I served as a Police Officer, Corporal, Inspector, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain from 1980 to June, 2011 in the SF Bay Area. In 1994, I was assigned to a regional SWAT Team as a Team Leader and Sniper. I became a Team Commander in 1999. When I retired, I was the senior Commander and Sniper Team Commander for the largest regional team in California. I now teach Administration of Justice at Skyline College and I'm the On-Screen Team Lead for www.GuardAmerican.com, a firearms training website.
Great question, Jer.
Snipers try to position themselves at right angles to the windows and doors they are responsible for covering, and this is one of the primary reasons. Of course, that's not always possible. The next consideration is how far inside the glass the suspect is located. If he's close to the glass, the bullet won't deflect far enough at slight angles to make a difference. If he's deeper in the room (several feet from the glass) then the deflection of the bullet can be enough to miss the kill shot.
Two additional measures used are the simultaneous shots taken by two snipers. In this case, two snipers make simultaneous... Read More +
When I retired, the night vision we were using was much higher definition than the old, grainy green First Generation NV we used to have. The picture is more of a black-and-white image now, and very clear. There may be even higher definition NV in use by some departments or the military by this time...the rate that technology is advancing is truly amazing.
The goal of police officers is to save lives, not take them, so we do everything humanly possible to avoid hurting anyone. SWAT call-outs are driven by the actions of the suspect; we merely react to those actions. So, if I'm on the rifle in a hostage rescue incident, and I'm responsible for watching the suspect through a window, and he points a gun at a hostage or is holding a suspect with a knife under their throat, he is posing an immediate threat to the life of another, and I will eliminate that threat immediately. Someone should ask me how we can ensure that the suspect won't kill the hostage when we fire. Anyone?
One thing I will never do is pretend to be an "expert" in an area I'm not fully versed in. Explosives is one of those areas. I can tell you from my limited knowledge on the subject is that typical bomb squad suits are basically giant bullet resistant vests made from the same materials, but that cover the entire body, not just the torso. As such, they are good at stopping flying fragments and shrapnel common to small explosive devices. I can also tell you that what kills most people close to an explosion is the concussion of the rapidly expanding shock wave, which can liquify internal organs without leaving a mark on the skin. If the... Read More +
Hollywood Executive Assistant
Police Officer
Professional Gamer
One of the reasons that SWAT Teams train so much and in so many different possible scenarios is so that the number of "unconventional" situations are few and far between. Every call-out is unique and presents its own challenges. It could be a high-risk warrant service, an armed, barricaded suspect incident, a hostage rescue, a presidential protection detail...I will have to think about one that strikes me as the most unconventional and get back to you. Sorry!
Yes, we do. SWAT sniper/observer teams deploy together in most cases, just like in the military, and for the same reasons. In police situations, a sniper team may be responsible for covering a particular door or window during a hostage rescue, and having two sets of eyes with different optics watching things is always better than one set. Relaying intelligence to the command post and to the entry team is a huge part of the sniper/observer duties, as well as providing force protection and overwatch to the entry team. At the relatively close ranges encountered by SWAT snipers, the observer is usually using binoculars with a wider field of view... Read More +
Hello Trophy wife!
I discussed the SWAT selection process in an answer I posted yesterday (not sure if you saw it) but to briefly summarize, we really try to make sure that no cops, whether on SWAT or not, are hotheads or deliquents. But since we are just plain old humans, sometimes one sneaks through the hiring cracks. It is extremely rare for anyone to make it onto a SWAT Team unless they are very calm under extreme pressure and have very good records as police officers. In the remote instance that an unsuitable cop made it to the team, he would be very quickly tossed from it. Peer accountablility and devotion to the wellbeing of... Read More +
I loved my job. It was so much a part of my life, 24 hours a day for over three decades, that leaving it was traumatic for me. Going from being "the man" who everyone calls in the middle of the night for guidance, direction, life-and-death decisions, responding code three to all manner of emergencies, going through doors with my men, adrenaline rushes, saving lives, etc, to the next day being completely out of the loop and sidelined, was very difficult for me. Other cops can't wait to retire and are very happy once they leave police work. In a way, I'm jealous of them. I would have done the job until they carted me off in a box.
Thanks Barry! :-)
Here is one of the areas where the training and mission is a bit different between military and police snipers. Military snipers generally fire at much longer ranges than SWAT snipers. Their goal is to kill enemy soldiers or combatants, and a chest hit at many hundreds of yards will do the trick. If they don't die immediately, no big deal.
When a SWAT sniper takes a shot at a hostage-taker (which is a very rare occurrance) the absolute requirement is to save the life of the hostage. If the suspect is holding a gun to the head of the hostage or holding a knife to their throat, a shot to the chest or leg or anywhere... Read More +
You're right, Joe. GuardAmerican strongly supports the Second Amendment. A fact that often surprises people is that the vast majority of cops across the country are also pro gun rights, with the exception of some big city chiefs who are doing rh bidding of the elected officials they work for, and some cops in large East Coast cities.
