Obstetrician Gynecologist

Obstetrician Gynecologist


Minneapolis, MN

Female, 36

I am a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, providing care for women in all stages of life. Approximately half of my practice consists of pregnancy-related care, including routine prenatal care, high risk obstetrics, and delivering babies at all hours of the day. The other half consists of gynecologic care, which ranges from routine annual check-ups to contraception and menopause. I perform many surgeries, including laparoscopies and hysterectomies.

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118 Questions


Last Answer on July 14, 2017

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Do you find it creepy when men want to go into gynecology?

Asked by Gina G about 12 years ago

I will be perfectly honest in saying NO, I don't find it creepy. I appreciate the diversity of having both genders in the work place. I understand why some women (or even most women) prefer seeing a female OBGYN. However, I think men are able to contribute medical expertise, professionalism, compassion and surgical skills, and I don't see why we shouldn't allow them to. Historically, more men than women have pursued a career in medicine, but today it is quite even. The number of men applying for residencies in OBGYN is dropping, however, and I, for one, will miss having male colleagues

My husband has HPV and has been treated for it. I have gone through the series of HPV shots. We've had one child and his "bump" was treated and has been gone for a year. Should I be worried I will still catch it?

Asked by Penny about 12 years ago

The HPV vaccine will protect you from the 4 most common strains of HPV, however there are over 100 different strains of HPV that we know of. Only some of these will cause genital warts. Others can cause precancerous or cancerous changes or the cervix or other organs. The Gardasil vaccine is thought to protect you from the strains that cause approximately 90% of genital warts and 70% of cervical cancers. Once a person has contracted HPV, he or she has the potential to always harbor the virus and have recurrences. Most people with healthy immune systems will clear the virus, however. If your husband has a strain that causes genital warts, he has the potential to have recurrences. If he does, any contact you have with him can cause the virus to spread. Although this is unlikely if he is healthy, you both should always be aware of any skin changes, and avoid contact if he has any evidence of genital warts.

What are some of the downsides to being an OB-GYN? I'd imagine that looking at someone's lady-business all day, especially if they have "problems", can get a little gross. Do you find patients opening up to you about their sex life?

Asked by Kay_C about 12 years ago

Part of my job includes discussing issues pertaining to sexuality. Patient's will often open up to me, and will trust me with intimate information that they might not even feel comfortable talking about with their partner, friend, family member or other health care providers. I value that trust and encourage patients to feel comfortable discussing any concerns they may have regarding sexuality.

What are the pros/cons of an IUD (mirena) and can it make becoming pregnant difficult once removed?

Asked by kikibird about 12 years ago

The Mirena IUD is a wonderful option for contraception in the appropriate patient. The benefits are the ease of use (not having to remember to take a pill each day), and the menstrual benefits (periods are scant to none). There are not many significant disadvantages. The insertion process can be briefly uncomfortable (but tolerable for most women). In the first 3-6 months after insertion, you may have irregular spotting that can be a nuisance, but will eventually resolve. There are no implications on future fertility- once the IUD is removed, it is safe to conceive within 2-3 months, and it will not have any effect on your ability to conceive. In someone who develops a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea while the IUD is in place, the IUD needs to be removed and the patient needs to be treated with antibiotics. Untreated pelvic infections can lead to infertility due to scarring of the fallopian tubes. Therefore it is important for all women, whether they have an IUD or not, to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections.

Are you already pretty immune to the screaming and pain your patients experience? And is it really like the screaming and cursing you see in tv shows/movies?

Asked by judith about 12 years ago

The Hollywood version of labor is certainly over-dramatized. The profuse sweating, glass-shattering screams are actually not that common. In my practice, most patients choose to have epidurals during labor. With an epidural, the labor process is typically very calm. While it isn't necessarily painless, it is certainly a tolerable amount of discomfort. As a result, the mother can be coherent and mentally present for the delivery. For those women who choose to avoid any pain medications, I encourage them to take some sort of preparation classes so that they can practice breathing techniques and alternative methods of pain relief, as well as learn to focus and stay in control while under the stress of extreme pain.

I'm pregnant and just read online that pooping during delivery is pretty common. I find this horrifying and I'm already embarrassed that this will happen to me. Is it really that common? How long did it take for you to get used to all the body fluids

Asked by Marey (NY) about 12 years ago

It is very common, so I'm afraid you'll just have to get over the embarrassment. Once you experience the delivery of a baby, you often lose a lot of the modesty you might have before you've experienced it.

Is it true that most insurance companies will accept a diagnosis of post-partum depression for FMLA/short-term disability privileges?

Asked by Stayathome about 12 years ago

I do believe that postpartum depression is a condition for which one can receive short term disability, provided your physician has recommended that you not work based on your diagnosis. Of course, it is essential that one uses this time to get better- to take medications, seek counseling, and keep in close contact with one's physician. If one simply uses this as an excuse to stay home and remain isolated, it is unlikely that she will improve.