Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

Best Rated

Team B leads 21-14. A25 runs for a TD as time expires in the game and he is flagged for a dead ball UNS for spiking the ball. What are Team B's options

Asked by over 1 year ago


Does a whistle blow when the KO team is offsides and does the play stop?

Asked by Rob almost 4 years ago


why is it ok for a ball carrier to put their hands to a defender face, but it's illegal for a defender if they do it?

Asked by lost sole over 3 years ago


Why is it ok for a ball carrier to use their hands to the face of a defender, but it's a penalty if a defender does it?

Asked by lost sole over 3 years ago


Why is it not a touchdown when a receiver catches the ball at the half yard line, the ball crosses the corner of the goal line, and only one foot of the receiver lands in. A runner dives through the corner and its a touch down.

Asked by Ken Burton over 3 years ago


When a receiving team is called for holding during a runback, why does the offense start 1st and 10 rather than 1st and 20?

Asked by James B. Macllan over 3 years ago


Scenario: Team A faces 4th and 8. Team A punts. Ball is partially blocked but crosses LOS in air. Team B tries to catch ball in air at 6 yards and muffs it. Kicking team A recovers. Ruling?

Asked by over 1 year ago