This is a perfect time to clarify some terminology. An assault weapon is a fully-automatic firearm. Thanks to ignorance (or wilfull disinformation by politicians and the media) we are led to believe that semi-automatic rifles are assault weapons, which they are not.
Next, the people who use any... Read More +
Hi Clarke,
SWAT is a specialty assignment, like K9 Handler, Motor Officer, Evidence Tech, etc. Only larger cities have full-time SWAT Teams, like L.A. and New York. All they do is train and respond to incidents. As such, at most departments, being on SWAT is an added, part-time duty on top of the officer's regular assignment, whatever that might be.
SWAT is something you only do if you truly love it and want to do it. If the department you work for has a team, and an opening comes up, officers may submit a letter of interest. In most cases, the next step is a shooting test and physical agility test. If you fail those, you're... Read More +
Not being able to save every hostage is the worst. When it happens, we always second guess ourselves, wondering if we could have altered the outcome in some way by making different choices in split second, life-and-death situations under tremendous stress. In a recent hostage rescue, we saved two small children, but their mother was killed by the suspect before we could rescue her. It was awful.
Only people without a conscience or a soul can take a human life without any negative emotional component. Peer support, critical incident debriefings, counseling and other services are now available to cops (SWAT or not) who are involved in a killing, whether it's a purely "righteous" shoot or one that is questionable.
If the dead suspect was a parolee in the act of hurting or killing an innocent victim or another cop, then the shooter usually does better with the emotional impact than a case where the deceased was a large kid who pointed a replica firearm at a cop in the dark...you get the idea.
This is my specialty. Please email me at moaoperator@gmail.com and I'll lay out the justifications for your bosses. I may not be able to respond until Wednesday afternoon PDT.
Wow...that is a tough one. I feel for him (and you) more than you can imagine. I retired from the PD and the team after a full career; it was not forced, but I still miss my job very much, especially the SWAT team and my brothers. I still haven't gotten over not being part of it anymore. One day, I was on-call 24-7, looked to for leadership and decision making, and the next day I was a civilian. It was (and is) very difficult for someone dedicated to this elite profession.
i guess what I'm saying is that I really can't offer any good advice, especially without knowing more about the circumstances of... Read More +
A full body suit (like what bomb squad people wear) weighs a ton and you can't move very fast in it. Dexterity is severely hampered. It's just not practical for a team that must move quickly. There are leg and arm coverings and helmets with bullet-resistant face screens, but again, they are very cumbersome and heavy.
We try to find a balance between good protection and high mobility, which is not easy. A good alternative is the pointman carrying a bullet resistant shield that everyone can stay behind in a single file team movement. It can be dropped when and if it is no longer needed and won't slow down the team.
Hi Tony,
The job of all cops, SWAT or not, is to save innocent lives at all costs. The safety of innocents is absolutely number one. I can only think of one type of situation like the one you are asking about: Let's say SWAT has cornered a known terrorist group in a van all set up to deploy a chemical or biological weapon via spraying it while driving down a freeway. Let's say a hostage (innocent victim) is being directed at gunpoint to drive the van and it's about to begin its attack. A sniper may be authorized to take out the driver to prevent the van from moving. Even in this extremely unlikely scenario, a sniper would first... Read More +
I agree completely...good gas that could knock everyone out without killing them would be great. The problem with that approach, however, even if the gas is perfected, is that it is not instantaneous, and as soon as the bad guys figure out they are being gassed, they will likely start to kill as many hostages as they can before they pass out. Russians might be OK with that kind of collateral damage, but we are not. Finding a technological answer to defeating an evil human with a weapon and bad intent against hostages is a very hard nut to crack. Maybe some kind of Taser-like room flash device that renders everyone's central nervous system... Read More +
There are some jobs that machines can do very well. UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, are a good example) but there are other things that require human mobility, judgment and compassion that robots don't yet have. Drones will never replace human pilots for certain missions, for example.
We already have plenty of gadgets that we use to reduce the risk to SWAT operators. Throw phones, parabolic microphones, bomb robots, remote-controlled video vehicles, etc., all have their place in certain scenarios and can often provide good intelligence on what's happening inside a crime scene. But current police robotic devices cannot... Read More +
Regardless of where you work, you have to start your career as a patrol officer. If, once you've been on patrol for the minimum required number of years (this varies by department, but is usually 2-3), and your department has an opening on SWAT, you can apply. Big cities like the ones you mentioned have full-time teams, so that would be your daily job if you make it. On the other hand, you may love patrol and want to stay with it.
This is my specialty. Please email me at moaoperator@gmail.com and I'll lay out the justifications for your boss for taking this step. I may not be able to respond until tomorrow afternoon PDT.
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