Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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Also, is it possible to specifically detect that the DNA is from saliva and nothing else?

Asked by AJ about 4 years ago

I don't believe so, but I haven't done DNA analysis in 20 years so I'm not the best person to ask. I know there's an amylase test for saliva, but I don't know if it's used any more. And if you have a mixture I doubt it would be possible to tell what DNA is from what bodily fluid.

is there any device in existance which can sense a possible forensic evidence and give you something to strat search with????

Asked by rekhab almost 4 years ago

That depends on the kind of forensic evidence.

What has been discovered or invented by you or other people who work in the field of forensics?
What is something I could tell my class and teachers that would surprise them about forensics?

Asked by Ella about 4 years ago

"Touch" DNA or "Contact DNA" can obtain a profile from an item that someone merely touched:

I would say Rapid DNA, which can provide a profile in less than two hours and used in the battlefield, but that's been around since 2014.

And though you've seen it on TV every day for 50 years, it has not been possible for the average latent print examiner to scan in a fingerprint and search every person who's ever been fingerprinted, including job applicants and military. Most databases would be just county or state wide, and may or may not include job applicants (or staff) depending on the preferences... Read More +

Would a B.A. in physiology be an acceptable degree for pursuing a career in forensics?

Asked by Abigail over 3 years ago

Any agency can use whatever requirements they want, so some (like mine) require only a high school diploma (but give extra points for advanced degrees, so we all have degrees). Some might require a Bachelor’s in any subject but give more points for forensic training—or not. The only way to know is check their job postings. Best of luck!

I need to write an extended essay for school about an area of my interest. What is a forensic science method which still needs some research. I need to conduct an experiment and form a conclusion from my hypothesis.

Asked by Yusra over 4 years ago

Arson investigations, bitemarks...though those might be difficult to do experiments on. Best practices for visualizing superglued fingerprints depending on the surface? Genealogical tracing?

Best of luck!

How long does saliva DNA stay on an object? In other words, for how long the DNA is detectable?

Asked by Aj about 4 years ago

That depends entirely on the circumstances. If a sample of anything--blood, saliva, semen--is properly dried and kept in relatively dry conditions at a steady low temperature, or even frozen, it can last for decades. If the temperature and humidity vary greatly, then the sample could break down. If it's stored in plastic or airtight when wet it could rot and decompose.

Outside of work are you interested in True Crime? Before you where a Forensic Scientist and a true crime author ?? where you into true crime? Fictional or real cases as well

Asked by Mr. Treesorrow over 3 years ago

Yes, I love true crime. I read pretty much the entire section of the downtown branch of the Cleveland Public Library while I was a secretary before I got into forensics. The books I write are fiction but I'd love to write true crime.