


22 Years Experience

Austin, TX

Male, 42

I've been a locksmith since 1998. I did automotive residential & commercial work from 1998 to 2008. From 2008 to 2018, I did some residential, but mostly commercial work. I have been project managing & estimating since 2018. I used to locksmith in the Chicago area, now the Austin area.

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327 Questions


Last Answer on June 24, 2022

Best Rated

can a lock be built with a double bladed key like two keys side by side with a gap between the blades that are both inserted into a single mechanism at the same time in order to unlock it i am a builder of machines and wanted to see if it was poss..

Asked by castiel tir bourne over 10 years ago

Sure! It's possible. I've never seen it done, but I'm sure someone could figure out a way to do it. 

Re. Cary safe,just as I typed it is how it is worded,there are 5 lines on the card 1st line says "3 times" and so on down to 5th line.I sure don't get what he wrote!

Asked by shoalin almost 10 years ago

Ok, try this...

Turn the dial COUNTER-CLOCKWISE and pass the number 40 three times and stop on it the 4rd time.

Turn the dial CLOCKWISE and pass the number 60 twice and stop on it the 3rd time.

Turn the dial COUNTER-CLOCKWISE and pass the number 10 once and stop on it the 2nd time. 

Turn the dial CLOCKWISE until it stops. If the dial stops, you've entered it correctly and the handle should turn. Try this a few times. The devil's in the details!! Let me know what happens. 

My mother has a very old jewelry box that is locked and she has no key. is there a way to unlock it without causing damage to the box?

Asked by Jean almost 10 years ago

Try bringing it to a well established locksmith shop. They usually have a lot of old skeleton keys laying around. They can try them & see if 1 fits.

Can a Schlage B660 deadbolt (6-pin) and Schlage Latitude handleset (5-pin?) be keyed to use the same key? Both use the SC1 keyway. Thanks.

Asked by Desert Dweller about 10 years ago

Yes you can key them alike, but you'll have to use the 5-pin keys, not the 6. A 6-pin key won't work a 5-pin lock properly. 

Hi Josh I have Rigid jobsite box with 2 recessed master lock pro series locks...someone tried breaking into the locks by putting a screwdriver in the keyhole and damaging the locks is there anyway I can remove these locks without destroying my jobbox

Asked by Jeremy Boston MA over 10 years ago

Depending on how bad the keyway is, you could try hammering the key into the keyway. If that's not an option, if a drill can access the padlock, maybe it can be drilled out. Those can be tricky though. 

I have recently aquired an antique pianoo that has a small mortice lock on the keyboard cover, alas the key is nowhere to be found, is it possible to fit a key to a lock/create a new one and if so, how?

Asked by Russ about 9 years ago

Hard to say but most likely yes. A locksmith should be able to make a key, if nothing else, at least get it open for you.

mailbox key ?? need a copie or a picture please for 92585 92544 area

Asked by mail man helper almost 10 years ago

Not quite sure what you're asking. If you need a copy of a key, try your local walk-in locksmith shop. Just because it says USPS doesn't mean it's restricted or anything. A local shop should have it or should be able to get it.