Basketball Referee

Basketball Referee


20 Years Experience

Chicago, IL

Male, 60

For twenty years I officiated high school, AAU and park district basketball games, retiring recently. For a few officiating is the focus of their occupation, while for most working as an umpire or basketball referee is an avocation. I started ref'ing to earn beer money during college, but it became a great way to stay connected to the best sports game in the universe. As a spinoff, I wrote a sports-thriller novel loosely based on my referee experiences titled, Advantage Disadvantage

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651 Questions


Last Answer on September 20, 2019

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I’m running down the right side of the court on a fast break with the ball, 2 defenders in front a little left of me and one behind. The guy in front jumps in front of me so i hault, the guy behind Knocks me off balance, what would you call?

Asked by over 6 years ago

Since you are entitled to the space you occupy, I would call a foul on the defense for pushing you.

Is this traveling?

Asked by Kev25 over 6 years ago

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In my middle school team's game, a 70' heave at the end of the 2nd quarter (immediately before the buzzer) bounced on the floor and almost went in. Would the shot have counted had it gone in?

Asked by Tom about 7 years ago

No it wouldn't count. If a try leaves a shooters hand before time runs out, it can count until the try is over. The try is over 1) when it goes through the basket, or 2) when it is clear the try will not go in. When it hits the floor, the try is over.

Is this traveling?

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Asked by Kev25 over 6 years ago

In my opinion this is not traveling (under NFHS rules). 1) he picks up the ball while in the air. his right foot comes down first, he steps on his left, giving up his pivot and then releases the ball. No traveling. 2) In NFHS you can capture the ball without it hitting anything (rim, backboard floor, opponent, referee) if and only if the airball was a legitimate attempt at a shot. I think it was in this case, so I would rule no traveling. College and Pro rules would call this same play traveling, but not high school rules.

How could I get the ball at half court my team down 3 I called timeout we didn't get it at half court how can I for kids 12&13 yrs old

Asked by over 6 years ago

In NFHS rules, after a timeout you get the ball spot for a throwin at the closest perpendicular point unlessthe ball was in the lane. A timeout never advances the ball like it does in the NBA.

A few people (hating or having criticism) say I shuffle my feet while I shoot (off catch or dribbling). To adjust, I dribble once before I shoot. How many steps can I legally take to shoot after I put the ball on the ground?

Asked by Windell Lyday over 6 years ago

During a dribble you cannot travel. Once you pick up your dribble, one or both feet become your pivot foot. You can step with your non pivot foot and then lift your pivot but it is travelling if you put your pivot foot down again or if you move your non pivot foot. So, if you end your dribble or just catch the ball, then shuffle your feet it is travelling. Shuffling your feet is a bad habit that can only result in travelling.

Can a game be counted in a tournament if the rules are not fully in force? What if, by common agreement, no free throws are shot? Are the games official?

Asked by Monte Dutton about 6 years ago

In NFHS rules, there are things left to the states such as video review or suspension terms when a player or coach is ejected. I have worked tournament games where there was a 20 point lead and by tourney rules the 4th quaerter clock was running even after a whistle. Best bet is to check with your state or tournament staff to see if your alteraction is acceptable.