Las Vegas Cab Driver

Las Vegas Cab Driver


Las Vegas, NV

Male, 31

Ask me anything! i will be as honest as possible as to my experiences as a cabbie in las vegas since 2007. if you want a day to day on some of the happenings in the job you can also follow me on twitter, vegascab @vagascab

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232 Questions


Last Answer on June 19, 2020

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If someone passes out cold in your cab, what do you do?

Asked by The 2can about 12 years ago

Look for their wallet duh! Sorry that was to easy. For the most part they wake up when the car stops moving, I would say that happens aboit 98% of the time. If they don't or just a hand on the shoulder wakes them up pretty swiftly, however if it doesn't we have to call an ambulance, Taxicab Authority, or police to remove them and extract our payment. I'm sure this was put in place years ago to avoid the first thing i said here from even being an issue!

How much do cabbies get for bringing customers to the Vegas strip clubs?

Asked by Ari almost 13 years ago

It varies from club to club and isnt nearly the amount that most people think it is. i maybe get 2 a week. the doorman and such give them all to limos, the numbers have varied from 20-100 a head in my five years.

What's the craziest gambling story you've heard from a passenger?

Asked by LV2 almost 13 years ago

Don't hear too many crazy gambling stories most of them are "i got a system" and "i took them for X amount". mostly bs however i did have to escort a guy to his room after i dropped him at palazzo. when we got to the room he showed me why. envelope with 160k in it. he peeled off 2 100 dollar bills thanked me and shut the door.

If you get pulled over and ticketed with a customer in your cab, do you shut off the meter? Do you eat the fare for inconveniencing the passenger?

Asked by curious george costanza over 12 years ago

Depends on the situation, I'm an never allowed by law to shut off the meter when there are people in the cab. But we will turn the time off so that the meter isn't counting time. If I were to get a ticket for being an ass then yes I would apologize and m9ore than likely eat the fare. Now if I were to get a ticket for say a "california stop" or a couple miles an hour over the speed limit then I would expect full payment, however I would be freaking shocked if there was any tip at all.

Do you know a lot of vegas cabbies that run side-hustles out of their cars? Drugs, bookies, that kind of thing?

Asked by come on 7!!! almost 13 years ago

There is a bunch of things that go on behind the wheel and everyone is out here trying to make a buck. I actually do know quite a few that do questionable activities. However the bookie thing wouldn't be profitable its too easy to go to any casino and place bets. The only "side-hustle" I do is when people ask me, "is this cash cab?" I say nope but we can play if you want $5 for every right answer $5 for every wrong answer on top of the fare...I have never lost!

Are you required to have a Nevada drivers license before you can get hired and work or do they give you some time to get it? Any special endorsements?

Asked by Chuck almost 12 years ago

Yes you are required to have a nevada license...this is enforced by the nevada taxicab authority.  There are no special endorsements needed however

How much do the taxi valet guys who open the door for you at Strip hotels take home every year? My friends and I once estimated it to be over $80,000 CASH for what's got to be the most useless job on the planet.

Asked by p3ste almost 13 years ago

lmao im glad that someone other than cabbies think is difficult to say how much they make it is however a ton for what they do. my friend is a doorman at the wynn owns 2 houses and buys a new car every year. as much as i hate to admit it i would say they arent completely useless i cant imagine how crazy it would be at a hotel after a show let out