


Las Vegas, NV

Female, 37

I've been a poet for about 10 years. Not your mother's poetry--think more along the lines of Def Jam or Verses and Flow type feel. When I'm not writing, I travel around the country performing with awesome folks. I've also hosted and teach poetry workshops.

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12 Questions


Last Answer on November 09, 2014

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Does being a professional poet pay the bills? What kind of money can be made performing?

Asked by Dvais over 10 years ago

Realistically-- I tell people don't expect to get rich. However it's very possible to cover bills. Most poets have a side job or a side product to supplement the art. Many teach. I know some who lend their talent to commercials. Dependng on how good you are and how well you market yourself you can make decent money. Small venues pay but not much, but a few small gigs in a week can add up. Not to mention tours which can payout well if executed correctly. There's a lot of way to spin it into something fruitful.

What would you say to someone who doesn't "get" poetry (like me), but who wants to? I just find so much of it abstract and inaccessible, but want to learn how to appreciate it.

Asked by busterune over 10 years ago

Good question.

I suggest sitting in at an open mic if you've never been. People who've gone with me--even the skeptics, come away plesantly surprised. The range of subjects and styles are typically diverse enough that you can walk away with something. You aren't expected to get everything you hear, just keep an open mind.

Also, for the most part poets are approachable--if you hear something you like (or don't like) ask. I actually really like when people ask, because as the artist I can get real time feedback.

There are open mics all over the place, or if you're game to be more involved in the show find a poetry slam (it's competive poetry with Olympic style judging by the audience). 

How is skill in poetry judged, and what kind of factors go into determining who wins the Nobel Prize for poetry each year?

Asked by Charys81 over 10 years ago

The Nobel Prize for Poetry is like any other Nobel award: nominations from members of the committee.

For the everyday poet--on the competitive circuit for example, judging is far less intense. Trying to judge art is always subjective of course but the main things are: content, originality, performance

In a more general sense you can gauge overall skill by looking at a person's work over time--I like to think I'm better at it now than I was when I started. I get to see that in others too--it's especially cool to see it in youth poets.

Why do you think poetry that's taught to young children tends to rhyme, whereas more 'mature' poetry seems more free-form?

Asked by baizeee over 10 years ago

Because it's much easier to remember rhymes and pneumonic devices particularly when you're small. "Mature" poetry sometimes requires analysis or social context


Do you consider rap poetry? If so, what rapper are you most impressed by?

Asked by 2014 over 10 years ago

some rap is poetry...lol, or a form thereof. Rap requires cadence, rhythm, tone and nuance like performance poetry does. The difference is being able to do it while riding a beat. I personally am an fan of old school hip hop...when people paid attention to lyricism, but more recent I like Common and Kendrick Lamar

Who are your favorite poets? Who inspires your most? Who do you think is overrated?

Asked by Veritas over 10 years ago

Favorites: Maya Angelou, Nikki G, Amiri Baraka, Last Poets...more contemporary: Danez Smith, Patricia Smith, Sonya Renee Taylor, G Yamazawa, Gail Danley, T Miller, Megan Rickman, GaMe...I'm missing some. There are some phenomenal artist out there


Overrated...i know a few who are in my opinion, but it's kinda sticky to answer that. Most of the performance poets know each other. However I tend to consider someone overrated when they're getting lauded but have not improved on their body of work or they've meshed elements of other poets I've seen before.


In your opinion, what is the best way to self publish a book of poetry, about how much should one pay? I would also like to know, what should be included besides a table of contents and a "dedicated to ..." page?

Thank You

Asked by Kingsing over 10 years ago

This is very well timed, as I am in the process of putting together a small book. You can go about in a few ways--if you're looking for something quick, with a few poems in it, you can put it together yourself with any desktop publishing program and print it at kinkos's--it's relatively inexpensive. Alternately if you're going for a more polished look, there are a million and one online publishers-- create space for example. It's free, you would only have to pay to have books shipped. The route you choose will depend mostly on the length of the book and how you want it to look.

As far as what to include...poems! lol. seriously, you can arrange it however you want. My first book had photographs included.

What's your process for sitting down and writing a new poem?

Asked by ATT over 10 years ago

I don't have a single method. I'm a "concept" writer--meaning more often than not I'll start with a broad concept in mind and not always a specific subject. I try to dedicate at least a small block of time everyday to working on new pieces. That block of time could be 30 minutes uninterrupted on my laptop or sitting with a notebook. Then there are those moments when stuff just comes to me, in which case I try really hard to have something handy (the Evernote app on my phone has saved my life on multiple occasions).

Besides performing, what kind of other ways are there to make money from my poetry?

Asked by ElliottNV over 10 years ago

Yes. I know people poets who don't do a great deal of stage work but lend their talent to commercials and advertising, there are some who teach--in addition to performing I teach workshops. Even if you're more of a "literary" poet,  you should expect to do readings, but there are ways to make the money without being on stage.

Why do you think poetry seems so damn pretentious to 'outsiders', and is that a characterization the poetry community cares about or wish would change?

Asked by Balle1 over 10 years ago

Because some poets (not all and certainly not many) are pretentious. The vast majority however are not and (speaking for the ones I know) work hard to make poetry accessible

How do poets get discovered? Should I just start uploading everything I have to YouTube?

Asked by asdfasdf over 10 years ago

I wish it were that easy. Unlike other genres, while people realize that poetry exists in the universe, it's not fully mainstream. Also, poetry is still one of those things where most want to see it in person. That said, most poets get discovered on stage. Perform as much as you can and build a buzz--but you have to do it well. Another route are the literary journals (adding publishing credentials is a boost). I've seen poets I know and love go viral on the web, but those poets already had a large fan base built from years of touring or competing in national level poetry slams. 

The short answer is, you have to put in work

Do you think comedy has a place in poetry?

Asked by Robb over 10 years ago

Of course. Not every poem has to be heavy and tear jerking...if they were open mics would be very depressing. Sometimes poems can just be funny.