I played two entirely different video games professionally for multiple years. That is, I traveled around the country often on a sponsor's dollar and competed in video game tournaments for money. I believe I can provide good insights into professional gaming. If you want to know more just ask!
I'm now lead developer at LiveNinja an internet startup that I will shamelessly promote here.
I've never seen a gaming tournament where you have to stand. I've known a few players who prefer to stand while they play but, in my experience sitting is always an option.
I do play some of my old n64 favorites for fun and nostalgia from time to time. N64 was my first real introduction to video games (deprived childhood I know) so I don't go much older than that.
I would like for games to be cheaper, but games do cost a lot to make so the price makes sense at least to some degree. A variety of different pricing methods are now emerging, these vary from subscription models to significant games that are free but, sell aesthetic features.
I have never seen a physical fight happen in a gaming tournament. I heard that once around 5 years ago there was a fight between Gears of War teams at a major tournament and that was a big part of the reason the game got dropped from that tournament circuit. That is just hear say and could be incredibly wrong, to focus on the question physical fights are somewhere between very rare and non-existent. I have seen a few people break their controllers or keyboards when they lose a very important match or lose to a tactic they think is "cheap." Although, that too is rare.
CPR Trainer
That is pretty common for most big game release. I'm more of the play one game really, really well type. So I've never taken a day off for a game release, but I have taken a day or two off from school to give me time to fly to a major tournaments.
They react positively but, mostly more of a polite positive than anything. Most people don't understand and I rarely go beyond explaining yeah I was super good at games people would fly me around the U.S. to play tournaments. My girlfriends knows I used to play professionally but, I don't think has a good sense of what that meant.
Adderall and similar drugs are fairly common. I'm not aware of any tournaments where Adderall is formerly banned but, that is mostly due to testing for it and having to make exceptions for those with prescriptions would be a nightmare. It is generally frowned upon at least by those players who don't take Adderall or something similar.
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