School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

I learned your secret to putting all those windows up lol. I used to think you just had to tirelessly put them all up. Nope you just walk out side and give them a good push. Just thought I would share lol

Asked by Manly about 4 years ago


have you ever worked with a driver you did not think should be a driver? Why did you not think that?

Asked by Tarra almost 4 years ago


What do you think about a route where so there is not enough buses and not enough drivers. So lets say there is a bus that has grades 5-12th on one and the other is K-4
So the buses are doubble ran but some routes are just too long so you might have time in the morning to do a elementry run but not in the afternoon so they might only have one
run or maybe they have a AM route or subs since in the mornings you can always come earlier but in the afternoon you have to drop your kids off and be at the next school.
So lets say there is not enough buses and not enough drivers so the route that was already long is longer becasue in the morning the route is ran normally both the one with
older studnets and younger students. But now they have a AM and PM elementry run as well so the driver has time to drop a number of students off unload much of the bus. Then
take the reamining students to the elementry school make them move to the back and tripple up and the elementry students all get on and tripple up. The driver then drives
and does the route dropping of the reamainng older kids and the younger kids as well. Do you think this is a good solution to being a route down? I know they don't have enough
drivers but having older and younger studnets together can be a problem as well as the fact the route was long to begin with and now it is even longer because they have to do this.
What are your thoughts?

Asked by Searra almost 4 years ago


Hey maybe I have a good question for you lol. How do you enforce the rules without being what some call “anal retentive”? I know if you give kids a inch they take a mile but also you don’t want to make a big deal out of every little thing.

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


For example you might let a cuss word slip they are just talking to their friends and let one out not being loud or obnoxious or saying it for the sake of saying it a older student but as time goes on everyone will start doing it obnoxiously just becuase they think they can or let someone sit not a assigned seat one tike and everyone just sits whereever

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


Ohhh yea one other example is that you let a kid play music one time. Then other kids start doing it and then it is gangster rap. If you tell them to stop you become the “mean bus driver”. I know there are drivers way “meaner” then me but I want to be cool

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


Do you think it’s okay to hire a driver with a oxygen tank? Let’s say the person is a good driver, can handle kids well, and everything else however if they got in a crash would he be able to help the kids, other people around him/her, or him or herself? i see a libalirty but also I dont rhink irs good to barr someone dorm gettinf a job over somethif theh xant help

Asked by Zack 2 over 4 years ago