I've been a broadcast meteorologist on television since the early 1990's. Happy to answer any questions about the weather or local TV news. Yes, I often wear sneakers on set just out of view of the camera.
It usually clicks in pretty quick but there is a mental hurdle to get past. You are exactly right. We stand in front of a blank wall, usually bright green, sometimes blue. The control room equipment digitally inserts the weather maps in the areas where the camera sees green (you have to be careful about the colors in your neckties) the process is called chroma key. On either side of the wall we look at a monitor that shows us the "mixed" version of the picture, and there is a teleprompter in front of the camera lens showing the same image. That is where the mental hurdle takes a little time because that image is reversed, like looking in a mirror. When giving studio tours I usually ask someone to stand in the middle of the country, looking forward, and ask them to point to Boston. They usually hesitate a moment and then the hand goes up to Seattle and we'll have a good laugh. Great question, thanks!
Yup. Sometimes people will say they recognize the voice first, I think because I'm not always in a suit. Other times you can tell that people are looking from across the room trying to figure it out and be sure. Can't speak for all of us but I always appreciate a connection. Yes, people will give me static about the weather, almost always in good fun. For those who give me trouble I say, "I'm in marketing, God is in manufacturing." that usually gets me off the hook with a smile. Thanks for asking, Steph!
You've asked a really hot question right now. Naming tropical storms began in the early 1950's. Tracking was initially done by latitude and longitude which proved confusing especially when there were multiple storms. This winter season The Weather Channel decided to name winter storms. Their claim is that it helps raise awareness. We had a representative from The Weather Channel on a podcast I co-host, called WeatherBrains, a few months ago. There are a couple of issues. The Weather Channel did not discuss their plan with any other organizations, like the National Weather Service, the American Meteorological Society or the National Weather Association. Since there is a certain amount of competition among media outlets, most have chosen not to adopt the winter storm names. There is also some question about the criteria that is used to give a storm a name as The Weather Channel has not fully shared its method leading to some scientific confusion. Also, there is a question of the historical record. Everyone will remember Sandy but Nemo is only partially recognized. Great question, personally I think there was some good intention on the part of The Weather Channel that was poorly executed as a marketing move.
Perfectly valid question. Local TV news is changing rapidly and will see negative growth for some years to come. One of the reasons is the increase in the amount of choices people have to find information. Different viewers/users have different wants and needs. Some prefer to simply find a partly cloudy icon and a high of 72 on their smartphone, others like having someone explain a bit of the science behind the forecast. There is a great book called The Long Tail that I highly recommend that talks about serving users in the digital age. On a practical community side, local weather folks speak to schools about science and civic groups about public safety and emcee events. Probably most important, during times of severe weather the local meteorologist, if doing his/her job properly, looks in the camera and hopefully brings a sense of importance or urgency that a simple text forecast might not. There is a great deal of social science research going on right now in this area and the results are surprising. Public reaction, and action, in a dangerous weather situation varies widely and most of us are hoping to look out for folks in our markets. Some people just like to take ownership of a "local celebrity". I had a woman call me one day and chew me out for having my hair too long! I guess I was glad she felt she could. Great question, thanks!
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Ooooh, you've asked me to walk over hot coals to touch the third rail!! First let me make a distinction between Global Warming and Anthropogenic Global Warming. I think that most people agree that the global climate varies over time and probably goes through cycles. The "hot button" issue is whether or not manmade activities are causing a greater change, that is the "anthropogenic" part. The information that I have seen, and this is largely anecdotal, suggests that a majority of television meteorologists are not in anthropogenic camp. There is a difference between meteorology and climate. TV folks deal largely with the next seven days as opposed to longer periods of time, which is climate, and there has been some complaint that television folks are not properly qualified to comment, but there is concern since we generally have pretty big megaphones in our communities. Hope that answers the question without getting me in trouble!
Actually, there really are no minimum requirements. In general the more meteorological knowledge you have the better. Some stations won't hire without at least a degree, others will hire based on looks and presentation. In my opinion, if you have an interest in the science, go to the local TV stations and make friends then ask for an internship. You'll get on-camera and computer training. If there is a local chapter of the American Meteorological Society or the National Weather Association, those are good places to make contacts. Good luck, please keep me posted.
Well...being a professional, of course, I've never had any bloopers. That said, there was one time when we were joking around during the commercial break before a cut-in. When the camera light came on the anchor tossed to me and just as he did, the corner of his mouth went up in a knowing smirk. I lost it and started laughing. Then kept on laughing. The cameraman and producer, standing behind the camera, buckled over and hit the floor, which didn't help at all. I couldn't do anything. Couldn't pitch back, couldn't do the weather, couldn't pitch to traffic. It went on for about 40 seconds, which in live TV is an eternity. I finally did the weather and my wife called afterward and said, "At first I was laughing along with you, but then I just started praying, "Oh, Lord, just help him get through it!" Great question, thanks!!
Hi, Tori. My best suggestion is to get an internship at a local station. Hang around as much as you can and soak up the environment. You'll learn about the weather computers and should have some time to practice on the green wall and make some recordings. A demo reel will help you apply for jobs at other stations. If you make yourself known and willing to help during the internship you might just find an opening at some point. That is how it happened for me. Good luck!!
Of the big weather events, I would rate tropical systems first, then severe storms, then winter storms. Second favorite thing is an approaching shelf cloud ahead of a line of storms, but the best of all is the passing of a dry cold front. To feel the wind turn around and the cold air hit your face is one of the best things around. How about you?
I've always loved the sky, I think I have as many photos of clouds as of my son. I was a radio DJ at the beginning of my career. One of the local TV meteorologists did weather for our station. He and I became friends and he took me under his wing, got me involved in a meteorology program at Mississippi State, and gave me my first TV job (and one day I'll get him for it!) We remain friends to this day and do a podcast together called WeatherBrains. I grew up up and down the east coast. Your question is right on, many of us have stories of encounters with tornadoes or other weather extremes that set the course into meteorology. Thanks for asking!
It is different from person to person. Many have degrees in meteorology, others will use the forecast provided by the National Weather Service or a vendor like AccuWeather. Some have a weather producer who helps with the TV graphics. Thanks for the question!
I've never had that happen, but I can imagine it has. Often times station management will see something that happens naturally they like and encourage it. I used to do a lot more live shots out in the field and really enjoyed them so they sent me out often. One time they sent me out for no apparent reason to a local park where nothing was happening. To show my frustration I had the photographer set up a good distance away from me and I sat on a bench with my back to the camera enjoying the sky. Turned out it was one of their favorite shots. :\ Thanks again!
Tough question. Certainly there is a bias toward "telegenic" people on TV. That said, Al Roker was very large for many years before weight loss surgery. Interestingly, I have heard of cases where television broadcast companies could consider hiring the people on the news like "casting a play" which would allow them the latitude to decide they wanted a particular gender or ethnicity for an open position, sometimes to play to the demographics of a particular city. In my circles, often times when a job opening comes up, we will hear, "they want a woman", or some other character type. Interesting question, thanks!
All kinds of things, great question. Research is a big area, professional storm chaser, there are lots of private companies that provide weather services and information to power companies or trucking companies, aviation as well. We have a guy that does vacation fill-in for us who works for an environmental impacts firm. Another fellow I work with does weather consulting for legal cases acting as an expert witness that involve things like hail or lightning damage. Thanks!
Interesting question. We have a pretty integrated system. The numbers I've seen suggest that the return on investment for weather operations, on a percentage basis, is one of the best of all government expenditures. But, to answer your question, you might be right, I wouldn't want to lose the daily weather balloons since that is where the forecast starts, and radar more readily saves lives...so, okay maybe the satellites, if you must take something!
Wind is the movement of air across the planet. Uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun heats and cools areas differently. For example, land generally heats more quickly than water. As air over a coastline heats it becomes lighter and rises leaving less air over the land. Since nature is always looking to keep things in balance, air from the adjacent ocean moves in to equalize the imbalance, creating a sea breeze. The larger the air imbalance, or air pressure difference, the faster the air moves, creating a stronger wind. Great question!
I know of a few who have started their own businesses, radar products or data services. Others have worked with the companies that provide graphics systems to television stations. There are more industries than you might think that hire meteorologists or meteorology consulting services. Power companies, trucking companies, aviation. Also weather research and teaching are options. Over the past few years more and more news anchors and reporters are leaving the business for public relations, media representatives and the like. Thanks, Tori!
Excellent question, complicated answer. The short version is the storm chasers run the spectrum. Some are untrained and pose a real threat, others are doing valuable research. I know some local governments in tornado alley have proposed some sort of chaser licensing. Very limited for me, I'm more often tied to the studio during events. That said, I was recently invited by a high profile chaser, it would be fun and interesting! If you are interested, a Google search for storm chasing tours shows some good companies that offer some adventure. Do note there is usually a lot of driving, tiny motels and cheap food! Thanks, Mike.
Excellent question, Becca, there is actually some discussion about that now in the industry. Some have suggested that credentials such as Seals of Approval might be taken away for unsafe behavior. One problem is that no one wants to be the first to do "less" coverage or pull back. It might take someone getting hurt before some action is taken. It is a tough call. I guess my message to people in the industry, especially reporters as opposed to meteorologists, is to try and learn some basics about storm structure and safety so they can be as prepared as possible.
I think the incident I regret the most was leaving the weather office unstaffed back in the mid 1990's when a tornado formed in our market in Virginia in the early afternoon between shifts. Interesting question, thanks.
I haven't personally experienced that but I know of stations where the culture sort of suggests that type of behavior. One of the problems with that type of thing is once you raise the level just a bit there is often a "keeping up with the Joneses" type of competition that kicks in and it escalates over time. Often times reporters in the field will feel the need to raise the level of urgency to make live shots more interesting. Great question, it is a growing problem.
