Casino Dealer

Casino Dealer

Roulette Wiz

14 Years Experience

Las Vegas, NV

Male, 37

I am a Blackjack and Roulette dealer in Las Vegas at a major Las Vegas Strip property. I have knowledge of all the table games. I have seen and done it all in over 8 years as a table games dealer here in Sin City. I love my job and industry. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Ask me anything and everything. My life is like a real-life Hangover experience. Well, okay it's not but it sounded good didn't it?

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60 Questions


Last Answer on March 09, 2016

Best Rated

How do you prove that someone is card-counting?

Asked by Abbas almost 13 years ago

My burden doesn't lie on proof. If I am suspicious of someone, I am required to notify my floor supervisor. Telltale signs of a card counter include: Playing at "3rd base" which is the last spot on the table, so they can see every card that comes out. Huge variations in bets when the "shoe" gets to the end and the cards might be in their favor. A guy who bets $25-50 a hand and jumps to $1000 is a pretty big red flag. Lastly, working with a friend or buddy and using numerical codes or symbols to get an accurate card count. Anything out of the norm is always suspicious to me. Like I said, I work at a major Strip property, usually this stuff goes on downtown in smaller casinos.

Do casinos have the responsibility to "cut someone off" if he's showing signs of compulsive or destructive gambling behavior, and does it actually happen in practice?

Asked by scarmo almost 13 years ago

I know there are grey areas here. This is up to people at a higher pay grade than me. If the management deems the person to be too inebriated, they will usually escort them to their room. If it was up to me, I wouldn't let someone blow money when they know not what they're doing!!

Who are the blackjack and roulette players that you can't stand?

Asked by Tr3 almost 13 years ago

I really don't like negativity. It ruins the mojo and vibe/pulse of the table. I also don't like the phrase "Let Me Win." It's like, "okay buddy, I'll go ahead and let you win, because I obviously have control over what goes on here. It's YOUR lucky day! I'm going to LET you win!" Also, I get perturbed when people don't bet the minimum number of chips on roulette. If it's a $15 table, bet 15 chips. Also, there are outside and inside bets. Inside bets are the numbers. Outside are the columns, even/odd, red/black. You cannot combine inside and outside bets. Yet, players think they can argue their point. I know my job. VERY well. There's no need for interpretation.

If someone's losing his shirt at your blackjack table, do you still expect him to tip you?

Asked by Brixy_66 almost 13 years ago

Absolutely not. My philosophy on tipping has always been the same. A tip is gratitude from someone to myself. I don't expect it, it's not required. Anything someone tosses me is a bonus. They don't have to tip me anything at all. You can't be let down if you don't expect anything. So, when something floats my way, I'm happy. Even if it's just a couple bucks on a 2k win. It's 2 bucks more than I had before. Nothing can be expected in the casino tipping world. When I get something, I'm happy. Some of my coworkers express frustration over cheap people. You have no control over their behavior. So, whatever kind of tip I get, I'm happy for!

Do you find a Vegas casino to be a depressing place to work?

Asked by siram almost 13 years ago

Not at all. I love my job, I love the glitz and glamour. I work at a high-end casino with many high-limit players and lots of action. We have a nightclub and plenty of eye candy. The customers are generally positive and nice. I live in Henderson, which is a very nice suburb. Life is what you make of it, it's 10% of what is dealt to you and 90% of how you react to it.

Are you allowed to gamble in your own casino?

Asked by angel1 almost 13 years ago

I cannot play slots or table games at my casino. However, I can place a sports bet out of uniform and off the clock. I do that regularly.

How come some dealers are very strict about the players having to do full hand motions for "hit" or "stand", and then others don't seem to care?

Asked by Da Baxter almost 13 years ago

Yes. As a dealer, we first deal to surveillance. When there is a judgment call on a hand, unless the player gives a full and clear sign, it's up to interpretation as to whether they wanted to stay or hit. Here's a scenario. I, the dealer, have a 6 card showing. The player at first base has a 18. Will he hit? Of course not. The delaer assumes a no-hit and skips over him without asking for a signal from the player. The next player has a 11 and hits, as per the norm. He gets a 3 then stays. So now it's my, the dealer's, turn. I flip a 10, so I have a 16 then hit and get a 2. I've made an 18. All of a sudden, the player at 1st says, "Wait a sec, I wanted to hit on my 18 but you skipped over me. I wasn't given a chance to ask for a hit." Of course, if he hits he'd have gotten 21 and won the hand. After calling surveillance, the player was allowed to take that 3 because he never gave a "stay" signal. This exact scenario happened to me, verbatim. So, any dealer that skips past a player without getting a clear signal from the player hasn't been burned, yet. So, when you're asked to wave off a 20, please don't flip me shit. I'm just protecting my ass and doing my job. Every dealer who has been around has had a "shot taken" on him. I'm all about clear signals, because when it comes down to it, I don't need another write-up! Great question.