Football Official

Football Official


Somewhere in, NJ

Male, 62

I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!

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514 Questions


Last Answer on January 23, 2021

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A snap goes over the qb head, dl kicks the ball forward into opposing endzone then falls on it. What is the decision on the play. Touchdown?

Asked by ian about 11 years ago

That's an illegal kick by the defensive lineman.  College rules call for a ten yard penalty against the offending team - in this case the defense. So, no TD and, after accepting the penalty, it's still the offense's ball.

In a TX high school game, the kicker missed the ball when he was attempting to kick off. Kind of a "Charlie Brown" Anyway, the ref's acted like it didn't even happen and rekicked it. Shouldn't it have been an offside penalty?

Asked by Ray's dad over 10 years ago

No.  Although I undrstand your idea.  On a kickoff, only the kicker may (technically) be in front of the restrainig line. Especially with "soccer sdtyle" kickers, they often approach from the side.  In this case, the generally accepted practice is to pretty much call a do over, which is what they did.  No kick, no play.

I have noticed while watching a game, the play clock will be down to a certain number say 8 then change to 25 before the ball is snapped. Please, tell me why or should this be happening?

Asked by Rick Greenberg about 10 years ago

If the ball isn't set for some reason by the time the play clock reaches 20 seconds, the referee will pump one hand in the air to reset the play clock to 25. That's to give the offense a fair opportunity to run their offense. But 8 seconds? Something else must have happened - was there a timeout or some clock malfunction or an injury? The 25 count is "sacrosanct" and generally you don't interrupt it.

When a QB is behind the line of scrimmage, when is it considered a sack to a minus rushing attempt?

Asked by Turk over 10 years ago

That's a statistical issue, which officials don't really deal with.  My personal understanding is that sacks are rushing attempts.

Suppose STL-SEA game is tied 17-17. In OT, STL receives ball and kicks FG. SEA returns kickoff to STL 10. SEA throws interception to STL defender at the 2, who backtracks and is tackled for safety. OT safety ends game, so does SEA win 19-20?!

Asked by John A. over 11 years ago

I can't answer definitively for the NFL, but in college the answer would be no.  In college there is a momentum rule (and a fellow official says he's pretty sure it exists in the NFL, too).  It's to prevenrt cheap safeties on good efensive plays like the one you describe.  Inside the five, if a player intercepts or receives a punt, then goes into the end zone where he is downed, the ball would come out to the spot of the interception/kick reception. That's why you see officials toss a bean bag at that spot. It would be the defense's ball - in this case Seattle - 1/10 at the 2.

Is there a rule regarding players from the sideline entering the field of play (end zone as well) and participating in the celebration of a score?

Asked by Dont about 9 years ago

In the NFL, there cannot be choreographed celebrations. Having your non-players (off the sideline) on the field likely falls into that category. In college it is specific: Rule 9-2-1 says no one - including the mascot - is allowed on the field during any period without the permission of the referee.

Could offside been called on the kicker doing the onside kick in the game last night? The kicker's plant foot was across the line planted on the ground before he kicked the ball.

Asked by Darryl about 9 years ago

No foul. The kicker is the only player who can be in advance of the ball on a free kick. Interesting how so many people have asked this for this pkay, yet it happens on virtually every onside kick. A lot of anti-Bama fans out there.