My life in ATC began with 4 years Air Force then another 30 years with the Federal Aviation Admin. working tower & radar at some big international airports. I fought in the 1981 war with PATCO, survived the strike and kept a job that was just too exhilarating to walk away from. While there was nothing better than working airplanes, I did move on through several air traffic supervisory and management positions. It was a long, crazy career but I wouldn't trade a moment of it for love or lucre!
Interesting question! Yes, it happened one night several years ago when I was on duty in an Air Force control tower. A fellow airman and I were working the midnight shift. It was probably around 3:00 AM and all the planes had long since landed. There was nothing left to do but stare out of the tower windows and talk about the latest squadron gossip. It turned out there would be something to do!
At first, I thought I was “seeing things.” It was a long string of glowing lights, like the passenger windows on an airliner, moving silently across the airfield at nearly treetop level. Only about a mile away, it was moving way too slowly to be an airliner. We figured it was some kind of aircraft though, so we tried calling on all our tower radio frequencies; including the emergency frequencies that pilots switch to when they’re having difficulties. No reply. Then we called the Base radar control facility and asked the controller if they were working any planes near the airport. They were not. Nor did they see any radar targets anywhere in the area. That’s when we figured this was an extraordinary event. I mean, we were standing in the tower watching this thing!
We watched the object move across the field and eventually vanish in the distance. Later on, we called a couple of the nearest FAA air traffic control facilities and asked them if they had received any reports of unusual activity in the skies. The supervisor at one facility told us there had been several reports made by airline pilots who claimed they saw what looked like a low flying, slow moving aircraft heading in the same direction that our thing was moving. Their reports came in about an hour or so after our siting at the base.
The Air Force actually had a program in place at the time called “Project Blue Book” wherein they collected and supposedly analyzed UFO reports. We had the reporting forms in the tower but decided not to fill one out that night. In spite of what we were told, everyone was worried that filling out the report would make them look like ‘whackos’ who’d never be promoted again! Me and my mid-shift buddy agreed to never mention the incident to anyone. To this day I have no idea what we saw that night but somebody out there probably does.
Thanks Jen. I really enjoy the high quality questions I’m getting. These two are pretty challenging because I have to look back on 34 years of bad decisions and big mistakes. I guess I was lucky the bad decisions never got me fired and none of my big mistakes ever made the Six O'clock News!
Controllers are certain to make a bad decision once in a while. Most of the time it’s not the end of the world. Maybe you simply cleared an aircraft onto a runway for takeoff when the next arrival was too close to touching down. Maybe it was a bad vector that put one plane too close to another. Or perhaps it was deciding to call in for sick leave so you could take your wife out to dinner. Then guess what? The Facility Manager and his wife show up at the same restaurant. He sees you and asks why you aren’t at work. You know; stuff like that. You weather the storm, add another lesson learned to your growing list, pound the dents out of your ego and move on.
I suppose the single worst decision I made was to leave my position as a controller in pursuit of a career in Management. Once I launched onto that trajectory, it was hard to turn back. Making my way though a staff specialist job, operational Supervisor, shift Manager, then on to several Staff Manager positions - the work was always exciting and challenging. The work, however, was not the problem. Problems arose from some of the people I worked for or with along the way. I can’t speak for today’s FAA but during my career, Management seemed top heavy with ego maniacal, power hungry back-stabbers. But why dwell on their good points? Controllers have the best job in the FAA and, in retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have traded my headset for a desk set.
Was I ever reprimanded? Of course. In a job that leaves no margin for error; we’re all bound make them now and then. Good Managers know how to handle such things without demoralizing the offender. Fortunately, there were a few good Managers in my career. Looking back, they are the one’s I learned the most from.
Yes. Air traffic controllers are the ‘all seeing eyes’ of aviation. We watch everything that goes on in ATC to try and prevent the things that go wrong in ATC. Things still go wrong every now and then and it’s often because we weren’t watching! A busy controller has so many things to watch that could, in time, develop into bad situations. The trick is to prioritize and know where to look first!
There are enroute radar facilities (Centers) watching the planes you see pulling those long, white contrails in the high skies. We have terminal radar facilities (TRACONs) working the planes into and out of the airports. Then there are the tower controllers who are right there where the rubber meets the runway. If the airport has an operating control tower; you can be sure there are sets of controller eyes watching every plane that lands, takes off or taxies. Whether looking through a radar screen or tower window; the controller’s eyes are irreplaceable tools of the trade.