Hi Matt. I'm actually not familiar with the payscale at the National Weather Service. You can get a pretty good idea by looking at NWS and NOAA job postings online at http://www.weather.gov/careers. Most jobs have a salary range attached to them. You might also have luck contacting your local NWS office. Click on your region at weather.gov for the closest office. Good luck!!
A lot of meteorologists have some story as to why they got into weather, often times some big event sparked their interest. Many of us are technology geeks so you probably can't go wrong asking about computers and phones and such. Good luck!
Is it going to rain? Will the storms be severe? What are the best apps for my phone? What about global warming? Do people ever blame you for bad weather? I recognize your voice, where do I know you from? Thanks, Jackie!
Never mind that...did you see what the Global Forecast System is doing over the plains at 384 hours!?! :) Usually what happens for me is once I get to the point in a conversation where I have to say, "Mostly cloudy tomorrow", or "Rain by mid-morning" people will giggle and say, "He sounds just like a TV Weatherman!" My favorite kind of interaction is when someone doesn't realize who they are talking with and makes some comment about the weather. Like in a elevator or the checkout line, they will say, "Boy, this is the worst hot spell in 100 years!" I usually play along and walk away wondering what they would think if they knew who they were talking with. :)
I remember a job posting for a San Diego television station many many years ago that said, "Can you say 72 and sunny?" I think most of us prefer locations that have some action. Some like snow, others severe weather, others hurricanes. I guess the ideal job is in a place with the type of weather you are most interested in. Having been to San Diego a number of times I would agree with you, it is pretty nice!
Well...they teach us in "TV Weatherman School" how to walk between the raindrops so I really don't need one, but I have a big black golf umbrella in the trunk of my car. :)
Generally not, but there are always exceptions. Probably what happens most is that future news people end up doing weather on the weekends in a smaller city to get started and will then do some news reporting for three days during the work week. I've known of a few weather people who moved to the news side or even sports, and others who move the other way but I would say that is the except rather than the rule. I once had an agent tell me I would be a good anchor, I could tell she was waiting to measure my reaction. I politely told her to keep walking. :)
Whew...tough one. I think many of the early popular apps are suffering from design and feature bloat. On iOS I actually think an app called Wx Alert USA is pretty good since it draws all data directly from the National Weather Service. A generic radar app that I use often is wxRadar, for current conditions around the region, AeroWeather (a bit more technical) and an excellent technical radar app is RadarScope. I've looked at several of the Android apps and am not thrilled with any of them. If you are in a severe weather area I highly recommend WeatherRadio. I'm working on some ways to improve weather information, stay tuned! Thanks, Joseph!
Great question. One of my mentors told me, "You go to school for four years to learn meteorology, and then it takes two more to learn to forecast." So, time spent in a particular area gives you valuable experience in the local climatology. In your example, the weatherman in Hawaii, if he had had a good education, could certainly take a job in Alaska, but it would probably take a few seasons to get comfortable. Thanks!
Great question...complicated answer. A weather forecast is made up of many different data points. One of the most important data sets is the twice daily weather balloons that gather data through the height of the atmosphere. One of the weaknesses in the system is that there is an average of only one or two balloon launches in each state, 12 hours apart. The data from those balloons is used in computers that use mathematical equations that predict how the gases and water in the air will behave. Given that the balloon network has so many gaps in it, certain features can be missed. Also, since the data collected at the time of the balloon is not a perfect picture, the forecast 2, 3, 5 or more days out gets more fuzzy. Kind of making a copy of a copy of a copy on a photocopier.
Hi, Ken. Big range of answers. At a base level salaries are reflective of the size of the city (we call them "markets"). A beginning TV meteorologist is likely to start by doing the weekend shift in a small market where they might also do some news reporting a couple days per week. Salary in this situation might be between $20,000 and $30,000. From there it does up well into six figures for many larger markets. Most are paid an annual salary.
I do see changes. Historically news anchors tried to project an air of impartiality so as not to suggest they were on a particular side of an issue. Two currents trends are serving to give news people a little more personality. One is that news programs are including more "entertainment", and, there is some evidence that some viewers prefer to know what side of an issue their news providers are on. That said, "most" of us are "regular" people off the air. :)
Hahaha...can we talk about Global Warming instead?
Actually an excellent question. "Meteor" comes from the Greek for "raised from the ground, lofty, hanging", and "logy" is "account, explanation, study". A "hydrometeor" is any water or ice particle in the atmosphere, so "hydrometeorology" is probably a better choice. Hmmm...now I need new business cards...
Great question. My observation is that once you get past 3 days, what begins to vary the most is timing. Major features will start to shift faster or slower which can, by 5 to 7 days, mean a difference of 12 to 24 hours or sometimes more. At ten days you start to see things appear and disappear or dramatically shift from day to day or run to run of the forecast models. Personally, I'm not fond of the 10 day forecast, but, the things learned by doing it now informs the research that makes them better. Short answer, 10 day forecast...not great.
Some yes, others no. Many many years ago I was recruited by The Weather Channel. They have a number of very very smart folks who you never, or rarely, see on camera, and working with them was very appealing. The idea of hurricane briefings from the legendary John Hope was great. Ultimately my choice was against doing more broad national coverage over and over again in favor of a more specific area. There is a saying, "Like politics, all weather is local." Thanks!
Hmmm...what is that umbrella company ticker symbol again? :) Excellent question. Actually there is a pretty large industry of private weather companies that do forcasting. Power companies do seasonal outlooks to anticipate demand. Trucking companies and airlines employ meteorologists for short and long range information. And, closer to your example, I believe clothing retailers will consider seasonal forecasts to determine inventory types and levels. Thanks!
Thanks, Howard. Here is my best analysis, and, of course, I'm not a lawyer. Forecasting can be considered as less than an exact science, and in some ways, a bit of an art. Those of us that seriously practice that art, meaning we have a certain amount of study or serious history in the science of meteorology, are given some level of protection. Now, if a given station provided you with a forecast from an unknown or unreliable source, could you attempt to hold that station accountable? You could certainly make that argument and then it would be up to a judge or jury. Obviously no meteorologist or television station would directly cause any damage, you would need prove some sort of negligence in information gathering, which is unlikely given that a "weather presenter" would mostly likely get their information from a source like the National Weather Service, which obviously has credibility. Good question, thanks.
Hmmm...trick question. I guess my hope is that the one that has the best meteorology chops gets the job. That said, different markets, and more and more these days, different stations, have different requirements. I recently saw an ad for a weather person in which the bulk of the job description asked for someone who was not afraid to give their opinions on the news stories of the day. Thanks, Drew.
Hmmm...can't think of any. But I will say my wife and some of my neighbors do know certain keywords to listen for during severe weather near my home!
Great question, Vicki. Without knowing the exact circumstances I can tell you that light travels farther than sound. On average, depending on conditions, the sound of thunder will travel an average of 15 miles. Thanks!
Hi, Littlejohn. I would say something in the severe weather research area would allow the best opportunity to chase. A lot of those jobs are based in and around Norman, OK where the University of Oklahoma, several National Weather Service offices (including the Storm Prediction Center), and several private weather companies are located. Not sure of your age or education status, but I think I would start with the School of Meteorology at OU and see what resources they have available. som.ou.edu Good luck, can't wait to see your chase pictures!
In the shadow of Mt. Monadnock...nice! The average high for Jaffrey for that day is right at 70 degrees, the average low is 50. At the beginning of June the warmest temperature of a sunny day would be around 4 to 5:00pm, sunset is at 8:20, so if it is a perfectly average day (and few are) I would say it would be falling through the 60's durning the wedding and perhaps in to the upper 50's near the end of the reception. Good luck and congrats!!
Hi, Grant. Huge question. I remember reading something (and I'm paraphrasing and my facts might be off) that said shortly after Henry Ford invented the Model T that at one point there were 128 different companies manufacturing cars. Eventually most of them faded away for one reason or another and a few survived. I think we are in the same "wild west" period right now in weather information. A lot of players will make a lot of different plays, some will catch, others will fade away. That said, my hope is that what gains traction will be the best for the end users as opposed to systems designed by profit motive or convenience for companies. It would be nice to think "the best" will win but if you look at the history of home video, for example, Beta was always recognized to be a better quality format, but we all ended up with VHS machines blinking 12:00 hook to our TVs. Hope that wasn't too generic!
Excellent question, and I wish there were a standard answer. Warning sirens are controlled by emergency management officials and local governments. There is no standard procedure. As a partial answer to your question, local TV meteorologists have no control over the sirens. I would suggest you contact your local National Weather Service office. They can give you information on how sirens are handled in your town. Go to weather.gov and click on your area on the map. This will take you to your local office page. Let me know if you have any trouble and we will try another path. Thanks!
There are quite a few, Dave. At the base level you can always go to weather.gov and select a region of the map. That will take you a local office and the "Climate" link on the sidebar will get you started. Also, a simple Google search for something like "average temperatures in (city)" will bring up links to Weather Underground, The Weather Channel, etc. Actually, one that I have found recently makes some nice charts is weatherspark.com. You can select any city and then averages. Have fun!
Hi, Walt! Depends on the person. If you are really a weather geek you might want a place other than SoCal, that said, even San Diego has some interesting weather. Broadly the interests break down into severe weather, tropical, and winter (don't understand the winter folks personally). Every location has some local weather that is unique. For me, the worst thing is being stuck in a boring pattern. Thanks!
Personally, no, but I do think some do. I'm just happy anyone notices!
