Nightclub Promoter

Nightclub Promoter


Hollywood, CA

Male, 32

I promoted at several of Hollywood’s hottest clubs during a period of unemployment, mainly to see what all of the fuss was about. While it was fun and definitely had its perks, it also confirmed quite a few of the suspicions and stereotypes I’d previously held about how the industry works.

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210 Questions


Last Answer on March 11, 2016

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Who do I contact to setup a performance at a nightclub? A promoter or the person who runs the club. Thank you.

Asked by doeski over 10 years ago

The club's General Manager handles this

whats the best way to find a promoter who is looking for acts to perform at an event

Asked by blaze over 10 years ago

Promoters don't get involved in acts for the most part. It's straight from club to the acts and their reps, usually

I'm throwing a Halloween Party (it falls on a Friday), but I don't know many ppl, so I want to hire 2 friends who know a lot of ppl. I'm thinking to charge $ 40 as presale. (I rented a warehouse). How much cut should I give them? Thx.

Asked by LO_Ris over 10 years ago

Depends on your profit margins after renting the venue, etc. I assume you want to make a profit? $5-10 would be typical

Are You familiar with Greystone Manor in Los Angeles? Whats the best thing to say or way to get in after fighting through the huge crowd and getting a promoter or a bouncers attention?

Asked by roro over 10 years ago

I live walking distance from it. It's not good anymore so "hey I'm not fat" should be enough.

If not, the standard rules apply. Bring girls, be nice, look good, know a promoter, show up early, and if all else fails, be ready to grease the bouncer. 

How do u become friends with bouncers/managers? At this really exclusive club, my friends have become buddies with them and get greeted. I go often but not as much, and they still ID me out of the whole group, its embarrassing. How can I change this?

Asked by GIRL almost 10 years ago

You have to meet those guys outside of the club. In LA, a lot of them train MMA so joining an MMA or Jiu-jitsu gym is a good way.

If I have enough money could I invest in or become a partial owner if a nightclub? Would that create opportunities for some temporary female companionship?

Asked by Doc over 10 years ago

The entire business is run on this principle. Take money from some rich, older "investors" who made their money in something boring (finance, real estate, oil and gas, insurance, etc) and sell them on being cool by owning a nightclub. And yes, it can get you laid. 

The film business works mostly the same way.

I am in need of ASIAN Girl Promoters in FLORIDA. Where would i go to search for these type of girls ? If you have any answers that would be great. Thank you $15/hr and bonus's

Asked by I need a Promoter over 9 years ago

Asian Girl Promoters from Florida sound like a really specific voting demographic.

You'd find them clubbing. You'll start seeing the same girls again and again. Go talk to them.

Also, move out of Florida.