Thanks for writing!
That’s a fair question but I’ll have to give you a kind of unfair answer in response. I do hold a commercial pilot license so, if I absolutely had to, I’d give it my best shot! Of course success or failure would depend heavily on what kind of plane it was and the destination weather conditions! I’d be more likely to succeed in a smaller plane during clear weather conditions. But if I was sitting at the controls of a B-747 and the weather was horrible? Well . . .better hope everyone else on board had their affairs in order!
You never know what you’re capable of though! Several years ago, as a newly hired controller, I heard something that taught me a lot about hidden potential. I was working in the tower one afternoon, when we all heard an obviously panicked woman calling on the emergency frequency. She was the only passenger in a small, twin engine plane. The pilot had suddenly gone unconscious. Terrified, she didn’t know what to do. A controller who was also a licensed pilot began talking to her. He took her calmly, step by step, through all the things she’d need to know to land the airplane. Meanwhile, other controllers radar identified the plane. The guy talking to her explained how to turn the airplane and maintain altitude.
I’ll make a long story short. With the controller’s help, she flew the plane to the nearest airport and landed safely – having never piloted a plane before in her life. It wasn’t a pretty landing but as they say; "any landing you can walk away from is a good one!"
It was determined that the pilot had actually died during the flight.
Thanks for writing!
Stand-Up Comedian
Security / Bodyguard
McDonald's Manager
Blair, I am so glad to finally hear from you! Your first question gives me the chance to tell Jobstr readers all over the world just how badly I suck at math. It’s true. It took me months to learn that milk plus cereal equals breakfast! Learning algebra, like learning to play a musical instrument, may be useful in your future and you should learn both. However, neither will do you much good as an air traffic controller.
Controllers must employ several skills that are hard to teach in schools. They must be able to think on their feet, have excellent short term memory and the ability to concentrate in the middle of a dozen distractions. They need to be able to assess situations and know how they will evolve over time. Keep in mind; controllers are dealing with machines that travel at hundreds of miles per hour. Take a snapshot now but you can bet the picture will have changed dramatically in two or three minutes. Understanding how it will change helps controllers in their planning. It’s never enough to simply keep up with the traffic. You need to stay way ahead of it. Oh, and the ability to work well with others and keep calm under pressure are big assets!
There is also plenty of book learning involved. Making it through ATC school is similar to learning another Country’s language and the laws of their land. It was bewildering to me at first. Learning the language of aviation, its many rules and occasional exceptions took time and I spent a lot of that time memorizing things. By the time controllers actually begin to work with live traffic, their heads are packed with national ATC rules and regulations, aviation weather, aircraft flight characteristics, plus volumes of information specific to the site where they’re working.
It’s a complex career field that is constantly evolving and improving. Rarely boring, the job is different every day. To me, it is the best job there is! Here’s a bonus. Become a professional air traffic controller and you can still learn to fly airplanes on your own time. I did and was much better for it. Flying is almost as much fun as ATC and it broadens your understanding of the aviation community.
I wish you all the best Blair and hope you achieve your goals! Let me know how it works out.
Stories I can share? Hmm. I suspect this forum is rated “G” or, at best, “PG-13” so sharing the craziest stories from my Air Force days might get me thrown off “Jobstr!”. There are a lot of interesting memories though; several of which you can find on my blog (click the link on my Profile above). Once there, search the “Tags” section for “Desolia” and click on it. You’ll find three blog entries about my time at an overseas Air Base I’ve named “Desolation” to, errr, protect the innocent. My tour of duty there definitely ranked high among the crazier times.
Thanks for writing!
Good question. Yes, I believe such technology is possible and actually inevitable for military applications. It could also be used for civilian air travel but I’m not so sure it would be a cost effective way to fly. The first generation of supersonic commercial aircraft, such as the British Airways Concorde, were never very profitable. They were relatively small inside, uncomfortable and capable of carrying far fewer passengers than a Boeing 747. Yet ticket prices were many times higher than that of a conventional international flight.
If I had to fly from NY to LA; I think I’d just leave a bit earlier on a standard jet liner. The money I saved could get me some fine dining and/or shopping in Manhattan!
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