Tough to answer, and different areas of the country have different standards. I suppose 70% would be the bottom acceptable average. That said, "accuracy" is tough to define. Is one degree off okay? Two? Some give three degrees over or under the actual high as "accurate". Precipitation is another challenge. If "popcorn" afternoon thunderstorms cover 30% of the area, but not the official rain gauge (or your backyard) does that count as rain, or not? Guess that is why people get away with that old joke about weathermen still getting paid to be wrong all the time! :)
Tough to answer without knowing more about the assignment. You could track forecast temperatures and compare them to actual readings for a period of time. Good luck!
Hi, Brian. Being so close to the coast is doesn't snow in Virginia Beach as much as father inland, but it does happen. You can find out more about the climatology here: http://www.weather.gov/akq/
Well...big answer, Kayla. The forecast starts with the weather balloons that are launched around the world, at the same time, twice a day with instruments that help us determine temperature, moisture, pressure and wind parameters from the ground to sometimes higher than 80,000 feet. That information is used in computer formulas that look at the current weather and apply mathmatical formulas that predict how air and moisture will change from the current conditions The idea is to understand what the atmosphere is doing at the time of the balloons and using certain laws of physics to predict how heating and cooling with change the current state. Accuracy is sometimes tough to measure but I think most agree the forecast is at least 70-75% accurate. Thanks!
Hi, please forgive the delayed response. Not knowing what type of "host" you would like to be, I would suggest you look for a job, or even better, an internship, at one of the television stations in your city. And, no, 37 is not too old! Good luck! Keep us posted.
What part of the country, James? There is something that occurs in the mountains called a rotor or mountain wave. My undertanding is that these can be very dangerous to aircraft. Best guess without seeing a picture. Thanks.
Well...yes. It actually depends on the station and the individual. I would say that most of us develop a forecast of our own from data provided mainly from NOAA as well as other agencies. Some will use the forecast generated at the local National Weather Service and a few others may have a forecast provided by a private forecast service. Thanks
Looks like you are both right, Jane. In broad terms, storm systems move from west to east across the US, usually with the jet stream. The jet is amplified in wave patterns, kind of like snapping a bed sheet over a bed. Sometimes storms will approach you from the southwest, traveling up the "hill" of the wave, and other times from the northwest, coming down the hill. Great question, thanks!
No, most weather segments are not scripted. And, I think most weather people agree that this is pretty conclusive evidence that the weather folks are much smarter than the news anchors. :)
I think most of us generically call it "the clicker". It is a simple wireless controller hooked up to the weather computer to advance to the next map. Some have several buttons for higher functions like dropping cutouts on the maps or drawing. Back in the day some stations simply used a garage door opener. Good question. Thanks Harry.
Good question, Nathan. It would be somewhat dependent on what you think you might like to do. If you are interested in working for the National Weather Service, private industry, or doing research, I would say yes, go for the degree. By contrast there are a number of people in TV who do not have specific degrees in meteorology. Research schools carefully. Places like the University of Oklahoma are very heavy on math and geared toward research. Mississippi State has a TV program. Whatever your goal a degree will help. Good luck!
There is a really neat effect on radar in several parts of the country, including parts of central Texas. In the evening the bat colonies spread out to begin feeding. You can see them on radar staring as a small point, then an ever increasing fan or arc spreads out as they move. That or ghosts. (insert evil laughter here...)
When rain falls it creates friction with the air around it, and a downdraft. Friction creates heat with can evaporate water (cloud droplets) and downdraft is also a warming process. Sounds to me like the cloud that created the rain evaporated by the time you felt the drops and looked up. Cool!
Hello, Ladies. Yup, there sure are. Not knowing the age group of your audience makes it a little diffucult for me to give an answer. I'd start with an Internet search, and, basic meteorology books, espeically ones geared toward kids are also a good resource. Goog luck!
Not sure I understand your question. Morgan?
Sounds like a great plan, Lauren. If you are interested in broadcast there is a program at Mississippi State called the Broadcast Meteroology Program, you can take courses remotely, but the plan you outine sound excellent. Internships are always helpful too. Nothing like being directly in the "environment". There should be a National Weather Service Office not too far from you, those folks are always happy to give advice. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ Good luck, please keep us posted!
Excellent questions. Your point about "standing where the weather is coming from" is a good one and they should move to the other side of the screen when referencing approaching weather. Having made a number of weather graphics in my day, the tendancy is to put your local area in the center of the screen. On the east coast this would leave a large part of the right hand side of the maps showing ocean, not as visually appealing (this is a bigger issue since the introduction of widescreen digital TVs).
As far as standing on screen at all, it is to be able to directly point at specific features and to be able to make a greater connection with the audience by making "eye contact" with the viewer. Thanks!
Hi, Tori. Without question, do anything you can to get an internship at a local radio or television station. You will be able to decide very quickly if that is the path for you. Good luck!!
Hi, Selern. Nope, but thunderstorm cells within a hurricane can produce tornadoes. A tornado is a relatively small scale feature compared to a hurricane, usually less than a mile compared to hundreds of miles across. Thanks!
Hi. First suggestion would be to look into the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Association. Most of their material is more technical in nature. For general audience material I would try Weatherwise Magazine. Good luck!
Happy to take a look, Andy. I'm not a rainbow expert but you could post it on a social media page or Flickr and give me the link. Thanks!
Hi, Ginny. A little terminology disconnect here, thanks for asking! A storm has fronts associated with it, so that storm had both. Typically a storm will have a cold front (the blue line you see on weather maps), the leading edge of colder air, usually moving south, and a warm front (the red line on weather maps), the leading edge of warmer air. Air flows toward the center of a storm (that big "L" you see on weather maps) and the system rotates counterclockwise. The winter storm names you have heard the last two years are a creation of The Weather Channel and not used by the rest of the weather community. There is a great online weather dictionary maintained by The National Weather Serivice at, http://w1.weather.gov/glossary/ if you would like to look up some terms. Great question, thanks!
Hi, Debi-Not a "dome" really. Patterns can be influenced by the landscape. I would guess your area might be influenced by the sea breeze and the shape of the coastline. Thanks!
Hi, Scoopz. It can vary from city to city. Some might be more interested in how much you know about meteorology, or snow vs. severe weather vs. hurricanes. Some are give a bigger nod to being telegenic. Also, in some markets research is done on air talent with focus groups. One of more important factors can be involvement in the community, also web and social media skills. Thanks.
Yes, Ron. Not my favorite presentation since it washes out and minimizes the data, but producers and managers get bored easily sometimes.
Well, Bill. As a "science guy", I know that photons don't drink and would never be caught in a bar. (rimshot)
Yes! This is caused by a lunar eclipse. Recently the term "blood moon" has been used on social media giving it some new life. Thanks!
Great question, Patricia. Miami is one of the southern most place in the US, making it one of the farthest places from the source region of cold air. Also, it is basically surrounded by water on three sides. With the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico so close there is more moisture in the air and moist air does not cool as much.
Sounds cool, Vicki! Best guess is there was a fair amount of moisture lingering in the air after the rain ended which was scattering most of the light except for the yellow spectrum. Bet is was pretty!
Hi, JG. I must admit that is a bit out of my area of expertise. You might try an internet search. I found this: http://www.surfline.com/surf-report/costa-rica_2736/map/
With digital anything can happen!
Hi Abby. I would say get as much education as you can in math and science. There are a lot of meteorology programs at great schools. Aside from a formal education I would advise you to do as much "networking" as possible. Join the local chapters of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and National Weather Association (NWA). They love student members and you will meet some great people from a lot of different areas. Go and make friends with the folks at the closest National Weather Service office. Storm chasers are great folks who love to share their passion. You might also try for an internship in the weather office of one of your local television stations. The more people you meet and know the better. If you need more information let me know. kevinselle.com Good luck!
Hi. Not really a good spot here for me to describe the typical duties without some specific questions. You might try visiting a local TV station of National Weather Service office. Good luck!
Hi, Parker. Big bunch of questions, thanks.
1. Number one these days is keeping up with the ever growing distribution platforms, Facebook, Twitter, TV, etc.
2. Looks at raw computer model forecast data and generates a public forecast, creates graphics for TV news shows, maintains digital platforms and does public appearances.
3. To determine precipitation trends and look for specific threats like tornadoes, damaging winds and heavier rain/snow area.
4. I'd like to know your answer to that one!
5. I hesitate to answer for fear of creating an argument. I think Oklahoma University would be on just about everyone's top five list.
6. I studied through Mississippi State University.
7. A four year degree is standard.
8. Always interested in the sky, and I like looking into the future.
9. Not specifically. I was a DJ on the radio for many years before weather.
10. Yes, there is a certain consideration given to voice and appearance for TV jobs.
Hmmmm...tough to say without having been there. I would guess yes.
I would turn to weather.gov and click on your area of the map for updates from the National Weather Service.
Not sure I understand the question...?
Pretty important question. Not really my area of expertise but I know pretty smart people on both sides of the issue. I do think you can only pour something into a system for so long before you have an effect on that system. Not sure if we have gotten there yet or not.
Hi Jerry-
Great choice! RadarScope is the best. I would start here: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/doppler/doppler_intro.htm
In addition to the products on the Radar Images page I would use the Vertically Integrated Liquid product, it is a good indicator of hail.
Also, here is a short video from the developer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUKzIeHtjho
Stay safe!
Great question, Melinda. In addition to the Coriolis Effect there is vertical motion known as a Hadley cells, rising and sinking air, creating something of a "loop". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadley_cell Hope that helps Thanks!
Honestly, Gabrielle, I'm not a huge fan of seasonal outlooks. That said, here is a great resource from the good folks at the Climate Prediction Center: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ Thanks!
Hi, Ricky. There isn't a great deal of skill on long range forecasts of that nature. That said, summer is still pretty young. Still time to verify and as of this writing, it looks cooler in the east heading into July. Thanks!
I'm going to say "real". Shot with a wide lens and color enhanced in something like Photoshop. Great stuff!
