Debate Coach

Debate Coach

EP 15

Athens, GA

Male, 54

I have been the director of the Georgia Debate Union for the last twenty-five years. Our program works with intercollegiate debaters who engage in public policy debate (National Debate Tournament style debate). Our coaches collaborate with undergraduate debaters on developing argument strategies for the annual national topic, direct research on that topic, facilitating discussions related to theories of debate, and listen to practice debates and speeches.

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18 Questions


Last Answer on February 04, 2013

Best Rated

You mentioned that the pres. debates don't meet the conditions for a real debate. So do you think these debates serve any real purpose? Or is this all just for show?

Asked by J. Wright over 12 years ago

They have value. It is a moment that can't alsways be controlled by the campaign team and we see the candidates together and can make interpersonal judgments about each.

Who are better debaters: men or women?

Asked by jeremy over 12 years ago

Depends on the person. The 1st speaker at the 2012 NDT was a woman.

How much does vocal tonality matter re: persuasiveness? Is someone with a high-pitched, nasal / whiny voice at a dramatic disadvantage?

Asked by SamTs over 12 years ago

Intercolleiate policy debate is a high speech data driven activity. Content usually trumps presuasive considerations. In a traditonal public audience debate -- pitch would play an inportant role in determining outcome.

Hello, I am currently founding a debate club at Onondaga Community College. This will be a good start but the goal is to organize a debate team to be competitive nationally. We need a debate coach. What do we do?

Asked by Lucky almost 12 years ago