


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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If while cooking a pot holder catches on fire and you put it out without the assistance of a fireman and it leaves a smaller scortch mark on your counter what type of fire would you classify it as ?

Asked by Krissy about 9 years ago

From a fire report standing this is a bit complexing. The structure is not on fire, equipment is not on fire. The pot holder is not debris so it could be labeled as cooking material. The only listing that we could do is to list it as other and report it in the narrative of the fire report.

What is one area that interests you in regards to fire dynamics, and why?

Asked by fire over 10 years ago

Flashover and backdrafts are the most interesting for me. Watching how thermal barriers are layered in the smoke is awesome. If you ever get the chance to go into a flashover simulator jump at the chance it is amazing how science and fire work together.

Landlord sawed off 1" off the bottom of all our front doors that lead into a closed in hallway.We're not allowed to cover the gap so we don't get cold drafts and the neighbors cigarette smoke. Isn't the gap a backdraft hazard? Can't move to new place

Asked by christinee about 10 years ago

The gap would not be a back draft hazards based on the fact that it is not creating a tight seal that would allow a building to get to the decay stage and get dangerous with the application of the fresh air. I am confused in the thinking behind this though. The one thing it does allow is smoke and carbon monoxide to move freely into your home from the hallway or other rooms. I would recommend that you contact your local fire department code enforcement officer to see if this action is legal. I would imagine that there may be a few other issues in question.

Are there practices/procedures that firefighters use that are different from the "textbook" way of doing things, because they are more practical, while they may not be "right?"

Asked by Jes over 10 years ago

Tricky Question. When we go through numerous courses we arevtaught many techniques that are changing as construction for instance changes. Fires back in the 1990's were occuring in houses where we were given more time to fight a fire because we had wood framing that was constructed with 2 inch nails but now we have Gusset Plates that are only penetrating the wood by a 1/4" set of prongs into the timber. This is done now for cost effectivess but it causes us to move away from the way we operated for years and have to extinguish fires faster now. When it comes to fire suppression OSHA has instituted regulations called "2 in 2 out". For every 2 firefighters that go into a structure there are 2 outside waiting for in case of the need of rescue. This has become textbook teaching now. But this isn't always realistic and at times has to be put to the wayside. Example, Rural volunteer fire dept. gets notified of a structure fire and upon arrival they find a person trapped. There is only 2 firefighters on the truck, do they wait for more help or do they risk it and go in with no one outside. Testbook correct no, reality yes. When it comes to firefighting there is no set time frame for fires to go out. The incident is continously fluid environment and we try to be safe but we have to use Risk Vs Gain concept and what may be right to you can be the wrong way to another. 

Im 17 and i am currently enrolled in the youth challenge academy, I have obtained my GED and i am scheduled to graduate on March 7th, 2015, could you give me any pointers on how to become a firefighter or how to start becoming one?

Asked by Jamari Hunter about 10 years ago

Obtain your EMT and join a volunteer fire dept for exposure and expierence

What is a better way to start at a volunteer FD if you want to be both a firefighter and an EMT? EMT and then becoming a Firefighter? Or becoming a firefighter first and than becoming an EMT?

Asked by Richard almost 11 years ago

This is dependant on the type of department. If they are EMS strong than EMT first but generally firefighter training is conducted by the fire dept. I recommend getting EMT secondary since it is longer and shows a dedicated effort towards further employment.

Are you able to tell how bad burns are on sight?Like could you immediately tell if a guy who's still alive is so badly burned that he's not going to make it, so you leave him where he is to go find possible survivors?

Asked by Tim over 10 years ago

That is what we call triaging when we have to sort out our patients when we have large amounts of patients as who is the most viable for recovering. Burn treatment has come along way in the last 20 yrs. We had people with 50% 3rd deg dying and now we are having pts 90% burned and living,