The general storm pattern favors that this year, Anne. Air flows clockwise and toward the center of a low pressures area, so storms to your west, which some have been, produce a south wind.
Interesting question, Jay. I'm afraid that is out of my area of expertise. Might be a question for someone in the medical field.
I guess I would say different people have different uses for the information.
Hi, Courtnee! I first studied Radio-TV-Film at Texas Christian University, then Broadcast Meteorology at Mississippi State. I think you might have some trouble getting into weather with a geology degree. You might ask for some advice and a visit from a local television station and/or National Weather Service office (weather.gov). Good luck!
Excellent question...and a very difficult one to answer. If we followed a raindrop from the a cloud to a puddle after a rainstorm and it evaporated right away we could say the cycle was only a few hours. A raindrop that fell in the southern Rocky Mountains might travel underground to the Rio Grande River and then the the Gulf of Mexico and evaporate there could take weeks or more. Very good question...great thinkers in your class! Keep up the good work!
Interesting question. The weather (and climate) system is largely driven by uneven heating of the earth and has never really been in balance, so swings in patterns have always gone on and there is no real "normal". Also, things that don't happen regularly will affect the weather pattern, even a volcano eruption can limit incoming solar radiation over large areas.
I would say yes, Eric. Which is a little unnerving since I'm a broken down old man!
Not sure I understand the question, Danica. Both are characterized by strong wind.
Some cities are more competitive than others but in general I think we are usually friendly with each other. I had lunch with a competitor a few weeks ago. And, to beat that, I married one of the meteorologists from a competing station when we met at a live event! Sometimes managements frown on hanging out with "the enemy". We all draw from the same sources of forecast data. The differences can come from time spent in the market, preference for one computer forecast model over another in a given situation and overall experience. Usually the biggest differences will come during bigger events, like a snow storm or tropical weather, or there is no agreement among the different computer forecasts. Great question, thanks!
Creative thinking. Probably a huge cost to transporting that water but even if you could get it there the prevailing atmospheric winds would carry the water vapor to east, away from the areas that need it. Keep thinking!
Hi. The Farmer's Almanac does not share their forecast methods outside the company. I actually don't know how accurate they are, but they have had a loyal following for many years. Let me know if you find out any secrets! :)
Well.....most of us are highly intelligent. :) We take visual cues from the maps that are behind us. We can see the maps in the teleprompter that the anchors use for their scripts. Since we have prepared the forecast we can pick a couple of things from each graphic to talk about. Actually pretty easy with some practice. Great question, thanks!
Great questions. I'll answer as a television meteorologist. A National Weather Service meteorologist or someone in research or private industry would have much different answers.
1. The most difficult thing lately is the increasing number of places to put weather information and the 24 hour nature. TV, website and social media mean there is little "off" time.
2. Good time management, the 5:00 news starts right at 5:00! Able to explain things simply. Enjoy visiting with people.
3. There are a number of good colleges that offer degree programs in Meteorology.
4. Good math and science skills/interest are a big help.
Pretty easily detected in thunderstorms with Doppler radar. You are correct, we still use spotters heavily. Radar usually sees rotation above ground in the storm. Since the earth is round it curves away from the radar beam which is why the spotters are so critical providing "ground truth". Warning times have increased over the years and will continue, especially with new radar technology coming over the next few years.
Great question. The bottom of the cloud is the point where the water vapor in the warmer rising air cools to the point where it condenses (kind of like the condensation out the outside of a glass of water with ice) and turns into a visible water droplet. The darker gray is an area of higher moisture and less sunlight gets through. Happy flying!
Possible and does, Joe! http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/?epac
Excellent question, Krissy. Snow occurs when the temperature is below 32 from the surface of the earth to as high as 10,000 feet. Sleet occurs when a warm layer of air develops in between the ground and the formation zone so the snowflake melts and refreezes in the cold layer next to the ground.
Hi, Zac. No you would need to convert that water to vapor to move it across the country.
Might depend on your location. Broadly I would say look to be behind a cold front. You are looking for an airmass change to one cooler and drier, perhaps with an origin in Canada.
Interesting thought, Natalie. Hurricanes are driven by atmospheric patterns that cover hundreds of miles. Since even several highways are small in comparison not enough heat would be generated. Fun question. Thanks.
My guess is that you were under some type of "convective" event like a thunderstorm and the rain gauges that the reports came from were not under that event. With some thunderstorms the distances in between no rain and heavy rain can be quite small. Thanks!
Nothing out of the ordinary, Doug. It is tropical weather season and they may have had some tropical downpours lately. The average peak of hurricane season is Sept 10. Most likely what you would see is some brief afternoon downpours as opposed to a vacation washout. Have fun!
Great question, Bryce. There are different ways of doing it with different systems. Most likely it is being controlled by the meteorologist via the weather system and the camera. It knows how to follow a finger and draw a line or move icons around the screen. If they were in front of a television monitor there are different systems that track the finger directly on the screen.
Have to say I'm not familiar with that site. There is a feedback tab on the left, you might check with them.
Most of the data we use is readily available to anyone, but some services require a fee. All computer models have one bias or another. The enhancement that the humans try to bring is trying to understand the biases and account for them. In a breaking or severe weather situation the humans add updates that are very short time (minutes). Hopefully we also add a connection to the audience and a sense of personality, both friendly and serious. Great question, thanks!
The pressure gradient between high and low.
Nope. Can't see how that would happen.
Most stations have a minimum of 3 weather folks to cover the entire week, morning, evening and weekends. The larger the city and the greater number of newscasts allows for more staff. Few stations have more than 6 people. A few large cities have a some off-air positions that are producers who manage the TV graphics and other functions.
Won't have time to answer on your timeframe. You might try some web searches like, "what does a television meteorologist do?". Good luck!
Not quite sure I understand the question. Certainly the weight of a large amount of snow can cause problems, as can the runoff as the snow melts.
Yup, it is confusing. Less likely that you would have a cold snowy winter. You might look at this website, it offers continuously updated seasonal forecasts. Thanks! http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov
Wow, lots of questions. 1. For animals, air has oxygen, which we need to breathe. 2. Have always been fascinated by the sky and clouds. 3. Not an expert here but I believe that the ozone layer needs to self-heal. 4. About 25 years. 5. Radar shoots a pulse of microwave energy then listens for some of the energy to be reflected back by precipitation. Thanks!
I would say you are NOT crazy! Best guess on what you saw is "ball lightning". Here is some material for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning
Hi Izzy-Happy to look at the picture of you post it someplace. The dewpoint doesn't really follow the temperature. It is a measure of the amount of moisture (water vapor) in the air. The colder the air gets the drier it so the dewpoint goes down. Warmer air can hold more water vapor so the dewpoint can rise. Great question, thanks.
Those are the two data points you need, Anthony. You can find the formula here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_chill
Interesting question. There is no range of temperatures. The average low for a given day is figured using the temperature on a given date using the historical record, usually between 20 and 100 years depending on the availability of the data.
Hi, Hally. Multiple tornadoes can occur within one thunderstorm complex. I would do a Google search for some pictures.
Interesting question. You might try here: https://weather.gc.ca
Hmmm...is this trivia or research? If trivia, don't know, which city?
Might be an opportunity to meet a neighbor, Emily. If you must stay in your apartment the best place is a small space toward the center of the unit, bathroom, hallway, closet. The idea is to have as many walls between you and outside an smaller spaces have better structural integrity. Something to cover your head, like couch cushion or bike helmet. Great question, thanks.
Hi, Rob. I think, one day, most certainly, yes. Many would argue that we already have via global warming/climate change. I haven't picked a side on that issue, but we will certainly contine to do things to try and affect the weather. Experiments have been proposed to stop tornadoes in their path, and reduce the strength of hurricanes before landfall. We will need to be careful, weather is part of a planetary system and fooling around with that system could have unintended consequences. Great question, thanks!
The weather is dictated by large shifting atmospheric waves that move around the planet. Your area is in a spot that favors storm development right now. Bundle up!
I would question that average as an error or typo. Standard pressure is 29.92.
Great question, Emily. Tornadoes are a part of the parent thunderstorm that moves and develops with the environmental winds and available moisture. The ones you saw were likely in an area of weak steering currents. Thanks
Hi, Frank. The general idea during an El Nino winter is that much of the southern half of the country would be wetter than average, and that is the forecast for this winter. All of the cities you mention are in that zone. You might spend some time at the Climate Prediction Center website, http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/
Good luck, hit 'em straight!
Well...interesting question. I'm going to say mostly perception since any number of folks have said the same thing about their town. I suppose you would have to go back and plot historical rainfall data to see if there really was a "hole" in coverage over the city. Cool question, thanks!
Cool, love to see it. Do you have a link?
Not aware of anything off the top of my head, Michael. Can you post the picture somewhere with a link, maybe Twitter or Flickr and I'd be happy to take a look. Provide as much information as you can, like where you were, what direction you were looking, time of day, etc. You might have some luck checking with a local science museum or astronomy club, or the nearest National Weather Service office. www.weather.gov
Ideally you would find a safe place ahead of the storm arriving. If not, you would want to me in the smallest part of the home nearest the center of the structure, with no windows. The smallest part would offer better structural integrity and hopefully protection from objects hitting the outer walls.
Thanks for asking. Was always interested in clouds and the sky and when I began to study and learn how much was going on up there I just kept going. Take care!
Hi, Darrien. I'm in Texas and don't really follow specific forecasts in Ohio. You might try one of your local television station websites or weather.gov.
