School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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when using a wheel chair lift with a full bus of kids do you leave engine running while getting off bus?

Asked by lucky almost 11 years ago

In order for the lift to operate, there has to be some power to the bus.  I do not know if the bus just needs to be in the "on" position or fully running for the lift to work, but usually since on special needs buses there is more than one person on the bus (driver and aide) it is usually safe to leave the bus running while picking up and dropping off a student since there are several adults around to handle situations.

Is it difficult to remember your route, or they make it pretty simple to let you know where all the stops are?

Asked by Yvonne about 10 years ago

Its fairly easy once you get the hang of it. For a regular driver, the route does not usually change day-to-day with the exception of when the driver gets new kids on the route or kids move off the route making it unnecessary to drive into a certain section of their designated route boundary area. An example of this is if you have a child who lives at the end of a long dead end road who doesn't ride anymore, then the route would change in that you would not go down that road in the future. As a substitute, there are route descriptions that most bus shops will provide their drivers so that they may be able to follow it in order to pick up or drop off students.

I found as a sub, the easiest way to learn a route and remember it was to have a child tell you how the route runs. You eventually learn the stops on each bus route and create a mental map in your head.

I asked you a question about leaving bus running in reverse or with a full bus of children and you said use aide or helper I have nobody to help. I am alone help comes later I walk kids in to school alone. I thought this was a wac or state law.

Asked by luckyrose almost 11 years ago

In my district, special needs buses have to have two people on board, the driver and the aide.  I was speaking only from personal experience.  I've also had other bus drivers help me and I help them as well on checking the reverse and rear lights.  Here in my district, we do not get off our buses to walk students into school.  The only time we are to be off our buses with students on board is to operate the lift.  Thats why special needs buses will have an aide and a driver on board in order to help manage the situation.

Hi Im 53 and just looking into being a school bus driver
I'm a barber on the weekends.
Can I make a living doing this?

Asked by Gary over 10 years ago

Well if you like to cut hair then of course you can make a living doing that.  All kidding aside, driving a bus depends on your area.  In my area, the pay is low, so many drivers supplement their pay with other jobs between driving the bus.  Most people get the bus driving job in order to get reliable health insurance.

Im in ny and I wanna know is it legal for a bus driver to buckle up certain children on the bus and when they say it is too tight she won't loosen it? It's only my 2 children she does this to.

Asked by Nikki almost 10 years ago

If the buses are equipped with seatbelts and the children can fasten them themselves, then we make them fasten their seatbelt. If they need help, we help them. We do adjust according to child size and needs. If in fact the belt is too tight, then you can probably speak to her supervisor, but chances are probably good that the seatbelts are properly adjusted so that the children cannot turn around in the seat or sit sideways. Similar to how a car is set up. Many buses have simple lap belts but more buses are going to the 3 point shoulder harness model similar to what you see in todays standard automobiles. Those, like the seatbelts in a car, are automatically adjusted. If the belts are leaving marks on your children then they are too tight, however, consider this... if the bus is in a roll over accident... would you rather your children slip out of an improperly adjusted belt and snap their necks or be fully secured to the seat minimizing injury.

I began driving a school bus just a month ago. Today was 87 degrees so I opened all my windows so the children would not bake.
Another driver warned that police will write a ticket if the windows are down past the black half-way line. Is this true?

Asked by jeff almost 11 years ago

I am not sure if there are particular state or county laws where you live that govern the height of a window on a bus that is down.  I suggest you check with your CDL trainer and boss at your bus shop yard.  They can better advise you.  My personal policy is to let the children let down the windows if they are hot.  If the windows are not down, it is the children's personal choice not to let the windows down.  If I have little ones, I have an older child help put those windows down in order to make the little ones more comfortable.

Why do bus monitor check understand buses

Asked by alias almost 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you are asking with this question. Please resubmit your question.