Somewhere in, NJ
Male, 62
I've officiated football for over 30 years, now in my 26th on the college level. I've worked NCAA playoffs at the Division II and III level. In addition, I've coached at the scholastic level and have been an educator for over 35 years. I have no interest whatsoever in being an NFL official! Ever!
A fumble is a fumble, not a backwards pass. That being said, they're both still alive for a defensive score.
At least in college, it is illegal. For safety reasons. A trainer needs to be able to see a player's eyes if they are hurt. If a helmet can't be removed (e.g. possible neck injury) the eyes will help determine consciousness.
First, minor correction: B receives the kick. The foul by A is a previous spot, meaning a rekick after penalty enforcement.
Blocking downfield seems to indicate you're looking at offensive pass interference. In college, pass interference only occurs when a legal forward pass crosses the line of scrimmage. If a pass is caught behind the line, it obviously hasn't crossed the line of scrimmage. If it's a backward pass (no such thing as a lateral) then it isn't forward and you can't have OPI.
Stand-Up Comedian
Police Officer
Help Desk Technician
I really dont kni the absolute answer. Structure? Organization? To avoid chaos? I dont speak for those who wrote the rules, but if the offense could move constantly you'd have a very chaotic scene. When would the ball get snapped? How many could be on the line or in the backfield? You'd pretty much have rugby.
Not a clue. That's not in my area of expertise.
I am not aware of that. I tried to do some research but couldn't come up with anything.
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