Hi, Drew. Usually a warmer water discussion is relevant for hurricanes. I would use these resources. Good luck! http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ http://www.spc.noaa.gov/
Yup, all temperature, but the trick is knowing the temperature as you go up through the atmosphere from the ground. The temperature can, and does, vary a great deal as you go higher, and can actually go up with height. The precipitation type is determined by this temperature profile. Below freezing all the way up, snow. If there is a warm layer above the ground there can be some melting and re-freezing on the way down, this is what creates sleet. Or warm aloft and a very cold, but thin, layer at the ground creates freezing rain. This is why we use weather balloons, to measure the temperature aloft. Great question, thanks!
"Climate" is much different than "weather". Not really my area.
Certainly possible but less likely in some regions of the country. Severe weather is more likely through the southern and central plains and the southeast. A storm is considered severe if it produces hail to one inch and/or 58 mph winds.
Very interesting question, Elizabeth. Since I'm not familiar with the area I'll take a guess after looking at the lake on Wikipedia. Fog is created when water vapor cools, so the lake as a moisture source is likely a factor, but difficult to say that the lake level had an effect. I did notice at the end of the Wikipedia article that the area had suffered drought conditions in much of the 2000s which would obviously lower the lake. Also noticed from the picture that it looks like a hilly area. Cool air is heavier and therefore sinks into valley where fog often will form. So my best guess would be that you were in a longer-term dry weather pattern that meant the lake was lower, and might have even been a little cooler. Sure looks pretty! Thanks!
Not too bad. There are always subtle differences in the day to day forecast if you care to go looking for them that don't show up on TV. Also, most TV folks do public appearances so we go different places. Good question, never had that one. Thanks!
Great video, very active storm. Thunder travels only about 15 miles on average so these storms were too far away to hear anything. Great stuff!
Hi Steven-If I understand the question you might try weather.gov. Click on the map for the region you are interested in. Each NWS office will have a link to local climate on the left nav bar. Weather Underground has good information for cities, or do a Google search for (city) climatology. Thanks!
Usually the warmer the climate, the more prone the area is to thunderstorms. If you don't mind extreme heat you might try Arizona or New Mexico. If you don't mind it a little cooler you might like Washington or Oregon. Thanks, Heather.
I started my career as a disc jockey on the radio. The weatherman at a local TV station and I became friends and he got me involved in a correspondence course in meteorology at Mississippi State University. I interned with him while taking the course and practiced being on TV. After completing that course I became the weekend meteorologist at my friend's station and have been doing it at several stations for about 25 years now. Thanks for asking!
Great question. Lightning creates thunder and the sound will travel, sometimes about 15 miles. So you will hear the rumble as the storm continues away from your location. A single bolt can travel a long way so your are hearing the thunder as it reaches you from each point along the bolt.
Hi Jenna. Great question and one with a big answer. Probably a little too big for the scope of this website. May I recommend NOAA's Climate Prediction Center. There is a ton of good information there. http://www.cpc.noaa.gov/
Hmmm...not really my area of expertise. I'd say distance into the time zone and latitude/curvature of the earth must. Thx
Thunderstorms are made largely of rising air and the upward speed of the wind can reach over 70 mph, lifting the hailstones.
Yes, math is a big part of weather forecasting. Can't confirm or deny your friend's story, but our armed forces have trained many excellent weather observers and forecasters over the years. Good forecasts are a critical part of military activity. Thank them for their service!
Tough to answer without more information. Buildings can funnel air sometimes, making the air move faster.
The earth is spinning, so it goes under your feet and shows up again behind you at sunrise. Same way it goes across the sky during the day!
I would check with your local TV station or National Weather Service office.
Hi, Wyatt. It is possible if you can demonstrate a good knowledge of the subject but competition is pretty stiff for jobs so every bit of education helps. Good luck!
You bet. kselle@kfdx.com
If the wind changes direction with height it creates more friction, drag and chaos that impedes the development of the storm. Great question!
I'll send you to the website for the National Hurricane Center for the latest information. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Looks like you should have no problem getting in on Sunday. The current forecast model guidance suggests the storm will be far enough north early next week so as not to have a large impact on Grenada. A website you can check a few times a day shows you many of the models track information. Basically the closer the lines are together the more confidence in the track. Also check with the National Hurricane Center. Good luck!https://www.sfwmd.gov/weather-radar/hurricane-model-plots http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Hi Missy-
Congratulations! A little too early to say at this point but odds seem in your favor. Keep track here: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Great question, Louie. If you do a Google Image search for landfalling Florida hurricanes you'll let a lot of information. Here is a Wikipedia page that has great information. Just know that the speed and angle of approach makes a difference. For example a hurricane hitting Miami moving from east to west is a different outcome than one moving south to north. You might also poke around on the website for the National Hurricane Center. Happy retirement! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida_hurricanes and https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
I'd need a little bit more information, including location and time. That said, if you think it was not hail there is something called "graupel". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graupel
Have to admit, I've not seen this product! Thanks. Yes, it looks like that would cover the movement through that period and is good news for you!
Both! Earlier in the winter and later in the summer since daylight is longer. What do I win?
Different computer forecast models will give guidance on the amount of liquid. Snow totals are variable based largely on the temperature profile of the atmosphere above the ground. A general rule is about 9-10 inches of snow per inch of liquid, variable based on several factors, including forecaster experience in the area. Great question.
Great question, Judith. I must say I'm not really familiar with SF climatology. In general air pressure changes with the movement of weather systems so a short move might not have a big effect. But local topography could come into play. I'll suggest your local National Weather Service office would find your question interesting. Good luck! Contact info at the bottom. http://www.weather.gov/mtr/
Great question. All cloud drops form on a speck of something called a condensation nuclei, dust, smoke, sea salt, etc. The idea with seeding is to introduce these particles, often silver iodide, to encourage the water vapor in the air to condense into a cloud droplet and then merge with other drops to form rain. A lot of question as to if it works but there is enough evidence that people keep trying. Thanks!
I'm in Texas and would refer you to the National Weather Service. weather.gov
Good question, Boyd. When we talk about a high pressure ridge and low pressure trough you can think about those like a hill and valley in the atmosphere. Irma is moving around the edge of the mountain (high) since it can't climb it and the computer forecast models are showing a valley (low) to the north of Florida so it will move to flow toward the valley (downhill). Still some very limited chance for changes, stay tuned.
For weather the primary tools are satellites, radar and computer forecast models that use weather balloon data and many types of other sensors.
Thanks for the note. That really is a "climatology" issue as opposed to "meteorology" which is really my area. A climatologist would be better equipped to answer your questions. Thanks.
Not sure I understand the question, Kyle.
I usually answer this questions like this. I really don't like the use of the word "normal" in weather. "Average" is better. Over simplified, if the "normal temperature for this date is 75 degrees and we look a the records for the last 100 years. In theory half of those years the temperature could have been 50 degrees and half 100 degrees. The "normal" is 75 but it was never 75. So, there are swings in the global weather patterns constantly you're at one end of the swing! Hope that makes sense.
Hello, Kim. The forecast starts with weather balloons taking measurements of the atmosphere, but only a small portion, and only twice a day. Since the network of balloons is small there are usually things that go unseen and some of those things can help develop storms
Thanks, Marty. Not really as you've described. I do know there is some evidence, and research, that shows that the heat island effect of cities can affect local weather. I remember one study showing the increased heat radiation from Atlanta on a hot summer day has been shown to create small thunderstorms just downstream. Buildings can certainly affect wind flow and some coastal buildings have been seen to create some small cloud or fog formation as air moves past them. Good question.
You could make that argument, Pamela. The amount of moisture in the air can be a function of the direction of the wind and a moisture source. Where I live, in Texas, for example, a southeast wind will bring moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and make it feel more humid. Thanks!
I think I would do a search for rain gauge and buy one. It needs to be calibrated for the opening and bucket size. Have fun!
Hi, Jim Storm systems at that latitude are driven by what is usually called the jet stream, which is a river of faster moving air and a series of large scale waves in the atmosphere. It does not flow at a constant speed or wavelength and is changing all the time. Storms will approach Scotland at different intervals and can move faster/slower or stall based on many influences. The Coriolis Effect accounts for the influence the spinning earth has on motion, and while part of the system, less directly affects the speed of the systems. I think the more direct answers to your question is that the speed of the storms is affected by a number of factors, not just Coriolis. Thanks!
So sorry about that! Yes, lightning can travel many feet away from the strike point as the energy dissipates. The explosion could have been a pressure build-up from the water boiling rapidly and increasing the pressure, the bolt can reach 50,000 degrees. https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-science-ground-currents
No problem. Thanks for the information. It could be that a local weather source is using that term. “Officially” the term used by the National Weather Service is a tornado warning, and in some extreme situations a tornado emergency. Thanks again!
Yup! Not too crazy. The rain has to start and stop someplace, why not over your house?! Thanks!
Hi, Randall. There are a number of colleges that offer degrees in meteorology. It would be helpful to know what you are more interested in since schools lean differently. Research, operational forecasting, broadcasting and private consulting are all options. I highly recommend internships so you can get a feel for each area. Good luck!
Great question, Richard! Each storm and location is a little different. Much of the precipitation type is determined above the surface of the earth. The snowflakes form thousands of feet above the ground and stay frozen as they fall. A very shallow layer of air at the surface could be above freezing but not deep enough to melt the snow.
Tough to say without seeing the pictures. If you would like to post them somewhere with a link I'd be happy to look. You could also do a Google search for "cloud classification" and see if something looks familiar.
Hi, Kassy. I would start here: https://scied.ucar.edu/atmosphere-layers
Those folks are experts and you can also do a web search for "layers of the atmosphere". Good luck!
Hi, Kim. Nope. The maximum sustained winds of any part of the storm (mostly likely near the eye) determine the designation of the entire storm. Harvey hit peak strength at Category 4 as it came ashore near Rockport, TX and the center never did cross Houston.
