I am a Blackjack and Roulette dealer in Las Vegas at a major Las Vegas Strip property. I have knowledge of all the table games. I have seen and done it all in over 8 years as a table games dealer here in Sin City. I love my job and industry. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Ask me anything and everything. My life is like a real-life Hangover experience. Well, okay it's not but it sounded good didn't it?
I had a customer recently who bought in for $300, and he walked away with $13,000. This was just last month. It was amazing. He bet $200 on #17, the most popular number. It hit for $7000.
That is a total myth at about 90% of casinos here. I cannot speak for the older casinos in downtown AKA Fremont Street. However, at my casino at most of the major properties on the Strip, the dealers are on a specific time schedule, no matter what the player is winning. Believe it or not, we want people to win! You win, we win, everyone has fun. Get it?!
It is my job. We are constantly on the lookout for card counters. It is pretty obvious who is doing it. The floor supervisor AKA pit boss is also highly trained to spot the card counters. Surveillance is also watching like a hawk, trust me! Is it my job? Yes, but my job does not depend on me being able to catch and track every card counter. I am also watching for a variety of other things, card counting is just one piece of the puzzle.
4. Most all major casinos limit the split to 4 times.
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Absolutely not. I do not consider them morons. I do know the odds like the back of my hand. I think if someone is having fun, that is the main point. We all know the games are skewed to favor the casino. That's no secret. People come to Vegas to have fun, party, meet girls, etc. 99.9% of the people I deal to are fun and normal who play the game and play their numbers for fun. They play for the thrill of winning, knowing that odds are not in their favor but simply wanting to have fun.
Good question lol. Informally, I will ALWAYS double-check when a player makes an "out of the box" play. It's funny that you mention hitting a 19, I did have a woman once hit a hard 19, and she of course nailed a 2. I usually ask "are you sure?" before making an ill-advised play. I could be a jerk and just let them make their play, but keep in mind I want you to win so I will do as much as I can to assist you, within reason.
Good question. I'm also calling BS. There are SO many factors that come into play when you spin a ball. The way you snap your finger, the exact and precise time you spin, and the speed of the wheel. The biggest factor is the pips, or the little bumps in the wheel that the ball usually hits as the ball slows down. With that factor, all proverbial bets are off. I get asked this question alot lol.
My burden doesn't lie on proof. If I am suspicious of someone, I am required to notify my floor supervisor. Telltale signs of a card counter include: Playing at "3rd base" which is the last spot on the table, so they can see every card that comes out. Huge variations in bets when the "shoe" gets to the end and the cards might be in their favor. A guy who bets $25-50 a hand and jumps to $1000 is a pretty big red flag. Lastly, working with a friend or buddy and using numerical codes or symbols to get an accurate card count. Anything out of the norm is always suspicious to me. Like I said, I work at a major Strip property, usually this stuff goes on downtown in smaller casinos.
I know there are grey areas here. This is up to people at a higher pay grade than me. If the management deems the person to be too inebriated, they will usually escort them to their room. If it was up to me, I wouldn't let someone blow money when they know not what they're doing!!
I really don't like negativity. It ruins the mojo and vibe/pulse of the table. I also don't like the phrase "Let Me Win." It's like, "okay buddy, I'll go ahead and let you win, because I obviously have control over what goes on here. It's YOUR lucky day! I'm going to LET you win!" Also, I get perturbed when people don't bet the minimum number of chips on roulette. If it's a $15 table, bet 15 chips. Also, there are outside and inside bets. Inside bets are the numbers. Outside are the columns, even/odd, red/black. You cannot combine inside and outside bets. Yet, players think they can argue their point. I know my job. VERY well. There's no need for interpretation.
Absolutely not. My philosophy on tipping has always been the same. A tip is gratitude from someone to myself. I don't expect it, it's not required. Anything someone tosses me is a bonus. They don't have to tip me anything at all. You can't be let down if you don't expect anything. So, when something floats my way, I'm happy. Even if it's just a couple bucks on a 2k win. It's 2 bucks more than I had before. Nothing can be expected in the casino tipping world. When I get something, I'm happy. Some of my coworkers express frustration over cheap people. You have no control over their behavior. So, whatever kind of tip I get, I'm happy for!
Not at all. I love my job, I love the glitz and glamour. I work at a high-end casino with many high-limit players and lots of action. We have a nightclub and plenty of eye candy. The customers are generally positive and nice. I live in Henderson, which is a very nice suburb. Life is what you make of it, it's 10% of what is dealt to you and 90% of how you react to it.
I cannot play slots or table games at my casino. However, I can place a sports bet out of uniform and off the clock. I do that regularly.
