Basketball Referee

Basketball Referee


20 Years Experience

Chicago, IL

Male, 60

For twenty years I officiated high school, AAU and park district basketball games, retiring recently. For a few officiating is the focus of their occupation, while for most working as an umpire or basketball referee is an avocation. I started ref'ing to earn beer money during college, but it became a great way to stay connected to the best sports game in the universe. As a spinoff, I wrote a sports-thriller novel loosely based on my referee experiences titled, Advantage Disadvantage

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651 Questions


Last Answer on September 20, 2019

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If a player was shooting a 3, and another defender flies by and touches the ball but ball goes in the basket then is it counted or not ?

Asked by HS about 8 years ago

It would count as a three point shot. It does not matter where the defender is standing.

Backcourt called: My center brought the ball across half court & decided to pass the ball back to me in the backcourt.As he madethe pass I jumped toward the ball,caught in the air in the backcourt but landed both feet in the front court. Violation?

Asked by Peter D about 7 years ago

Normally, when you jump in the air you are considered to have status in the area where you alighted from. So, in your case, the ball was established in the front court, you jumped from the backcourt and caught the ball in the air ... violation.There are two exceptions to this rule. 1. Throw ins, and 2. Defense intercepting a pass.

Can you set a screen on both sides of a player at the top of the key? (Pin them from both sides so the guard can pick whichever way they want to go) they looked at me crazy when i told them it seemed wrong in 3rd grade.

Asked by Brad Yarnall about 8 years ago

Yes you can. The same blocking and picking rules apply.

If a player 1 in bound the ball to the back court to player 2. While in the back court player 2 passes the ball to player 3 who catches the ball in the air while jumping from front court & landing in the back court. Is that a back court violation?

Asked by Tom Nguyen about 8 years ago

Yes, backcourt violation because when player 2 catches the ball in the backcourt it establishes backcourt status. When player 3 alights from the frontcourt he has frontcourt status, but when he lands he is in the backcourt, hence the violation.There is an exception in the rule book on a throw in which allows a player in the frontcourt to jump, catch the ball in the air and land in the backcourt. But that only applies 1. On a direct throw in, or 2. On an interception play by a defensive player.

Hello, if a high school player dribbles the ball above his head is that called a violation? I am told no... But what if the player maintains control of that said ball by having his forearm also pressed against the ball?

Asked by Jason Konopisos over 7 years ago

There is no specification of the height for dribbling. If your hand is above the ball play on, unless the dribbler cups the hand to pull the ball back.

player is directly under the hoop as shot clock is expiring. player throws the ball & hits the rim from directly under the hoop. the ball never had a real chance to go in & is not "really" a shot. does the shot clock get reset? thanks

Asked by midd44 almost 8 years ago

There is no shot clock in nfhs except by state authorization. But yes, where a shot used any contact between ball and ring resets the shot timer.

What would cause you to call fouls for 5-7 year olds. My son was fouled out tonight . He was only trying to go after the ball. The ref never explained to him what he was doing wrong. It caused a big argument and the ref tried to fight our coach.

Asked by Brittany about 7 years ago

5-7 year olds should not be playing traditional full court basketball (in my opinion). They would learn the game better in half court, 3 on 3, with supervision stopping plays on fouls but not shooting free throws. Just my opinion.

By the way, I have always maintained that lower level high school, and grade school games are harder to officiate than Varsity games. The reason is that in Varsity games, a ref calls what they see - in lower level games you have to decide what NOT to call, otherwise you ruin the game.