Las Vegas Cab Driver

Las Vegas Cab Driver


Las Vegas, NV

Male, 31

Ask me anything! i will be as honest as possible as to my experiences as a cabbie in las vegas since 2007. if you want a day to day on some of the happenings in the job you can also follow me on twitter, vegascab @vagascab

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232 Questions


Last Answer on June 19, 2020

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Does it piss you off when your not tipped or your tipped something that is not legal currency?

Asked by Jim Bob over 5 years ago

Depends on what is bartered......certain things yes for sure....other things i am more than glad to take

Has anyone tried to pay you something besides money, shorthand you, or refuse to pay at all?

Asked by Sarah over 5 years ago

Had plenty of people try to barter a ride and i have taken a few. Shorthand and no money happens on occasion depending on the situation mostly just take what they have and move on its not worth the hastle

What is the worst thing someone can do. Throwing up? Trying to steal a free ride, Tipping bad or not at all? Being drunk? What?

Asked by Donnnn over 4 years ago

Just general rudeness gets me. The tipping thing a bad tip is worse than no tip at all almost an insult. Throwing up definetly sucks but happens.

Would fake taxi porn be illegal if something like this happens in real life? Also how creepy!

Asked by Sandra over 4 years ago

You have to get permits and things like that. Had a production company contact me for this exact thing there was a whole lot of hoops to jump through


Asked by MERRY CHRISTMAS EMERGENCY ???? about 5 years ago

Might habe been on a long vacation

It’s February 2020. How fast will it take to get a taxi job from the day you move to Las Vegas ?

Asked by Mike S. about 5 years ago

You have to prove residence for at least 90 days

How can I purchase crystal meth here in Las Vegas?

Asked by Anonynmous almost 5 years ago

Probably from a drug dealer