We use the weather forecast models and the other tools mentioned in your other question to generate a forecast and then use television, radio and social media to share information.
Hello, Mrs. Mills. Broadly speaking the leeward side of the Allegheny Mountains would be the eastern side, closer to the coast. At any given moment the windward side of anything is that facing the wind. In general terms the broad atmospheric flow is west to east across the United States. Here is a good definition on Wikipedia. Thanks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windward_and_leeward
Yup! Any body of water. Glad you got to see one! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterspout
Hi, Courtney. I’ll have to pitch that one to meteorologists in the research and numerical modeling fields. I certainly use their products but building them is out of my area. Thanks.
Hi, Erin. I’d go to weather.gov (not .com). Click on your area of the map and it will take you to the local National Weather Service office and you’ll see phone and email on the bottom. Good luck.
Hi, Hal. Uneven heating of the atmosphere helps create air pressure differences. Mother Nature tries to equalize the imbalance and air moves from high to low. Since the earth rotates the air is subject to Coriolis force and the air is deflected from moving perpendicular to the isobars. Thanks! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_force
Great question. A cold air event, like the current one, is a good bit less complicated than rain or snow. With a precipitation forecast there are more factors at play. In general a forecast gets fuzzier the further out it time you go. Broadly speaking the forecast starts with data gathered from weather balloons launched twice a day from about 900 sites around the world. That sounds like a big number but when you consider the size of the earth, and how much of it is covered by water, which is hard to launch a balloon from, that data is pretty sparse. The goal of the balloons is to take a snapshot of the atmosphere at a given moment. It is a fuzzy picture. Think of putting that fuzzy picture on a copy machine. The copy is fuzzier, then make a copy of a copy and so on. So the further out in time the more errors or changes that enter the forecast. Stay warm!
There is a lot of that out there these days, especially on social media. I’m pretty lucky, doesn’t happen too often. Busted snow forecasts seem to be the worst. I’m in Texas so not as big a problem. Thanks!
Absolutely, yes. The field should be cleared. Not doing so is irresponsible. If you can hear thunder you can be struck and lightning can travel many miles from a storm. Also wait at least 15 minutes after the last thunder before returning to play.
Interesting, and pretty broad question. Probably little out of my area. Maybe look to some US government resources like FEMA? Thanks.
Complicated answer, Richard, but a good question. There are quite a few and I really can't give a number off the top of my head. Easily more than a dozen It is complicated because different models offer different solutions. Some are short range, some are longer range. Some are US based, others European and Canada and Japan. To further complicate the issue some models are run as "ensembles" meaning they are run from the basic initial data but small variations are introduced to give different solutions. The basic input data is collected twice a day from about 900 upper air sites, or weather balloons, launched twice a day, noon and midnight Greenwich mean time. The idea is to take a snapshot of the entire planet atmosphere at the same time. Also, more and more data, from satellites and radar for example, is now ingested into the models to varying degrees. A shorter answer is, on a regular day I'll look at three or four.
Great question. National Weather Service folks take the tornado expirations very seriously and would most likely issue an extension for any risk. That said, rotation could certainly increase again. An extra five of ten minutes would be a reasonable course of action. I highly recommend a radar app called RadarScope for your phone. It allows you to locate yourself on the map and animate radar so you can see if a storm is moving toward or away from your location. Thank, Daniel.
Yup. Sure can. Cold air moving into an area, cold air advection, can drop the temperature. And something called evaporative cooling can happen when it is raining. The friction with the air caused by falling raindrops can transfer heat to the water vapor and cool the air as well. Great question!
Hi, Reyna. Standard anemometer height is 10 meters.
Yes. But some would disagree.
Hi, Jeremiah. Here is a great site. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/
Hmmm...don't think so. Might be a question for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). I think they can levy fines.
Hi, Gina. Interesting question. Might be a little outside my area, perhaps an electrician or power company could weigh in. From personal experience, the house behind us was directly hit some years ago. Did damage their entire system but nothing to the houses on either side (in Texas they are often as close as 15ft. There are lightning protection systems (lightning rods) available for homes. If you are looking for help with a specific case there are “forensic meteorologists” who help with court and insurance cases.
Siren choice is up to each municipality. You might check with your local county emergency management office. Thanks!
Hi, Kevin. I'm thinking you mean the Storm Attributes Table, IDs assigned to radar products. Take a look here and see if this is helpful. Thanks. https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/radar-data/nexrad-products
Interesting question. A little out of my area as a local meteorologist. You might have some luck looking around the website for National Center for Atmospheric Research. https://ncar.ucar.edu/
Tricky question because there is a difference between weather, day-to-day, and climate, long-term. California weather is driven in large part by the jet stream atmospheric currents at mid-latitudes which is affected by many things like El Niño, even sunspot cycles. That changes daily, weekly, monthly and so on. Local features like terrain can affect rainfall for a particular site too. So reasons for more precipitation in a given year can be different than over a longer period of time. Broadly speaking, latitude has a lot to do with it. Thanks!
Hmmmm.....teacher and/or real estate developer. And I do look forward to the day when I can simply enjoy the weather as opposed to working it. Thanks, Jane!
Great question, Jim. An Atlantic hurricane can come to Texas, and in a rare case New Mexico. The storms are guided by the upper atmospheric pattern of ridges and troughs. Imagine hills and valleys. The atmosphere is always in motion and a storm will take the easiest path, harder to climb a hill, easier to go through the valley. The general pattern during hurricane season has a hill over the Atlantic and storms will travel around the edge of the hill toward the valley in the eastern US, but remember the hills and valleys can change. Also, this year hurricanes from the Pacific have brought rain to NM and TX.
Sounds like this is a matter of degree, Anthony (not temperature). Any system that causes snow or other inclement weather can generically be called a storm, not just a "big" one. I wouldn't let it get to you.
Lightning could certainly have been the cause. When it strikes it heats the sap and air extremely high and fast. That boils the sap and expands the air and can blow off the bark. Best guess without seeing pictures!
Hi, Eric. A bit too far out to tell. Generally forecasts are pretty accurate 3-5 days out. By 5-7 days many of the main weather features are well forecast but the timing often changes a bit. Thanks!
Interesting question. It really doesn't form that way. Starts as very small cloud droplets and as they get heavier they'll start to fall. Friction with the air would also break up any large areas of water. Thanks, Cherry!
Good question, Steve. A number of factors will influence the storm after landfall. The greatest are friction with land and loss of primary energy source, the warm ocean water. Hurricanes have been known to take in drier air from over land and weaken more quickly. I suppose you could argue your point but I think amount would not be great. Certainly a higher humidity environment would increase rainfall, particularly away from the center of the storm.
Your perception is probably based on the dewpoint which measures the amount of moisture in the air. Cold air is drier, warner is often more moist. That affects how your body evaporates sweat and evaporation creates a cooling feeling. Great question, thanks.
Guess it depends on the day, BOB. The way weather works is always interesting so that is closer to 10. Severe weather can certainly cause hardship so that is zero. Waiting for things to happen is frustrating and the changing business model of local news is uncertain so those are 5s. Thanks!
A seasonal weather pattern across the area Indian Ocean area caused by the changing of the seasons.
The humidity is a troublesome reading, Dan. It is not a direct measurement but the product of a formula that considers temperature and dewpoint. Dewpoint is a direct measurement of the amount of moisture in the air. In the morning, for example, the temperature and dewpoint may be the same, 100% humidity. By midday the temperature may have gone up but the dewpoint could stay the same but the humidity reading would go down even though the moisture content didn’t change. Hope that makes sense. I always look at the dewpoint.
There are a number of great schools that offer degrees in meteorology. Once there an internship is a must. Calling a local station to ask for advice is a great idea. Thanks, Leon.
Hi. Thanks for the question. "Abnormal" or "normal" is a tricky question sometimes. I usually prefer to use "average" since that is a closer description of what is used in the climate data. Specific to your question, this year is one where the overall patter is favoring storm systems, developed and driven across the country by the jet stream, moving in to the desert southwest from the Pacific, and the cooler weather is caused by that same pattern favoring cooler air toward Yuma.
Thanks, Stephanie. Not always directly related. The wind is caused by differences in air pressure. Mother Nature likes things to be in balance so she moves air from high pressure toward low pressure. The pressure differences are caused by uneven heating of the earth by the sun and the ground heats unevenly as the clouds come and go. Hope that helps.
Hi, Conner. Here is a link to information about hurricane names, including a link to retired names. If a storm has a high impact the World Meteorological Organization will remove a name from a list. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutnames.shtml
I'll admit to not being familiar with that term. I'll ask the other members of the podcast I co-host called WeatherBrains. Thanks!
Was very interested in the sky as a kid but never really thought it was a career until I was in my 20s. Always loved broadcasting and started in radio. Became friends with another television meteorologist who got me started in a college meteorology program and the more I learned the more I liked. So, broadcasting yes. Meteorology came later. Thank for asking, Caleb. Hope you're doing (or will do) something you love!
Well...we are all very nice people. An interest in science and math is helpful. Forecasters look at computer model data as well as satellite and radar data on a daily basis. Research meteorologists create computer models and sensing tools like radar, satellites and weather stations. Many meteorologists work for private companies like airlines, delivery services and power companies. For more information you can search for the American Meteorological Society and the National Weather Service. Good luck, Will!
Great question. The outer edge of the distance the sound of thunder will travel is about 15 miles. So you’re seeing lightning that is father away. Thanks!
Great question! Not that I know of. The delay in hearing thunder is because light travels faster than sound. The lightning causes the air to heat and expand rapidly and that shockwave is the thunder. The visible flash gets to you faster. If you were standing right next to the bolt (not recommended) you would see and hear at the same time. Thanks!
