Basketball Referee

Basketball Referee


20 Years Experience

Chicago, IL

Male, 60

For twenty years I officiated high school, AAU and park district basketball games, retiring recently. For a few officiating is the focus of their occupation, while for most working as an umpire or basketball referee is an avocation. I started ref'ing to earn beer money during college, but it became a great way to stay connected to the best sports game in the universe. As a spinoff, I wrote a sports-thriller novel loosely based on my referee experiences titled, Advantage Disadvantage

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651 Questions


Last Answer on September 20, 2019

Best Rated

q2/2, A was dribbling, then tried to bounce pass to B w/ 1hand (no pick up with 2 hands, no palm, hand top of the ball). C tried to steal from B, so A tried to regain dribble but too late, ball got out and went toward B, can A touch ball 1st?

Asked by Antuxity over 5 years ago

Yes because by your scenario A's dribble never ended.

If the home team has the possession arrow to start the 2nd period and the inbound pass is stolen by the visiting team, does the possession arrow change or stay for the home team since they never possessed the ball?

Asked by CrockC about 6 years ago

The arrow is changed. The home team used up their possession.

After I ended my dribble, and put down my left foot as my pivot foot. Can I step thru and jump off my right foot to do a layup? Some people keep saying you have to jump off with both feet to avoid to be called travel. Thank you very much.

Asked by Joseph about 6 years ago

With the exception of a step to a jump stop, where neither foot can be a pivot, you are correct. Let's suppose your right foot is the pivot. You can step with your left foot and lift your pivot (right foot) and shoot or pass. It has to be this way or you could not shoot a lay up. However, if you touch the floor with your right foot after lifting it or drag your left before releasing the ball it is travelling.

If an offensive player attacks a defender and uses their off arm to lock the defender’s arm while driving. Who is at fault? The offensive player claims that the defender should move their feet quicker. The defender says they have the right to contact

Asked by g5esAXfpiBtujsGQDJdH over 5 years ago

There is no requirement of a defender to move so that the offensive player avoids contact. This comes down to who has the right to the vertical space. Suppose the defender has obtained legal guarding position, and the offensive player initiates contact within that space it is a player control foul on the offense.

Yesterday I asked about a held ball in streetball. Your answer was pretty useless. Can you direct me to the right person or place for a more “official” answer? ????

Asked by Menchi about 6 years ago

Sorry, my knowledge is about NFHS rules, and that is the focus of this space.

Could you give me repport sample about an incidente that happend during a game?i mean what do you write after the game?

Asked by Mekhallet Salah almost 6 years ago

I only had to do a couple write ups and I don't have them anymore. However, here is my advice.1) stick to facts not impressions. For example don't say I felt unsafe, instead write he threatened me if it was true. 2) include prior events that led to the final result, 3) remember that the reader was not there and will evaluate your write up with an independent, unbiased point of view.

The ball was passed to me. It was a high pass. I needed to jump, but the defender impeded my ability to jump. He didn't step on my foot, but his foot was above mine in a way that didn't allow me to jump when my foot met his on the way up. a foul?

Asked by xian almost 6 years ago

See answer above. My advice, jump vertically and if there is contact your opponent should be charged.