School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

Howdy we recently got a new bus driver about 5 days ago she always miseses stops! her names Ethal and is it ok if the bus driver keeps saying if you dont quite switching seats im going to go back to the school are they aloud to do that or no?

Asked by Isaic Walker over 7 years ago

Yes they are allowed to go back to the school. Stay in your seat and stop switching seats while the bus is moving. She does have the authority to assign seats if you cannot behave. Maybe you should offer to help her out with the route so she won't miss stops.

Have you ever had a experience where another school bus ran your stop sign?

Asked by Jimmy about 6 years ago

Yes. It happens to even the best drivers.

What is the nicest bus you have ever drove?

Asked by JJ about 6 years ago

One with air conditioning.

What do bus drivers do while kids are in school?

Asked by Makayla about 7 years ago

Many of us have second jobs that we go to during the day. Some are lunch room workers and others like myself work outside the bus job and school system during the day. Some people don't have to work outside the bus so they are either stay at home parents or retirees just looking for a little extra income by driving a bus.

What is the most disturbing thing that you have seen students do on a bus?

Asked by Alli about 6 years ago

Nothing surprises me anymore. I had a student shove his way through my door just because he wanted to get off the bus at the wrong stop.

Why is federal regulations restrict buses to 55mph? I feel this can put buses in danger where the speed limt is 85 and people are flying 100.

Asked by Old man Jenkins about 6 years ago

Think of it this way, would you want a vehicle full of 60 children speeding down an interstate at over 60 mph? The risk of injury is lower the lower the speed of the vehicle. Truthfully, I wish we could speed up a bit more on highways, but it is for student safety.

Is it legal for a bus driver to disclose information to other passengers on a bus? Also is it illegal to intentionally brake check a student for standing up to early?

Asked by Sheepdog over 6 years ago

It depends on the information disclosed. If its protected by HIPAA laws then it can be disclosed under certain circumstances. For example a diabetic student may need to be known on the bus and other students may be inadvertently made aware of the condition or an older student may be paired with a younger student with issues and may be made aware of those needs in order to alert the bus driver. That being said generally personal information is not shared.

Also while not illegal it is unethical to brake check a student.