Yes. As a dealer, we first deal to surveillance. When there is a judgment call on a hand, unless the player gives a full and clear sign, it's up to interpretation as to whether they wanted to stay or hit. Here's a scenario. I, the dealer, have a 6 card showing. The player at first base has a 18. Will he hit? Of course not. The delaer assumes a no-hit and skips over him without asking for a signal from the player. The next player has a 11 and hits, as per the norm. He gets a 3 then stays. So now it's my, the dealer's, turn. I flip a 10, so I have a 16 then hit and get a 2. I've made an 18. All of a sudden, the player at 1st says, "Wait a sec, I wanted to hit on my 18 but you skipped over me. I wasn't given a chance to ask for a hit." Of course, if he hits he'd have gotten 21 and won the hand. After calling surveillance, the player was allowed to take that 3 because he never gave a "stay" signal. This exact scenario happened to me, verbatim. So, any dealer that skips past a player without getting a clear signal from the player hasn't been burned, yet. So, when you're asked to wave off a 20, please don't flip me shit. I'm just protecting my ass and doing my job. Every dealer who has been around has had a "shot taken" on him. I'm all about clear signals, because when it comes down to it, I don't need another write-up! Great question.
He will be forced to leave the property. The winnings are his to keep. There are no criminal charges. There is no way to prove someone is counting cards, at least the smart ones never can get convicted of anything. Like I said, counting isn't illegal and the winnings are the players to keep.
It's silly and superstitous. However, a "winning table" is a vague definition. If a table has won 8-10 hands in a row I wouldn't leave on the win. But if the shoe is over, you're up and reached your goal, get out. Don't let the other players coax you into staying. Ultimately, it's your money and your decision on when to leave.
As far as I know, it's definitely not a casino rule. In fact, we are encouraged to have our customers (players) NOT color up. The theory behind that being, if they walk away from my table with a bunch of $5 chips as opposed to a black ($100) chip, they will be more likely to stop at another table and play out the remaining lower denomination chips. What you are describing is a new phenomenon, and honestly I have yet to witness management ask me to aggressively color up. The IRS would have no knowledge of your wins/losses, unless they wanted to tap into your rewards card activity, which I believe they wouldn't have access to.
I believe they are wrong. Any gimmick game designed by someone and approved to be in a major Strip casino is slanted so heavily in the favor of the casino that there is absolutely no way you will win 60-70% of the time. Of course, your friend is getting lucky but in the long run that will undoubtedly change.
It's extremely ill-advised to purchase insurance, ever. The only scenario I can really see someone buying insurance and it making sense if you're betting like $5000 on a hand, you get a 20 (nothing lower) and I show an Ace. That way, worst case scenario is a push. Otherwise, never EVER purchase insurance. I have a rule as a dealer: If the casino offers it to you, it's a bad idea. That goes for free drinks, side bets, insurance, etc.
The help cards, which can and SHOULD be purchased at the casino gift shop for about $1.99 are an invaluable resource. Not only do I recommend them, I would recommend anyone playing the game have one at their disposal while playing. I've seen seasoned veterans with these in-hand. It tells you the "right" way to play the game. There are a couple iffy situations and the card will tell you the recommended play. Yes, great question and everyone should have one.
That's a very tricky question. First off, we are all hourly plus tips, no salary. There are a few places in Vegas that are "go for your own" meaning you take the tip box with you wherever you go. Table for table. Each casino's tip rate is different. I'm not sure how tribal gaming works their tips, but in Vegas the top-level casinos are all on par with each other tip-wise.
I work 8 hour shifts, and I've had people stay at my table for the duration on many an occasion. I hear of people going on 16-24 hour benders. I am very social with my players and establish great rapport, so I tend to have longer stay time than other dealers. I'm not bragging but I tend to get more gratitude from people that I can chat with. I haven't ever gone home and come back the next day to see the same player at my table however. Sometimes I'll work a 3 day weekend, and have the same person or group there all three nights for the duration of my shift. If you're having fun and your dealer is fun and exciting with a hot table, why would you want to go elsewhere?
At my casino, they do not do these on my shift. However, when they do a periodic count, it's only the larger chips, $100 and higher. If I over or underpay someone at blackjack or roulette, it's up to surveillance to catch that and call down to my supervisor.
I believe it to be 100% true. It can be and was done. It can still be pulled off in today's world, but it'll be alot harder. I firmly believe it to be 100% true and accurate.
Out of the box is a subjective term. It's a great question and here are some of the "out of the box" plays I would make. Keep in mind, not everyone would deem these to be different: Never split 8's on my face card. 90% of the time you'll get two 18's on my 20. When I have a 5 or 6 showing, ALWAYS double if you have an Ace and a 2,3,4,5,6, or 7. I see myself bust a hell of a lot on 5 or 6. When I have a 4,5,6 and you have a 9,10,11 always double. Don't even question it. Just do it. Put your damn money out and do it already lol. Either always or never hit your 16's. Don't flip-flop. This isn't politics and there's no room for emotion. Just do it or don't do it. You don't "feel" like doing it or not. You just do it. When you have a 12 and I have a 2 or 3 up card, hit it. I really never bust on a 2 and RARELY bust on a 3. Bottom line, don't let other people at the table dictate what you do. If they give you shit, don't tell them to F off, just move to another table. My casino has about 80 tables. You don't have to stay there. If you get a bad vibe, move. Be comfortable. Don't let anyone else but you dictate how you play your game. It's your money.
