


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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why do you see some vol. firefighters such as (auxilllary ) or newer members carrying differ fire pagers than the normal small Motorola ones . Are they used for a deferent purpose ?

Asked by alias over 9 years ago

do not have a clue.

Do become a firefighter do you have to past the aerial ladder test? What if they you don't? Could a person still be a firefighter even though there afraid of heights? Do you have any advice.

Asked by Alex about 9 years ago

Generally if a dept does not have an aerial they dont do that but you still need to climb extension ladders. So you have two options work on your fear since extension ladders come with the job or change choices, but you usually cant have it both ways. Sorry being honest.

I got a speeding ticket (100 in a 65) last night. I'm going to pay it off as soon as they let me. Will this hurt me in becoming a firefighter? Had another ticket 2 1/2 years ago.

Asked by Tori over 9 years ago

yes, 100 in 65 is considered reckless driving. May want to evaluate your driving habits. Most department require a 10 yr driving record.

After a fire, why do firefighters cut the wood in about 2 ft. long?

Asked by James about 10 years ago

What are you referring to?

There's alot of questions on here for you, don't know if you answered this one but here I go. What's your schedule like (time on, time off)? How do vacations work and does 24 hours on mean your up for that whole time? Are weekends busier?

Asked by Curious fireman questions almost 9 years ago

24 hrs on and 48 hrs off. Come in at 0745 and leave at 0800. I get 12 shifts off a year, which is basically 6 weeks of vacation(I have been with my dept for 25 yrs) If I take one day off it gives me 5 days off. There is no rhyme or reason for when busy days are. I have busy Sundays and slow Fridays. You take them as they come. We are not up for 24 hrs generall after 5 pm it is generally our down time but that is usually earlier. We do training from 1300-1500 every thing else is either cleaning or other chores that you would find in your house since it is mine every 3 days.

best construction of walls in your home in a fire

Asked by jleslie48 almost 10 years ago

Metal studs is the best.

I recently found out that my local FD (volunteer) has alcoholic beverages for its members at the firehouse. I know that light drinking won't impair someone's ability to respond, but should I be worried about this? What should I do about it?

Asked by 123 about 9 years ago

Back in the day and even today volunteer fire departments were a social club environment, You would be respected in the community if you were a volunteer firefighter. Elections, weddings, marriages, community meeting and parties were held in the fire halls. With that said there were and still are the availability of alcohol in some of these organizations. My professional thinking is that alcohol has no place in a fire dept. We should be at the top of our game and not under the influence of alcohol.