Las Vegas Cab Driver

Las Vegas Cab Driver


Las Vegas, NV

Male, 31

Ask me anything! i will be as honest as possible as to my experiences as a cabbie in las vegas since 2007. if you want a day to day on some of the happenings in the job you can also follow me on twitter, vegascab @vagascab

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232 Questions


Last Answer on June 19, 2020

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Who do you work for and how long have you been driving taxis in Vegas?

Asked by Cabbies Rule about 9 years ago

I work for yellow cab, been driving for them since April 07

Do you often drive drunk people?

Asked by Merle91 over 6 years ago

In las vegas especially on the strip 90% of the passengers you pick up in the evening have been drinking

Actually took my test yesterday and they did both urine and hair. THC would be a deal killer according to the manager who I interviewed with.

Asked by VegasCabGuy over 8 years ago

I thought so

In you opinion, what's the most dangerous area of town to pickup? Give 3 examples of scary situations you've had as a taxi driver in Vegas?

Asked by Bill W. about 10 years ago

I've never really been scared to pick anyone up, I however will not go to north las Vegas deep east vegas or Sandy valley

Hi we are coming to vegas with an 18 month old and was just wondering how it works with getting a taxi, i.e. Does he need a car seat to travel, do taxis provide them etc, thanks

Asked by Nutmeg over 8 years ago

In a taxi or any public transportation it is not required to use one actually. If you bring one the driver will help you put it in

I just moved here from Detroit already changed my address and license to Nevada will i still be able to get a taxi permit and what company u think would be great to work for thank you for your time

Asked by Happy over 8 years ago

They make you wait 6 months before you can even apply and must have proof you have been in town that long. My advice is to look into lyft or uber for the time being after that if you choose to drive cab I would look into western

I have been reading all the Q&A and cracking up! Are you still doing cab service in LV as the Q&A are from 5 yrs ago. I’m taking a trip alone in Oct and would feel comfortable as having you for a driver.

Asked by Iowa gal almost 7 years ago

I am not however you can email me at and i can get you in touch with some trustworthy glad i got to provide you with some humor