Emergency Room Manager

Emergency Room Manager


Western Region, US

Female, 54

I’ve been an ER nurse manager since 2009. Previously, I spent 24 yrs as an ER nurse. My hospital, a Level III trauma center, sees 70,000+ ER patients/yr. My responsibilities include billing, federal/state regulation oversight, metrics reporting, software education of e-records, and hiring/termination/disciplinary actions. The ER is one of the key impacted areas of healthcare reform. It’s a scary and exciting time for us, not just in the care of patients, but what the future holds for healthcare.

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62 Questions


Last Answer on May 25, 2014

Best Rated

I have to get my 1st abscess drained at er & wanted to know can the prescribe me medication to detox me without insurance

Asked by bdog almost 11 years ago

Hello bdog--I guess I am not exactly sure what you mean by "detox me." Treat you with antibiotics for the abscess?  Detox you from what?

Every designated Emergency Department in the US is required to screen every person for a medical emergency.  They will treat people regardless of their insurance, but that doesn't mean you will not get billed for the treatment, which can be very expensive even for a minor ailment.  If you need a prescription they will prescribe medication, but you will need to get it filled at a pharmacy which you will have to pay for.

Some pharmacies such as Walmart (others also) have a low cost prescription program for commonly used medications, so that is an option.  Good luck to you!


Hi! I recently received a position as the Manager of the Emergency Department...but I am not a nurse. Everyone keeps saying I am not qualified for this position, are they right?!

Asked by Tamara C over 11 years ago

Nearly all of the  clinical managers that I know of in the Emergency Department are nurses.  The majority of the staff are nurses and nurse aides/techs, so in order to manage the staff and understand their scope of practice and job responsibilites, a nursing degree as a basis is a necessity.  There are some large Emergency Departments that may have a business manager or operations manager, along with the clinical manager (nurse) that has some type of business or healthcare administration degree, but I have not seen that many out there.  I understand it is a growing field, have you been hired in that capacity?

I've invented a new approach to managing the spread of germs and viruses. The product uses no chemicals and is called a Coughy Cup. Would you mind writing me at CoughyCup@gmail.com so I can ask you a few questions?

Asked by John Delatorre over 11 years ago

Sorry, no products or sales pitches through this site.  Good luck with your invention, and everyone wash your hands!!

I am a producer on the Discovery Fit & Health and TLC series, UNTOLD STORIES OF THE ER. I'd like to contact you about the show. Ahassett@untoldER.com or 626 798-8000

Asked by Ann Hassett almost 11 years ago

Thanks for the question--I have emailed and called with no response.  Please contact again through this site if you are still interested.

Dear emergency room manager????

I do an investigation

The subject = could a victim survive a gun shot wound in the upper forehead by a 50AE Desert eagle gold 24k at 15 feet with very fast and good medical treatment?????
I can not finding any clear evidence so I hope you could answer my question????


Asked by Jeffrey over 7 years ago


How much experience in years and education must an ER nurse have to assist in major ER surgeries. And do they work on set trauma teams under the same Doctor each time? What is the chain of command in an ER?

Asked by Rissa about 10 years ago


Hi, I have heard by the media that most hospitals are full but have also heard this is a total lie and most are not that full. What is it really?

Asked by Dan almost 5 years ago