Hollywood Executive Assistant

Hollywood Executive Assistant


Los Angeles, CA

Female, 0

High-Level Assistant to Chairmen & CEOs of Fortune 100 Companies & Hollywood Executive Producers. Ask me anything! "Like" my answers, especially if you submitted the question so I know you read it! :D Thx!

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56 Questions


Last Answer on August 23, 2020

Best Rated

You want to send a flower arrangement or other gift to a Hollywood executive with a letter...how do you make sure note gets there what would you send from what vendor

Asked by Robbie Goldstein about 10 years ago


Hi Kiyomi,
So I've worked with a real estate group at a banking firm going on 5 years. I've been through it all with them and back and this Christmas, they forgot to give me a gift. ? What gives? Is that a sign that I am not loved anymore?

Asked by NYC EA about 10 years ago


I answer email straight from the executive's inbox. How can I indicate it is me, the EA, sending the message? Is there etiquette for this? Do I just put my initials under his name or sign my name and "on behalf of" his name? Thanks!

Asked by MBC over 9 years ago


I have been scared to ask but I hear a lot of Q and Infowars conspiracy theories about pedos in Hollywood how true or false is this?

Asked by Thelma over 4 years ago


I got my bachelor's in biology and currently work in healthcare. I was thinking about a possible career change and have always been fascinated by the entertainment industry. Are there good job opportunities for someone in my position?

Asked by kim over 11 years ago


Your site in tremendously insightful. I was wondering if you had any tips on managing calendars, meeting and generally keeping track of meeting/calendar?

Thank you,

Asked by Laura about 9 years ago


Hello! So I'm wanting to change careers to being executive assistant. I am tired of doing sales/mktg. Is the best way to do this by getting an admin position, then getting certified as a MOS expert? Will that set me apart from the rest?

Asked by Candice almost 10 years ago