodies. We are also able to look into walls for hidden hot spots instead of just tearing apart walls looking for it. Saves time and minimizes damage.

#2- GPS- assisted in search and rescue for mapping the search area. For law enforcement it helps in accident investigations. It also helps on accident recreations scenes to accurately measure the crime scene.

#3- Water mist will cool the room involved and cooling by creating a fine mist it allows for better

How has American dependence on synthetic materials changed the way those employed in fire protection fields do their jobs?

Asked by greeneyes about 10 years ago

It has made our job significantly difficult. Faster burning of these materials and hotter burning gives us less time to knock down these fires. The additional chemicals is making the smoke more toxic, So we are dealing with a shorter time to determine our attack and achieve it.