Excellent question, and honestly I don’t have an answer, but I know who does. Check out the Cloud Appreciation Society. They will know, and if they don’t they will like the question enough to find out. Let me know! https://cloudappreciationsociety.org/
Hi, Dylan. Water can be seen in the atmosphere in three states. Solid, liquid and gas. When water vapor (the gas) cools, visible liquid drops form by condensation. Think of putting ice in glass of water. Liquid water drops form on the outside because the air around the glass cools. Fog is drops of liquid water (there can be freezing fog too) that form on small particles in the air called condensation nuclei. An easier way to think about fog is a cloud in contact with the ground.
Hi, Keith. Lightning is looking to relieve the difference between a positive and negative charge in the atmosphere. In order to do that it looks for the path of least resistance and often looks for several paths to do it in a given strike, that is why it often looks forked. The first path that makes the connection between positive and negative wins and that part of the channel is usually brightest. Specific to your question, could the spinning air have some effect on the channel? Maybe a small bit. If you are suggesting something you might see in a Marvel movie...I's say no. :) Thanks.
Hi, Tommy. Winter weather forecasting is pretty difficult. I'm guessing your question might be at least a little exaggerated. The foundation of any forecast is the weather balloons that are launched twice a day around the world. That, and other data, are fed into computer programs that model the behavior of the atmosphere. Since weather balloon launch sites are pretty far apart unseen effects can creep in and affect the forecast. In some cases a storm track shift of just a few miles can change snowfall amounts in a given spot pretty dramatically.
I think that is mostly perception, Billie. Great question. Tornadoes that hit cities will drive more news coverage and attention. Also, relative to a region, for example, a city is relatively small. I regularly drive the highways of Oklahoma and Texas and there is a lot of empty space in between cities. Region of the country matters as well. New York City is a relatively large area in a region that has fewer tornadoes. Dallas/Fort Worth is a large area in an area that sees more tornadoes, the odds of the city are higher because of the greater frequency of tornadoes in that part of the country. There really isn't any research I know of that points to cities being more or less likely to be hit relative to the atmosphere. If you really want to dive into some data you can visit this website. Thanks! https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/climate-information/extreme-events/us-tornado-climatology
A hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico can easily make to the central plains of the United States. Usually it would have been downgraded from a hurricane before leaving Texas but the remnants can stay well organized and touch much the eastern half of the country.
There is a strong low pressure area to your east. Mother Nature likes for things to be in balance. Think of low pressure as a valley, high pressure as a hill. She is moving air from the hill to fill the valley. The bigger the hill, the deeper the valley, the faster the air moves to fix the imbalance and the stronger the wind blows. Great question, thanks.
El Nino does seem to run in cycles but specific to your question, it is difficult to predict a given year based on the previous year. If you'd like to study more here is a page from the National Weather Service, you can also search El Nino Southern Oscillation. https://www.weather.gov/mhx/ensowhat
Great question. A tornado or severe thunderstorm watch will come from the Storm Prediction Center, often in consultation with local offices. A hurricane watch will come from the National Hurricane Center and winter weather and flood watches will come from local offices. Thanks, Donovin!
Probably does feel different. Several things can affect how it feels. The amount moisture (water vapor) in the air is one of the biggest influences on how it feels. The best measure is the dewpoint temperature. In the 70s is very moist, humid air. Not common in AZ. 60s less humid, 50s less and so on. The type of ground and ground cover can have an effect. High moisture and light wind can decrease the amount you sweat and how easily the sweat evaporates. When sweat evaporates it creates evaporative cooling which helps take heat away from the body. Elevation plays a roll in the amount of moisture too. Hope that helps.
Interesting question. I must admit atmospheric composition beyond the basics is a little out of my area. There is some evidence to suggest that lightning increases nitrogen. Thanks!
Interesting question. Nope. The "probability of precipitation" or POP can be considered the odds of precipitation. A 10% chance means that in similar situations to the predicted ones it rained 1 in 10 times. 90% means it rained 9 times out of 10 in similar situations. Thanks!
Nope. But one time when I was using a stage name I slipped and a used my real name. Other than that is has been about 35 years of zero mistakes!
Great question. A bomb cyclone is a rapidly strengthening low pressure area. In general it is defined by a central pressure drop of at least 24 millibars in 24 hours. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explosive_cyclogenesis
Pretty highly charged issue, Mary. You'll likely have a more substantive answer from your state climatologist. Pretty sure each state has one and there are plenty of private organizations doing climate research.
Hi. Hmmm...guess I would try here: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/ Good luck!
I'll side with the National Weather Service on this one, having not seen a picture. They would have been more aware of the conditions at the time you called. My guess would be you might have seen some sort of wind maximum that created a vortex one either side. A loose example would be the wave of a boat. Thanks!
Pretty broad and complicated question. Not one that I can really answer. Termination criteria I’m sure varies from company to company.
Looks like a couple of thunderstorm cells within the hurricane that have risen above the central dense overcast of the storm. Thunderstorms are made of volumes of rising air as long as they are warming than the surrounding air. These have risen above the others. The bright spots are caused by the sunlight hitting the storm towers, along with darker shadows on the other side.
I think only at the Christmas party. It was so long ago I can’t remember the blooper. Merry Christmas!
Small differences from storm to storm can have a big impact. Would it be safe after a lone supercell passed? Probably. Would your location relative to a squall line of multiple storm cells be important? Absolutely. Extra caution rarely hurts. Thanks.
No offense taken! I would say this is true in any job or industry. More years usually means more experience!
I think I do, and none that I’ve ever heard of. Interesting question. Thanks.
Generally not, Daniel. Radar information from the network of government radars is updated at least every five to six minutes and in as little as two. Newer radars coming online down the road will update in less than a minute. Great question.
Good question, Hope. Superstorm isn’t a scientifically recognized meteorological term, most likely a media creation at some point. Hurricane has a definition in the American Meteorological Society Glossary: A tropical cyclone with 1-min average surface (10 m) winds in excess of 32 m s-1 (64 knots) in the Western Hemisphere (North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern and central North Pacific east of the date line). Thanks!
The name is derived from "huracan," a Taino and Carib god, or "hunraken," the Mayan storm god. For a more complete discussion, see tropical cyclone.
Very interesting question. From time to time I do look at the most recent few posts and look at a few answers. Oddly don’t think I’ve ever posted a question! Probably should change that. Thanks, Ozark!
Hi, Carlene. Need a little more context, please.
Complicated question. The fuel for tropical systems is warm surface water in the ocean. Since the ocean and the atmosphere are connected a warmer atmosphere will create warmer oceans which adds up to more fuel. Hope that helps. Thanks!
Thunderstorm instability is created by warmer air at the surface and colder air aloft, which makes air parcels rise, like a hot air balloon. Coming out of winter the air is colder aloft as the surface is warming with longer days and more direct sunlight.
Well...I sure try not to do that. Most of us try to create awareness rather than anxiety over severe weather.
Very interesting question. There is a great deal of effort and study going on over the last couple of years by social scientists to understand how and why people react to various weather situations. Individual past experience has a lot to do with future action. Certainly the tone of the message can have a lot to do with reactions. Social media has also shown that is can magnify a message, often in unhelpful ways. As that research continues my short answer is.....people are complicated. Thanks!
Hmmm...any day with tornadoes is interesting. Severe weather is always fascinating to watch but the idea of loss of life always lingers in the back of your mind. Thanks for the question, Sam.
Interesting question. If you do a web search for "lightning detector" you will find some options. Kind of the same principle as hearing a static pop on AM radio. In an active storm it might me difficult to separate specific lightning flashes from thunder. These are commonly used at sporting events and golf courses etc.
Looks like you might be combining more than one system. If you're asking about severe thunderstorms this link might help! https://www.spc.noaa.gov/misc/about.html
Sure. Any odd shaped stone is likely an amalgamation of a bunch of smaller stones that have partially melted in the storm and then frozen together again. So I guess in theory you could get just about any shape! Thanks.
Hello. I'm in Texas and generally don't forecast for Cancun. You might try weatherbug.com. Have a great trip!
Global warming issues is not something I generally comment on. Climate is more of a long-term subject as opposed to weather which is more day-to-day and short-term. Thanks!
Sounds like you may have been right on the edge of a thunderstorm. They can have a pretty tight gradient especially has they approach. Thanks, Dan.
Hi, Jack. Nope, the feels like temperatures is a calculated number. Go with the actual temperature.
All the time, Danny. Most folks seem to appreciate that we are trying to keep them informed and in many cases safe. But some people do get pretty grumpy when we interrupt their TV shows. Thanks.
Yup! Not always easy. I know there have been more than a few times while on the air in continuous coverage when I see someone out of the corner of my eye holding a cup of water. I try not to hug them but the motivation is there. Thanks, TJ!
There is a small town in Italy called Riva del Garda. Has nothing to do with weather, just want to stand and look out at the lake. Or from the eye of any hurricane. Thanks, Ash.
You might get a better answer from a hydrologist, Glen. Water does continue to empty into the ocean, or a lake. The overflow occurs when the water running into the river is greater than what is flowing out. The incoming water can come from creeks and streams and heavy rain. Thanks!
Tough call for me not knowing specific examples and a location, Mark. I will say that the temperature can only fall to the dewpoint, so if the moisture content of the air, dewpoint, stays around 32 that could account for what you are seeing. You can find the current dewpoint by looking for your city on weather.gov. Hope that helps.
Great question, Marv! The exact location would have a lot to do with it but, in general, cold air is heavier than warm air. In the winter, especially at night, the cold air sinks into the valleys and pools up. At the beach, when the sun is out, the land warms faster than the water and the air above the land rises. Since the air needs to be replaced the cooler air moves in from over the water on the sea breeze. Hope that helps. Thanks!