First of all, card-counting isn't illegal. There is no law that says you can't count cards. With that being said, the casino reserves the right to throw any patrons out that they feel are a threat to the casino or the customers. So, if you are suspected of card-counting, you could very well get thrown out and banned from a property. But by definition, card-counting is not illegal.
Yes once I did catch someone counting cards. He was whisked away by security within 3 minutes of my silent notification to my floor supervisor. Surveillance catches them more, and often times I see someone being cuffed or strong armed out of the casino without a scene even being made. The perp knows the risk, and when they get caught they aren't surprised.
If you're playing blackjack at less than $25 a hand for four hours, it's pretty much impossible to get any kind of comps worth using. Funny thing is, the guys that whine "Where's my free buffet" are the ones playing $10 a hand. If you really want to rack up the comps, play slot machines. However, I'd never play a slot machine lol so in that case, keep your BJ hand abover $25 and you'll find yourself dining on the free and taking your lady to a comped Cirque show.
It's just a window. I do not know what's back there. If I have an ace up, then I will turn the card to the side and feed it into the window then I can see the symbol of a face card. However, if I have a face card and I back it in, I have no idea what the bottom card is, it's just white. Any face card will have markings at the corner of the card, whereas if it's a numbered card, all I see is white.
I honestly thought at this point in my career, I thought I'd have seen some legit punches thrown. To be honest, I've seen plenty of verbal arguments, cuss words thrown around, yelling, alot of "wtf" moments, but no physicality. When it comes down to it, you're on vacation from wherever. If you punch someone out and get arrested, do you really want to come back for a court date? I've had to use that line more than once. Cooler heads usually always prevail. Ask youself, "Is this really worth it?" next time a douche canoe hits his 14 on my 6 card showing.
People think shuffle machines are rigged. 90% of the customers love a manual shuffle and any dealer worth his weight in chips can shuffle an 8 deck shoe in about 90 seconds. Most everyone likes the manual shuffle, trust me. It could speed up the amount of hands that are dealt over the course of time. Keep in mind, those shuffle machines are leased and they are extremely pricy to rent. That's the knowledge I have.
Yes. You're absolutely right. Its the casinos fault 100%. The Nugget should go after the manufacturer of the cards, the players are entitled to the money fair and square. The dealer and supervisors should be fired for lack of attention paid to what was going on.
Only once in thousands of times I've had one discrepancy. On the back of a single card, I noticed a black dot. It was replaced. But never any missing or defective/duplicate cards.
Not at all. In fact, believe it or not the biggest influence in Vegas politically and monetarily is, Mormons. It has been thay way for a LONG time. Trust me when I tell you this. Harry Reid is a Mormon and he has alot to do with the way the casinos are running here. The Mormon religion is the biggest in the valley and they have tons of cash. Don't be fooled by the mob, however I think Billy Bumpy Knuckles is still out there on the prowl.
Generally our rule is 5 minutes. That should give you plenty of time to head to the restroom and take care of your biz. Or, go get money out of the ATM. If it's a busy Fri or Sat night, forget about it lol!
There are a few reasons. At my casino, texting is also not allowed. We allow a quick phone call, like "where you at, meet me by the fountain" kind of thing. There is a card counting app for the iPhone (so Ive been told) so that's why texting is prohibited. Also, who is to say when you're talking to someone and playing blackjack, you're not telling the other person what cards are coming out so they are inputting the count into a program on the other end of the line. Supervisors always get suspicious when phones, purses, etc are out on the table. I always wonder why people WANT to talk on the phone as you play. You're having fun. drinking, and beautiful women are walking by and opportunities are everywhere! Actually, keep on your phone playa, I can handle the women :)
I would say Monday-Thursday from about 6am-noon. Try downtown for best results. A lot of casinos down there have $5 blackjack all day.
You must attend a dealer school, or a college program which is focused on learning the table games. I went to a small dealer school in Vegas but I got lucky with a big break. You'll start off as "extra board" which is part time. You'll get 3-5 days a week and hopefully will be moved to full-time dealer within a couple years.
I think either one is good. In Vegas, it's who you know not what you know. You'll need a contact to get an audition anywhere here. Just go where you can learn a game quickly and get an audition.
We clear our hands when we get tapped off the game, to show surveillance that our hands are clear of chips.
You must let the supervisor know. Players in Vegas get one shot then we shut them down.
I don't think Spanish 21 exists in Vegas anymore
You absolutely have to keep it in the wheel, you never take the ball out between spins. It should never leave the inside grooves of the wheel.
9, K
Putting holes in the cards cancels the cards. This way, they can't be used on a live game. It's for protection purposes.
Yes of course. Why wouldn't we? We're humans like anyone else and seek partnership.
Probably right
No. A good player knows basic strategy. Beyond that, it's how the cards fall, literally. There's nothing more to it.
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