Private Detective

Private Detective


10 Years Experience

Anaheim, CA

Male, 40

Been a private eye for 10 years. The job's not for everyone. If you love odd hours sipping coffee in a dark parking lot waiting for something to happen you should definitely jump at this job immediately. I get hired by spouses, employers, insurance companies, and you name it as well. Oh...and I field a lot of very interesting phone calls that even the most seasoned defense attorneys would raise an eyebrow at.

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84 Questions


Last Answer on March 01, 2015

Best Rated

What are the requirements to being a PI? Is it different than being a police detective?

Asked by PINTERESTED about 7 years ago


Have you ever spied on a tweaker?

Asked by They have a really good right now in my order I have had been great and I have been a great person for the long wait time they have had been a lot worse than they almost 6 years ago


There is something wrong in this house. Every night or early every morning at about 3:35amm,there is a rolling sound over my sound like something heavy being pushed.up and down the length of the house or the floor of whole house vibrates.Why?

Asked by Helpme almost 8 years ago


In a missing child case from say thirty years ago, the parents and younger sibling are around, who gets the call first if someone confesses? the parents, right? would it EVER be the son instead? (I'm writing a screenplay LOL) Thanks!!

Asked by Tully Archer over 2 years ago


How difficult is it to investigate law enforcement misconduct or negligence without upsetting the wrong people or stepping on toes? What are some guidelines to have a productive investigation and cooperation and what happens if you don't? what next?

Asked by Lina N Lete about 6 years ago


Can a family member from Cali sew another states sheriff's dept if they have a claim to a wrongful death, say to their child or sibling? or a death due to negligence or misconduct? with proof from audio/dvr media?

Asked by Lina N Lete about 6 years ago


Would it be possible to locate someone with just a first name, an address from 20 years ago and the middle school they attended?

Asked by Kevin about 6 years ago