School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Why are most bus drivers older or younger? Not usually middle aged

Asked by Asker over 4 years ago


Hi bus driver. I know you’re backlogged a lot of questions. But how does it make you feel when kids and teens go behind your back and say stuff but won’t say it to your face?

Asked by Randall over 2 years ago


Show parents and students this when they bitch about the bus

Asked by The Bitchy Dirver over 4 years ago


Do drivers who are paid hourly or by mile (or any other way I suppose) ever try and “cheat” the system to get paid more. Such as showing up excessively early, trying to drag the route excessively late, try and spend as long as they can waiting in the terminals, pick the longest route possible, find any excuse to have to pull over to take more time, if paid by mile if they have a break between runs drive around a whole bunch, if paid by hour or time in general drive at a excessively slow speed, and other things like that? Have you ever seen this kind of thing or even done it yourself and would administration put a end to it if this happens?

Asked by Abert about 4 years ago


My second question is why do so many districts and companies pay different ways and what are the pros and cons and indifferences of them. Some pay by hour or some unit of time, others pay by mile, others pay a flat salary of some kind while others have more of a contract plan and I’m sure there is more but why does everyone seem to do it differently?

Asked by Albert again about 4 years ago


Do you think you could ever do a route like this I think the first stop is before 5 AM!!!

Asked by Ryan about 4 years ago


What do you do when you have a anal retentive boss? Long story short we are in a prank war with a few drivers we would dress other drivers buses up like for instance decorate one for Christmas, then I found out who it was and put some stupid bumper sticker on hers. When she finally realized she had a bumper sticker that said “I beat up five hippies and all I got was this bud” she put some sticker saying “to avoid injury don’t tell me how to do my job” on mine. Which tuned into me water painting her bus, and then I tied cans to the back of her bus at which point I put another bumper sticker that said “honk if a kid falls out” on the back and she finally noticed it and put another one saying “I’m 70 so leave me the hell alone” and a few other random ones I picked up a event and stuck them various places. To which she stuck a baby doll that made noise in my tool box and it took me forever to find it until a kid pulled it out of a tool box I thought a kid was crying. Then finally I put a giant pair of bull balls on the bumper when they called me to the office and wrote us both up for trying to have a good time. Sorry this is long. Copy and pasted

Asked by Martina about 4 years ago