Yup. Some do. ;)
Not sure I have a clear answer to that one. Outside of any of the many influences of things like wind, clouds, warm and cold fronts, the heating process begins as soon as the sun rises and cooling begins once it sets and starts again each day. Many factors such as the amount of moisture in the air, even dust or smog, even temperature, affect the heating and cooling rate. There are math formulas that address ideal situations but college meteorology class was a long time ago!
Likely not. A severe thunderstorm warning is triggered by one inch hail and/or 58 mph winds. Different process. A thunderstorm is more of a local convective event and strong winds in a blizzard are a larger scale pressure gradient event. Great question!
Interesting question with a possible complicated answer. The easiest data point to look at is probably dewpoint, which is the amount of water vapor in the air. Obviously it is cooler at night because there is no incoming sunlight. Overnight the heat from the day radiates out to space and the air cools. The temperature will never fall below the dewpoint and when that number is reached the air is considered saturated. So the dewpoints are likely higher in Kansas as opposed to Colorado. Moisture travels northward from the Gulf easier across the plains as opposed to the higher elevations in the mountains. So check the dewpoint. Thanks!
Hi, Manning. Yup, saw it. Feel bad for him since that video will be attached to him for a long time. Often times it is a hard choice to break into programming. We all understand the interruption. Severe weather can be a high stress environment. It is particularly frustrating when someone makes a ridiculous comment like, “you just want to hear yourself talk.” Happens to me just about every event. Gotta take a deep breath and move forward. For every snotty response I usually get “thanks for keeping us informed,” tenfold. Thanks!
Tornado debris signature. Radar can tell the difference between rain and hail and other “targets”. When a tornado starts lifting things in the air the radar can show that, often called a debris ball. It is helpful because farther away from the radar dish, as the earth curves away from the beam, what we see are radar targets above the surface as opposed the the actual tornado. The TDS gives more confidence that the rotation is actually on the ground. Thanks! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_debris_signature
I did see that some months ago when it happened. Tough situation. Can’t say I have a comment.
Yes, the center of our building is concrete reinforced. Different stations have different setups but most of us know where we will go it the station is under threat. A few colleagues have had close calls. At home we have an underground shelter. Hope you have a plan in place. Thanks!
For the most part the sun doesn't directly heat the air. It heats the ground which then reradiates that energy in the form of longer wave radiation which heats the air. The strongest heating occurs midday when the sun is highest in the sky. At that point the sunlight is traveling through the least amount of atmosphere as opposed to earlier or later in the day. So there is a short lag between maximum sun angle and the time is takes the air to heat up. Thanks, Tommy. Hope that makes sense.
My interest in the sky didn’t really develop until I was in my 20s. Don’t think I really knew that meteorology was a possible career when I was a kid. A lesson for parents and those around kids to watch for interests and feed them. Thanks for asking.
Hi, Ginger. I’m unfamiliar with “pron”. We’re taught to think of air in parcels sometimes because it helps to visualize the atmosphere and how it will react to influences. Like a hot air balloon will rise as long as the inside air is warmer than the surrounding air. So a parcel of dry air can have specific effects, as can a parcel of moist air. If you’re still curious you could contact your local NWS office and weather.gov. The person you listened to was likely a forensic meteorologist, you could do a web search. Thanks!
Hi, Craig. Europe weather and climate is pretty far out of my area of expertise. You might have better luck with the UK Met Office. Good luck. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/
Great question. The answer is somewhat personal choice. A severe thunderstorm is defined by 1 inch hail and/or winds of 58 mph or greater. Those things can certainly break windows and cause damage. Absolutely be inside. We try our best to provide substantive warnings and information but if you ever feel threatened by the weather by all means don’t wait for us and take cover!
Nope. Watch must come from SPC. They stay in close contact with the local offices. Thanks.
Tests are only done on fair weather days. Usually one day each month, like the first Monday of something like that, and at a regular repeating time. Your local county emergency management office can tell you when the tests are for your area. If it is a stormy day and the siren goes off it is likely a warning. Great question!
Often times changes like that come because the outlook on a given day is highly dependent on what happens during the day or days before. A small variation in the specific way storms develop and behave can mean a big change in the development hours later or the next day. Another explanation includes the somewhat large distance between twice daily weather balloons. A lot of things can go undetected between them. Thanks, DJ!
Hi, Keith. Tough to say without a picture. Nothing immediately comes to mind. Happy to take look if you can post somewhere. Thanks.
Rain on its own doesn’t cause choppy seas, Ron. The wind creates the chop and the speed of the wind is determined by the difference in pressure between the low pressure storm and surrounding high pressure. The atmosphere doesn’t like to be out of balance so the greater the difference in pressure the faster the air moves to find balance. Thanks.
Thanks for asking, Jamie! Honestly, an evening when I'm off with non-severe thunderstorms and I get a chance to go out and photograph lightning. First day on the job was a little nervous, not too bad. I had been a DJ on the radio for some years and studied meteorology and interned at a local TV station for some time. Do remember one of the anchors staring at me with a look asking, "Who is this kid coming on my newscast." We became good friends. Thanks!
In pictures, yes. A few that have traveled over an open area of red dirt that the tornado picked turned it red. Thanks, Dave!
Fall is a season of transition so the atmosphere is trying to figure it out!
I can certainly try and help, Kat. kselle@kfdx.com
We're all pretty fascinated by the atmosphere and how complicated it is, and we've studied to understand it. Since we can't just see storms in action any time we want, like studying rocks, or animals or something we can't find whenever we want, it is pretty exciting when a storm pops up. I will admit that some folks might temporarily forget the serious nature of a strong storm but that all goes back to being fascinated. Thanks!
Yup! Depending on location. In places like Amarillo in the northwest it is fairly common, less so as you move south. About 15 years ago it snowed 5 inches along the Gulf coast in Corpus Christi on Christmas Eve. That is pretty rare. Thanks, Fraser!
Hi, Darinesha. Not sure exactly what you are asking. If you mean the gases that make up the atmosphere you might do a web search. The two highest concentrations are nitrogen and oxygen and a list of other things including water vapor. Thanks!
I generally stick to short-term forecasting as opposed to climatology, Jefferson. Thanks.
Great question, Mary. Thunderstorms, the primary component of hurricanes, run on warmth. Warm water is the fuel, warming the air above it, and releasing stored heat as it changes between liquid and gas (water vapor). Warm water equals fuel, cooler water equals less fuel.
You’re right, Dillard. They usually don’t test during weather events and may not have been a test. Last night in my area one small town did hit the sirens because of a lowering cloud base. It was on the leading edge of a thunderstorm and could have been the beginning of something called a QLCS tornado. You can certainly check with your local county EMA folks. Thanks!
Really haven't researched much so no opinion.
I haven’t but I know each Halloween someone somewhere around the country usually puts on a green body suit and attaches a skeleton. Pretty clever.
It depends on where they come from. The Climate Prediction Center has a verification webpage. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/verification/summary/ Sometimes perception comes into play as well. It a dry spell is forecast but there is one large event that can skew what people think. The Farmer's Almanac does claim to be very accurate but those folks don't share their method so it is tougher to evaluate. Good question, thanks.
I’ve certainly missed a forecast or two. Generally biggest busts, as we call them, come from the inability to continuously monitor many parameters of the atmosphere. Weather balloons, the foundation of the forecast, are sent up twice a day on a relatively sparse network so things slip through and change. Forecast models increasingly use satellite and radar to make forecasts. I create my own forecast and I would say most television stations have trained meteorologists. The National Weather Service does maintain an online chat service for core partners where we can communicate and share information if needed. Thanks!
If you’re curious I’d contact your local county emergency management folks. Good luck!
Here ya go, Bro. https://www.spaceweather.com/
Difficult to say with out a picture, Robert. The bulges are likely rising air or convection which was probably a cumulus cloud, perhaps some distance behind the mountain. Thanks.
Hi, Allison. Not sure exactly what you mean. I know if the wind will change direction during the day I will put something like S-N 10-20 on my graphics, for example, if a cold front is coming through during the day. Hope that helps.
Probably the Fort Worth, TX of 1999. It was in a downtown area and we knew it was doing damage. And there were radar and technical issues that day which made coverage harder. Probably the biggest but most fun was the blizzard of 1993 in Birmingham, AL. Thirteen inches of snow in a town that didn’t own a plow. Thanks for asking!
Guess it depends on the day. Middle of July in Texas is on the easy side. Severe weather days can be pretty stressful. So a mix of both, like most things. Thanks, Dale!
Yup. Real thing, David. I suppose you could make the argument that coriolis force is based on perception. I’ll let you decide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_force
There are some firms that do that. Some claim to have proprietary methods. They tend to be based on climatology. Great question.
Hard to say, Earl. Ten different people, 10 different opinions. I think the measure of frustration is probably driven by the amount of effort people put into preparation. If they put in little effort and it snows more, then that is frustrating. If they put in a lot of effort and it snows less then, wasted effort. I always remind folks that I'm in marketing and Mother Nature is in manufacturing, that usually helps me out! Thanks!
Happens often, Earl. Quite frequently over snow forecasts, exact totals are often hard and vary over a small area. Also in winter, precipitation type can very tricky, the lines between rain, freezing, rain, sleet and snow are a challenge and people get wound up with school and work closings. High risk severe weather days cause a lot of anxiety so those days often generate a lot of comment. Probably the toughest is when someone calls the newsroom and says, "I heard (weatherman) say it was going to snow (for example)," and we didn't say that. So you roll it around for a minute and finally realize they have watched one station and called another. Happens more than you would guess. :) Thanks!
I’ll give you this referral, George. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutrsmc.shtml
Yup! Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm. H is Hurricane and M is for Major Hurricane, category 3 and higher. The National Hurricane Center website has excellent information resources. Thanks, Travis! https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
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